He played us

He played us.

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>shareblu makes a post
he played you, that's for sure

Back to your containment thread maga boomer

>get told
>"g-go back"

satan's thread

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>wahhh I don't understand how the government works, he must've played us
sub-80 IQ zoomers will never make it

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I want niggers in my ass
I want niggers in my ass
The rough reality
Of nigger subjugating me

Niggers hands on me
Nigger cum inside me
Nigger gaze upon me
Nigger tongue licking me

There is nothing in this world
Oh, there is nothing in this world
More beautiful than a BBC erection
Please, turn me into your bitch

My black master.

Whatever you say, Shekelberg

He played millions...

>yeah it's a shame he was forced into signing that bump stock ban, a real crime they made him do that against his will

Glad to see there are still based Poles out there

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The jews are the ones shilling for the kike puppet currently sitting in the white house

I don't see CNN and co shilling for Trump at all.
But you're getting there, shill, one day you'll unironically believe in your own baits

then why is the jewish run media smearing him literally 24 hours a day for the last 3 going on 4 years?
make sure not to sprain your back doing these mental gymnastics

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Kek, it's my post.

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I love you

I love you too, Bavarian bro.

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H-how did you know?


I just know my dude, I just know. My receptors don't lie.

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>b-b-but muh hasbro memestock that no serious marksman would ever use

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post ass

Is that you tho?

Divide and conquer

>tfw you didn't actually want to win but when you did your narcissism kicks in and you tell everybody you are the best at everything until you find out you are not and your family goes to jail
literal state of a soap candidacy

I'm convinced that the people who claim to still be pro-Trump are all shills. EVERYWHERE ELSE on the far right sphere of the internet, everyone has given up on Trump. It's only in the place where everyone can be anonymous where there are people claiming to still support him. Everywhere from boomerbart to TRS to The daily stormer. Even Nick fucking Fuentes and Sam Hyde. But somehow we still get retards like these two who still defend Trump. Even the recent strawpolls on Jow Forums show 80% of Jow Forums says they no longer support Trump. Who are these fucking retards who pretend that they still like this man?

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Fuck off shill

boomers man
they came from the_donald back in 2016 and have been sapping off the lifeforce of the board ever since

He's a good goy.


You are a vassal state.

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doesn't actually answer the question at all.
Wanna take a second crack at that sport?

stop baiting and help us clean the board

I understand that nothing will change until Jews are removed from influence, that's all anyone needs to understand.

I'm a hairy piece of ass. Lots and lots of hair everywhere.
>Also, I like to cuddle a lot but would you let me keep you in permanent chastity?

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But Clinton and the DNC didn't. That's what matters.



>that pic
holy shit it reeks of newfaggotry. have you fuckers created an entire backstory for the boogeyman already? i dont ever remember something like this being written about CTR, shareblue, or even JIDF. it's like trump is your unapologetic god that can't be questioned.

He really turned on the Tel Aviv Afterburners the last 5 months or so... it was all looking fairly promising too...

>le joo is le 1%
the only thing you boomer homos need to understand is that you need to tax the 1% then and not suck them off for the lulz or dream about le gassinge which - if at all - will be applied to boomers.


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I didn't say anything about a 1% idiot. And you are hopeless if you disagree with what I said. There isn't enough money in the top 10% to supply the fantasy programs you've probably made in your head.

Thats because basically all political figures now have mini cults of personality
its a necessity for winning elections
even hillary had one

the candidates that fall apart in like a week are the ones without that

>Imagine still being this fucking guy

>I'm a hairy piece of ass. Lots and lots of hair everywhere.

Why is this allowed? Why is this happening to me?

>There isn't enough money in the top 10% to supply the fantasy programs you've probably made in your head
>tax the 1%
>they basically threaten or signal that they'd move away at the mere mention of 'taxing the 1%' on (((social media))) or (((the news)))
Sorry this is real life and the modern day

listen very close boomer - and let's not kid ourselvelves, we both know who you are: I have no idea which numbers you are referring to but 3 fucking persons in the US own as much as half of your country, let that sink in.
You freaks try to bhysibbaly rebbove dat joo but it won't ever work out like that.
Another hint:
I doubt losers like Yang will ever get elected but whoever pulls of UBI will save the US and create growth never thought possible.
Look at your deficit, you think a few millions for muh dat eating campaign for dat tyrone is dragging you down? Imagine being such a delusional faggot.

Anyone else notice that OP mysteriously vanished after these questions popped up?
really makes you think

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Niggerburger BTFO!
Niggerburger HUMILIATED and DIMINISHED!!!!

>factually reporting = smearing

lmao niggerburgers are retarded

This is what I've noticed with the people who defend Trump.
They aren't defending him based off of policy or of any other metric like that. They are defending him based off of personal things like "wow don't stop supporting him just because he's having a rough time...fucking bandwagon hopper" and "he secretly agrees with us I swear just because his policies and his presidency have been awful for us and he has neglected us to serve our enemy doesn't mean he isn't /ourguy/ deep in his heart". They've forgotten that this isn't about making Trump happy. Like, their sole objective is just trying to make sure Trump feels happy. And hey, if I just saw Trump in a bar one day, somehow escaped from his secret service in the media, I'd probably give him a hug and try to make him feel better. But this isn't about his feelings. This is about preserving the white race and white society. Trump has completely failed at that and I'd even argue that he's hurt it, due to his absolute lack of action with regards to internet censorship that happened when the kikes saw that we were able to get him elected using nothing but internet memes.
Trump might be a good guy deep down, but he fucked us. He needed to escalate and he fucking cucked. After that CPAC speech, we might as well have Jeb in the white house.

He gave his own daughter to a jew.
The jews play both sides, it´s not only the left.

why is what happening?
right but the 1% are in America for a reason, that being huge amounts of resources and a fuck-you size economy, along with not much barriers to trade

those factors won't change because they have to pay a marginal amount to everyone they leech of

You own as much as half the country combined because half the country is BROKE OR IN DEBT you fucking retard.

>President Trump doesn't do something I like better make it seem like it's meaningless to me now.

Don't you get that you're a little bitch now?

Why are you reciting the Swedish anthem, Poland?


Put me in coach!

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well, its a 'daddy-thing' I think
not in the start obviously
I think everyone liked the guy when he was saying the right of things and seemingly meant them

but since then a small portion of his base morphed into a cult-like thing and they like him basically because of that strongman-daddy effect
they like him because he appears to them like a daddy figure

I remember there being an article where one operative was being praised for "turning Trump into Jeb" foreign policy wise.

that doesn't answer the question.
The jews own 5/6 major media corperations, all of hollywood, and nearly all news stations.

If Trump is such a good goy and the jews love him so much why have they spent years poising their viewer bases against him at every opportunity?
Why can no one answer this?

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because it polarizes things
so you end up with a anti-blumpf and pro-trump side with most other viewpoints squeezed out

in doing so a false consciousness is created wherein ordinary American workers stop questioning the system because their "champion" is "destroying the libs" while on the liberal side they don't question things because it becomes about "defeating muh blumpf" solely

>vote democrat goy


>t. corporate minion sucking off alzheimer ridden soapturds for the lulz
imagine being a disgustingly dense boomer like (You)

I voted Trump, but I'm getting really worried he hasn't saved all of humanity yet. He said he would blow up Israel, fuck the Queen's dusty crumpet, carpark north Korea, and put Hillary Clinton in jail. We seriously can't let this guy get the nuclear codes. We must all vote straight blue in the election to restore law and order, and rights for all people in our beautiful country.

t. Muhammad
go back to syria

>Potatonigger who can’t even vote speaks on behalf of American politics

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top kek lad

Fuck off yang shill

OK, calm down, I'm just fucking with ya. Is that twink-y enough for your taste?

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You Germans are the real bastion of hope and freedom in the free world! I want one day to wake up to the sound of my sister getting gang raped by over a million "refugees" just like you do. It would be SO fucking enriching; hearing them impregnate her while I clap and hug my boyfriend, before they enrich both of our lives too!!1! Tell me.. What's it like in paradise?


plenty wrong with what trump is doing right now, but you shills gaslighting like this is only going to piss people off and make them more diehard, me included.

new info coming out about fisa abuse and the doj/fbi collusion with crowdstrike and hillary campaign.

please fuck off shills. sage


>hug my boyfriend


you must be new

>not understanding satire
They aren't paying you enough down at shillerberg inc. are they? You should try harder, success could see you promoted to the top rung and paid a healthier $0.09 per post.

Based and sagepilled

Yep. Time to burn synagogues and kill Jews.

Imagine defending a guy who’s gone out of his way to denounce his white supporters. Potatoniggers are truly massive cucks. I don’t see why amerimutts identify as being Irish. You guys have no significant reason to even exist as an independent nation.

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>because it polarizes things
Things have literally always been polarized, even before the jewish press.
>i.e. federalists and anti-federalists
Thats pretty fucking flimsy, and if they were going for a split then why are 90% of news outlets against Trump while pretty much just fox news is in Trumps corner? that doesn't sound pretty balanced.

And if thats the case, then why is hollywood completely one sided? If the wanted to stir partisanship then why would you censor one entire side? You need opposing voices for people to latch onto for it to work after all. seems more like they are pushing one agenda, not trying to push two polarized ones.
Kinda sounds like you have TDS tbqh and are doing extreme mental gymnastics

And as a last thing, if what you are claiming was true why did media jews suck obamas dick for 8 years straight instead of going after him to push further division?

No he didn't. He keep repeating the story about the snake throughout the election. You all knew what you ere getting into and it was funny then and its still funny now.

nobody cares

Go ahead and answer the question then

i do, and plenty others do too. if the shoe was on the other foot politically speaking id be just as pissed.

this is a huge fucking nightmare and has to be exposed, no matter your political affiliation.

>peak boomer posting
I start to think it's only ever guys like you, please be honest and tell me you are not a boomer

show flag, mutt

Trust the plan guys

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Irish people are basically the amerimutts of Europe. Constantly chimping out over superior nations while their history is getting erased by shitskins. Nobody should take either of them seriously.

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based mick giving it to syrian refugee
And i thought we weren't getting a gassover this year

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>If you don’t like Trump cucking, you must be a leftist

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Nice jewish picture you have there

Now I know you're shilling bro. Everyone knows that there's no such thing as "Irish-Americans", only pandering politicians and the dumbest burgers. No one here likes "Irish-Americans" who visit because they are obnoxious, we like normal America-loving burgers. Secondly, Ireland is not an independent nation you fucking retard! Everyone on this board, not a shill or German, knows this. We are owned by the EU and run by a gay Egyptian. You need to go back to Tumblr you Tranny lol

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>Assad shoots down jewtins planes on oopsies
>da jews did this

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I have a theory that the deep state spent an unholy amount of resources to "turn" trump, and therefore shilling here to keep him relevant in order to protect their investment. Could be wrong though.

>The potatonigger strikes in anger over being told he’s nothing more than a british cum dumpster
Also being “American” is being a slave to a consumerist mutt factory. Any reasonable white would never identify with the current state of this country. Lovecraft was right, America is truly a second class shithole.

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Or maybe people are tried or Trump constantly submitting to his jewish masters and backtracking on major key promises? Oh wait, Australia has the lowest IQ in the Anglosphere. I forgot

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