I asked my German doctor about prescribing medical marijuana

I have Crohn’s and medical marijuana is used in many countries around the world as a treatment option. I have used it before for a few weeks, but it made me dizzy, so I stopped.

So I asked my doctor in Germany whether there are good medical marijuana options here... after all, wasn’t it legalized for medical purposes and it sure must be better than the stuff you can get over the darknet.

He laughed and said, if I wanted to take on the German bureaucracy to get a prescription approved and a supply application going, I can go ahead. But it will take around 12 months and lots of paperwork as well as a psych eval for a 2 month supply of medical marijuana and my insurance will likely not cover it.

Meanwhile, my insurance easily covers shit like Humira or Remicade etc. which cost like 50,000 euros a year per patient. Marijuana costs a few euros a gram max to produce, if not just a few cents.

How come governments are so stupid when it comes to medicine? They are fine with pretty severe side effects shit costing tens of thousands of euros... but get their knickers in a twist over a few euros of marijuana because “uhhh weeee, it could make you feel like alcohol without the stomach pain”.

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What are pharma lobbies?

you dont deserve /pol and we dont want you if you dont fucking know that weed is GOOD for you. cures cancer. does a great many things for you that are beneficial. big pharma dont make muh moniez from curing people you fuck! god dammit your so fucking retarded...all that time for a nicely layed out thread and its full of "FUCK I AM A SHITTER PLEASE EDUCATE ME ON SHIT I SHOULD ALREADY KNOW BUT I DONT" fuckkkkkkkkk

BIG PHARMA and the MD.
Also, Does this even apply to Hemp CBD oil where you are?

Imagine being an adult and thinking the government actually wants to help you

Fine, pharma companies love money. I know.

But I still don’t get the hate for mairjuana in Germany, The US has much stronger pharma lobbies and they aren’t villifying medical marijuana, are they now?


Another meme disease people fake to get out of work like migraines and celiac disease.
You’re a liar and also a faggot. Your doctor is based.

THC free Hemp CBD oil is available freely over the internet here. But it doesn’t do anything for Crohn’s. Medical grade CBD marijuana extract is way stronger and actually includes the things that make your gut calm down than hemp based CBD which only includes some parts of the canaboids you actually want.

I pay for my insurance. I want the government out of my way and not outlaw medicine. That’s all.

Some would tell you to just grow it yourself.

Just go to Turkey. Weed is fully legal there, medical and recreational.

All I can say: asshole.

I had surgery taking out 2 feet of my small intestine and still have more scaring there and had 7 (!!!) further advanced stereoskopical surgeries on the intestine since then and had close to 20yrs of hard immune suppressing drugs on that.

I want to see you losing 40 pounds and collapsing on the street from Crohn’s caused anaemia... and nearly dying as a result.


we are not in Afghanistan for nothing user. you have to swallow those tablets!

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I want to be law abiding. And the whole thing is actually legal for medical purpose here... but the bureaucracy makes it close to impossible to get.

Just grow it yourself. It's easy and you can make some tax free shekels too if you want.
Just don't go overboard with it if it can land you in prison.
In Russia seeds are legal so if you keep a low profile you'll be okay.

take bpc-157 to cure your crohn's

If I wanted to buy non-medical grade “smokable” weed legally, I could go into several countries in Europe.

My point is that I want medical grade extracts tailored to Crohn’s and my insurance to cover it. Why? Because the German laws actually say it is possible plus it would be cheaper for my insurance company.

Go to Holland, it's right next door.

There is no cure.

I heard Vit C injections are a good immune system booster and cure for many things. A guy I once knew shortly had a mother with cancer and not doing ell so I told him this which he didn't even know about for whatever reason. Although the doctor that did the procedure didn't recommend it for his mother they did find relief through some other remedy.


bpc-157 is, but believe your zog doctors

>you can make some tax free shekels too if you want.
why bother at this point?

>I have Crohn’s

Eat some fiber faggot.

>Harvard-led researchers recruited 40 young adults – 20 marijuana users and 20 non-users – to see if what is true in the brains of rats is also true in the brains of college students. Sure enough, human marijuana users had changes in volume, density and topography in both of the amygdala and nucleus accumbens.
>marijuana use creates physical changes in the brain associated with addiction. And, the researchers point out, these results were seen in non-dependent, young adult users.

>What are the effects of even heavier pot use on the brain?

>That’s the question of the second study, published in the Nature journal, Neuropsychopharmacology. Again, the study used MRI imaging to ask if the effects of cannabis-based chemicals seen in rat brains are also seen in human brains. This time the study compared heavy marijuana smokers to occasional smokers to see if overall brain changes are more extreme, the more you smoke. And it looked outside just the structures of addiction to explore changes in overall brain structures: how does marijuana use affect the brain?

>The study found reduced grey matter volume in nearly all brain regions that are rich in the “receptors” that can trap and respond to cannabis-based chemicals. These regions include a long list of structures, almost all of which are part of a network that controls motivation, emotion, and emotional learning. Here’s an important part: the degree to which these brain areas changed was due to one of two things – either heavy use or starting use during adolescence. Long-term heavy users had the same reductions in grey matter volume as lighter users who started in their teens.

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>A NIDA-funded brain imaging study has shown that regular users of marijuana have less gray matter than nonusers of the drug in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a brain region that contributes to impulse control, decision-making, and learning. Such a deficit could make it more difficult to change counterproductive behaviors, including drug use.

>The strongest evidence that cannabis use is a contributory cause of schizophrenia comes from longitudinal studies of large representative samples of the population who have been followed over time to see if cannabis users are at higher risk of developing schizophrenia. The earliest such study was a 15-year prospective investigation of cannabis use and schizophrenia in 50,465 Swedish conscripts. The study found that those who had tried cannabis by age 18 were 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than those who had not 16 and the risk of this diagnosis increased with the frequency of cannabis use.
>Zammit et al 17 reported a 27-year follow-up of the Swedish cohort that also found a dose-response relationship between frequency of cannabis use at baseline and risk of schizophrenia during the follow-up. The relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia persisted when the authors statistically controlled for the effects of other drug use and other potential confounding factors, including a history of psychiatric symptoms at baseline.
>Zammit et al’s findings have been supported in a three-year longitudinal study of the relationship between self-reported cannabis use and psychosis in a community sample of 4,848 people in the Netherlands
>These findings have been replicated in one German and two New Zealand cohort studies

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Fun fact: the CB1 receptor that is responsible for the feeling of being high also occurs during brain damage. So when you smoke marijuana you simulate brain injuries.

>Paranoid Schizophrenia is Characterized by Increased CB1 Receptor Binding in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex

>In humans, mounting evidence shows that CB1 receptor densities are altered in schizophrenia

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>american education

I don’t need THC heavy weed and smoke it. That’s not the point of medical marijuana extracts for IBD, They don’t make you high.

>falling for the herbal jew
Weed makes you sick, lethargic, and paranoid. Unless you really need weed don't take it

Because they're tax free.
>bothering with work unless it pays tax free
Although I don't sell, too afraid of prison. Was in jail for 5 days once, holy fuck it was bad.

>I have used it before

Russian prisons sound bad, but is it worse than getting blacked by Tyrone in the showers?

Again, I don’t want the THC component. I don’t want to be high. That’s not the point. Marijuana includes CBD and other canaboid compounds which calm the gut. There are special medical extracts that you swallow (or alternatively vape) that do NOT make you high. But commercially available Hemp CBD oil is not medical grade enough to have much effect.

Grow it yourself fag.

What's the difference between hemp and cannabis extracted CBD? It's both the same chemical.

By buying it from somewhere and vaping it? I used OG Kush, as it is a CBD heavy weed strain.

But as I said, that’s like using a hammer to open an egg. You don’t want a hammer even if it does the job. You want a much more tailored instrument to open eggs.

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>how come governments are stupid when it comes to medicine?
Lobbyists. Big pharma and textile lobbyists. Think about how western medicine works. It's nearly 99% symptom management. It doesn't do shit about neutralizing the source, because if the source is neutralized, there's no returning customer. The hippocratic oath is diametrically opposed and at odds with current western medicine practices. "Do not harm," but what is more harmful than to fool a person into believing the treatment they have received fixed them when it didn't and only makes them a recurring customer?
You're either going to have to move or learn to deal with the fact that laws aren't worth abiding by when the law itself is unlawful by merit of critical thinking dismantling it's credibility.

that's only because the government has found a way to exploit the market
same thing in canada, if not worse. i doubt they will open up the markets more than they will, if not roll back legalization under a Conservative government.
whatever. black market is the way to go anyway.

guess what, the thc is what helps you, cbd does jack shit - it's only dust in you face by the med corps

by making oil

I actually did go to the shower during that, but it was alright since no rapey types were present I guess.
Food was horrid
There are strains that contain lots of CBD and virtually no THC that you speak of. Look them up. You can make those extracts you speak of yourself without much hurdle. Just get yourself 100 proof alcohol or something and search the web for tutorials.

Was drinking with my dad this evening and he was offered a hit of weed and he took it.
Minutes later he was flailing around and fell, almost broke his neck and/or cracked his skull on concrete.

>kek, he should learn to handle his weed
Fuck off.
There is no rational world we could possibly live in that any sort of drug usage should be condoned.
Any counter argument is that of degenerate fools that should be burned at the stake.

It’s not. You need a slight THC component and a rather high CBD component. Plus there are various other lesser known canaboid components in cannabis oil.


They did studies with Crohn’s with cannabis oil and with hemp oil. Hemp oil even at 10% CBD didn’t have much an effect.

>Was drinking with my dad
>There is no rational world we could possibly live in that any sort of drug usage should be condoned

hypocritical retard

ok so when are we banning caffeine, alcohol, opiods etc

Like come on, user. You're in the EU. They won't check your mail if it's from another EU cunt.
Find the seeds you need. Order them. Grow it. Make the extracts. You're golden.

You need RSO.

So you are fine with handing people drugs that can cause cancer, liver damage etc., but cannabis oil is a no-no because your dad smoked weed?

Nice convenient anecdote. You could not be more obvious shill. You wouldn't know subtlety if it bit you on your ass.

Get a cheap led grow panel from amazon and there you go now fight to legalize or decriminalize the evil devils lettuce.

then why not buy thc weed and mix it with cbd? you are really dumb kraut. i already told you the cure to the disease and you dismissed it too.

What the leaf user said.

>reduced grey matter volume in nearly all brain regions that are rich in the “receptors” that can trap and respond to cannabis-based chemicals

That's called tolerance and it builds up with any drug you take and decreases after you substain. Nice misleading study for your little rotten bigpharmajew agenda, though.

Have you ever wondered why in germany if you say anything not conforming with the status quo everyone you will talk to about it will suddenl get pretty defensive and try to make some easily refuted bullshit argument before even considering your information as even slightly valid even if it is all logical and makes sense? Its deply ingrained in the german mind and i feel like the outsider staring in. Im half polish tho maybe its a genetical thing and i just got lucky or i just fell out of the loop but most people here dont and they dont want you to tell them anything that results in change especially if the change is a legal one. The people here have decades of conditioning behind them and are basically braindead.

Just get it from your local Muslim dealer

>Brain damage is the same as schizophrenia

Pharmajews, everyone

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tomorrow, preferrably
who said anything about cannabis oil? I said weed
Okay. I'll tell my past self to not ninja sweep my leg so that my father's head hit concrete and bleeds out in front of me so that I can be more subtle to some degenerate Jow Forums faggot. Fuck off shill(((berg))).

Yeah this retard should actually read the effects some of these medications can have on the body.

Think about Jamal and Mbungo. They will be out of work if you can get weed easily.

>pours on more bs
Kys projecting kikenstein. You are so full of shit. You know damn good and well none of that ever happened and you made it up to push your agenda. It's obvious as fuck. You didn't break stride whatsoever while transitioning from the anecdote and your antidrug rant. (((Who))) owns big pharma? (((Who))) owns the textile companies?
You know who. Die in a fire shekelburg

Plenty of medications can have adverse effects on the body.
You call me a retard, but you have no idea where you are coming from.
Blood pressure medicine can cause kidney disease.
Anti-depressants can cause depression/suicidal thoughts.
FFS antibiotics can cause hepatitis.

ok schizo
tell me more about how your wonderplant has lifted you from the ashes

Cholesterol medication causes heart attacks, and eggs ARE good for you.

Awww, Hi Peter! What a pretty picture

too bad you live in a shit country

And there it is! That old jewish chestnut go-to move to try and silence the opposition. Do you have any idea how transparent you are? Evidently not. But let's see how you handle having your own words thrown back in your face with proof of it, shekelstein. Kys shill

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all things in moderation, yes
most of the cholesterol in an egg is "good cholesterol"
all THC in marijuana can be bad THC if given to the wrong person

user I'm sure your dad is a nice guy but are you actually retarded

thank you
at least you admit that you're merely a pharma shill
know what?
next time you're in my area, I'll buy you a beer
kosher, of course.

If I was retarded, I wouldn't have caught him before he cracked his skull on the concrete.

Ha. I am upset by this, but it makes sense because you are German.

Your government is screwing you over. You have every moral authority to grow your own marijuana. You are using it for medicinal purposes and it's legal medicinally. I understand that this is an American concept, but you don't have to do what the government says.

dude weed

It's always the memeflags that do this shit. Provide nothing to a discussion and post the most polarizing and contrarian stuff.

>strawman false premise
>logical fallacy
>continues to try and accuse me of being a shill in a vain attempt to cover up his own shilling
You do realize that my post wasn't long enough for this tactic to work right, shill? You're such an amateur. Your boss is going to have your ass. You should have stuck to facebook comment brigading, shekelburg.

>Meanwhile, my insurance easily covers shit like Humira or Remicade etc. which cost like 50,000 euros a year per patient. Marijuana costs a few euros a gram max to produce, if not just a few cents.
big pharma won't make money on dumb weed. and socialist bureaucrats are just big companies pets. it always been like that

Same story in uk.
You can legally get weed from Dr...
But it has to be a consultant level dr not a GP and you only get it after all other drugs have been tried.
So basically never unless you're nearly dead already.

Just grow your own, my friend has terminal cancer he has a small growop in a cupboard, gets around half ounce every 9 weeks. He only needs that much for his own use.

I wonder when this info won't be deniable any more?

you realize that anything that you can say can't persuade me to believe anything other than what actually happened to me.
your tactic may work on those that only know pain and despair via the unwashed masses.
but I represent the unwashed masses
put the pipe down, sober up, and reflect on why you choose to attack all of those who make you ponder on your own life choices

>doubles down while completely deflecting from the point about him being a shill
>trying to win over the reader by appealing with "but I represent the unwashed masses"
>complete reframing of the entire situation
You're decent at what you do, but sorrynotsorry, this isn't my first rodeo and you're just not good enough to best me, shekelburg. Put the keyboard down, wise up, and reflect on why you are selling your soul to shill a false narrative for minimal pay all for the interests of people who place profit over health while claiming otherwise..

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keep defending your twisted worldview against what I just experienced a few hours ago.
keep thinking that I'm some jew masquerading as an "anti-weed" propaganda minister.
you do you.
in the end, your family and descendants will be suffering as a direct result of you and your ilk, and you will look upon them and see the damage that you've done.
sadly, only then, will you call upon your Lord, Jesus Christ, to deliver them from the evil that has beset upon them.
Only then will you realize that just because you enjoy a short reprieve from responsibility, it does not mean that degeneracy is a "cure-all"

Sure you did. Sure you did. You are so full of shit. But let's say you weren't, just for shits and giggles. Even if your story did have merit to it and was true, you left out one crucial thing -- how much your dad had had to drink before he smoked. Even experienced long time smokers can pass out from mixing lots of alcohol with just a little cannabis and vice versa. So, really your anecdote is foolish in the way you are applying it because you are solely blaming the cannabis when the alcohol was more in play in his system. Don't you dare to invoke Christ in a chastising way towards me when you aren't even exercising Logos, especially when you're the one in the end being rebuked.

4 beers, well within what I've seen him be able to have uninhibited cognitive thought.
Then, a hit of weed put him on his ass, to the point where, if I wasn't nearby, he may have died.

You can try to deny all you want.
You can try to deflect all you want.
You can try to tell me that I'm a Jew on one hand, and on the other tell me I don't worship correctly in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

You're blaspheming in your defense of degeneracy while telling me that I'm blaspheming because I'm speaking truth to you.
Perhaps everyone that disagrees with you on Jow Forums isn't a Jew.
Perhaps you should realize that weed is not a "cure-all."
Perhaps you should realize that those that are pushing weed on you as a "cure-all" don't have innocent intentions.
Perhaps a docile cattle is ripe for the culling, and you don't even realize.

Goddamn you ameritards are stupid

governments are still run by lobby boomers unfortunately, case closed

And make it worse. Fibers, milk...are a big no in Chron

Just cross the border at Grönau and buy it in Enschede you dumb faggot

Yea, that's enough if it was drank fast enough and he doesn't smoke often or ever. You're the one denying reality. You have no real frame of reference and your dad dived in head first with no knowledge or anything doing something that even most cannabis smokers know not to do unless a bed or a couch is nearby. You're the one deflecting. You're the one behaving like a jew. I didn't say you didn'd worhsip correctly. Don't put such words in my mouth just because you don't understand the words I said and then jumped to a hasty emotional incorrect conclusion. Do you even know what rebuked means? It means corrected and Yes, I was correcting you there so it fits. I have not said a single thing that is blasphemous and now you sir, in your misunderstanding are committing false testimony against me. Perhaps you should pluck out what is in your eye that obscures your own vision before you tell me to examine my eye for what you think obscures my own vision?

Based and BPC-pilled

marijuana makes people infertile

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Even Bog supports legalizing weed! BTFO big pharma.

actually it is quite easy.
the biggest issue though, is finding a doctor that is willing to put it on his budget.
cannabis is a killer for his budget.

t. multiple sclerosis patient
in emergencies ask your doc for bedrocan as a PrivatRezept.


>If I wanted to buy non-medical grade “smokable” weed
You need to learn a lot about weed I see.
Go to Amsterdam or Holland.
There's plenty of sites on the net specifically for looking up strains you want and where to find them.
Find some grower who pretty much does high CBD strains. Chances are they're growing it for people just like (you).
And have years if not decades of experience.
On top of that there's shitloads of growers who honestly throw CBD dope to people at bargain basement prices. Especially when there's medical conditions involved.
Hell even in the states we tend to toss it to people who are chronically ill.
If you don't like smoking it just make edibles out of it. They're easy to do and it's effects last hours longer when injested.
Guy who's suffered from Crohn's for 11 years.
Grows for himself, another Crohn's sufferer.
An epileptic kid.
Also an MS patient.
The only payment I get from them is them helping me harvest when their plants are done.
If you live in a rural area go to a seedbanks in Holland or Amsterdam. Find anything from CBD Crew, Delicious seeds with a high THC rating. And grow it for fractions of pennies on the dollar.
It's not as hard as you think.
Plop em in the ground. Feed once a week.
Chop em in late september - november.
Store bud in glass jars so no smell.
Boom you're good.

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>my insurance easily covers shit like Humira or Remicade etc. which cost like 50,000 euros
>cost like 50,000 euros
>Marijuana costs a few euros a gram max to produce
>How come governments are so stupid when it comes to medicine?
I don't know, you tell me buddy

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what the fuck nigger? The man has sources and everything. Maybe you're just a seething pothead

>I want to be law abiding

This is why you don't have freedom

Here it’s a hundred bucks. No questions asked.

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>I have used it before for a few weeks, but it made me dizzy, so I stopped.
what the hell? drinking and being drunk makes you dizzy. not smoking weed