Why should I vote for this nigger loving spic loving faggot enabler?
Why should I vote for this nigger loving spic loving faggot enabler?
Because if you don't we'll have Presidential candidates that suck up to the media for the next 50 years
Why should I give a fuck? They are both anti white.
You shouldn't.
Would you really want Hillary in office? At least Trump's trying to better the country as a whole. Then again Hillary is Dem. and Dem.s are the party off the KKK so....
Hillary isn't running. We've always known Trump is a retard, but at least he was promising what we wanted. But he's failed utterly.
Gotta say, I'm pretty on board with the Yang Gang now.
Only trannies care about the second amendment. Don't be a tranny.
UBI is even less attainable than the wall.
>Would you really want Hillary in office
at least she hates niggers
Mexico will be paying for the Yangbux.
Make that conman one term. He used and discarded us like he uses and discards everyone. And for what? So he could be a shitty incompetent President hated by almost everyone but it gets him off somehow? Hes one hell of a phony, though, I'll give him that. Hes a world-historical Einstein-level bullshitter. That orange nigger fooled EVERYBODY.
>tfw 4d chess was actually 4d jewery
what alternative do you have
ever think of that you anti trump idiots?
You forgot that the only alternatives you had were fucking Hillary? Or Bernie Sanders? You forgot that quickly.
He was the only choice and still is
kek just look at what she's said in the past, she really does fucking hate them
He deserves to be compared to Yang.
You shouldn't. Fuck Trump.
Get ready for the second Civil War instead.
Because the alternatives are worse - and bear in mind that he so far hasn't started a war, when was the last time a U.S president refrained from sending young americans to die? Granted he still has plenty of time to do this, but had Shillary won americans would be getting blown up in Iran by now.
Trump has cucked on many things, but if he keeps from starting yet another war he truly is the best U.S president in decades.
>"but if he keeps from starting yet another war"
>this requires cucking to other demands
>demands that still hurt long term
lose lose
>nigger loving spic loving faggot
Jew detected
I agree. We need to hold politicians accountable. Trump lied about everything he said and became the swamp. It’s time to vote for whoever the establishment hates. With sanders now likely becoming the democratic nominee that would be him.
>when was the last time a U.S president refrained from sending young americans to die?
He has radically increase us troop levels in war zones
im going to vote for gun grabbing communist nonwhites
i hope they send my stupid country men out to other countries to die, if they are stupid enough to do ZOGs bidding i dont have qualms if they are killed off at this point
I've known many mexicans who've been here 10 years plus and still speak the shittiest English
please no more
>literally every candidate is a nigger loving spic loving faggot enabler
>doesn't want to vote for the one with the best bants
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Pic related is (you).
>voting for an asian
never, fucking ever.