The state of modern women

Why are women so hopeless and weak.
I mean, Raising kids and keeping a home doesn't make you week . It requires courage, patience and organizational skills to raise a family.

But I swear , the most basic shit absolutely cripples many women nowadays.

I'm not hardcore , or a genius by a long-shot but I try to have a positive outlook on life and do what I can . I'm working part-time at a pizzeria working the oven and I'm going to college at 28 years old . My girlfriend:

>Diagnosed with anxiety and depression because she couldn't find a job.

She barely looked for jobs in the first place.

>Psychiatrist arranged for her to get free government aid for disability because of said anxiety and depression.

I was against that , it would make it even worse.
It's the struggle in life that makes you stronger and gives your life meaning. Free shit does not .

She eventually finds a decent job working as a secretary for a pet shop franchise company. Whines that it makes her too tired to do anything Because Muh multitasking , muh stress , muh long hours and she thinks of leaving.

" But you have 2 hour lunch break every day. You start at 9 o clock and finish at 7. These are normal working hours " I said.

>Wuh , you wouldn't understand my job is totally harder than your job.

" You are overreacting right now . Almost every job that is worth it has some kind of stress and multitasking . It's inevitable , you're gonna get used to it. " I said.

>*Get's pissy* You wouldn't understand. * walks around like a zombie*

"Jesus christ , get a hold of yourself. You work an office job 8 hours a day. The environment is positive . Your boss is nice with you and your co-workers are cool "

>Wuh , Wuh , I'm tired .

It's like being in a relationship with a 15 year old at this point.

TLDR; Women are so fucking soft , So . Fucking . Soft.
What's up with this epidemic? Once upon a time women worked the fields , raised 6-7 kids and were happy and full of energy.

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>boss is nice to her
She’s gonna fuck her boss bro

Burden off my back then .

bumping this shitty thread.

you gotta put a baby in her. that means she can rest all day fulfilling her biological role and she wont be so pissy


Women don't want to work jobs. They LARP because that's what the (((media))) tells them is their role.

also you're still in a good spot to take your time before picking the right one imo

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You're a retard
Her not wanting to work is natural
She's experiencing anxiety because women aren't supposed to go into employment, let her claim the disability and then she will naturally develop towards being what she's supposed to be, a home-maker and child-rearer, with a subsidy from the government to do so. You'll have rescued her from ZOG using its own money

Do you have personal experience with that?

no so take it with a grain of salt i guess

The fuck are you talking about .
A co-worker of mine ( who is also younger than me and my gf ) has a great body , great personality , works hard , is responsible , is patient . Works long hours AND is getting her master's degree , was talking to me about getting married in 2021.
She never whines . Has a sense of humor and is generally a fun person to be around.

It's a matter of character . Not a matter of the ZOG or the media . Being a soft-snowflake that falls apart on every minor inconvenience doesn't make you a homemaker.

>what happened?

Jews destroyed the nuclear family and women’s perception of themselves as mothers and housewives

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Infact . I would argue that it's the ZOG that are making our women a bunch of incapable whiny ,soft as play-dough kids. And the same for our men.

your gf may have flaws but being in a workplace environment is only going to worsen them and introduce new ones
You should be encouraging her to leave her job and getting her pregnant, everyone in this thread's said this but you insist on arguing this bullshit point 'hurrr but some girl at work has more drive hurrrr she's making shekels for Shlomo AND attending his brainwashing facility TOO why can't SHE do that' lmfao you are clueless
Pic related

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Because we stopped teaching them. Both men and women used to mature a lot sooner in the past.

I don't see why being a stay at home mother isn't a appealing and a challenging life.

I have thought about being a stay at home dad/husband to a 10/10 bread winner. I would totally kick ass. I would do the grocery shopping and stock the kitchen with spices and flour and meats and learn to cook legit restaurant quality food from youtube. I would learn how to bartend and have. Mini bar to drinks for my wife or guest. I would clean the whole place in 1 hour or less because I am a man and labor is easy and it's in my nature to so things effectively and quickly. After cleaning the house I would be warmed up, so I would lyft in my home gym to be that trophy husband my wife deserves.

On a typical day once my wife comes home I'll have a dinner ready. I'll over her a drink and make what ever she wants. Invest food is on the table, I'll give her a kiss and let her eat her meal. After she is done I'll have a rock hard dick ready for her upstairs. The training mentioned before would be oriented for sex. So stretches and strength required to hump like the waves of the ocean. I'll fuck my wife for a good hour or so untill she cums multiple times.

What's not to love about submitting to the person you love the most in the world?

I once got my foot busted during a hike and my gf hauled me 12 km through the forest to the nearest road, cursing like a sailor and growling like a wild animal.

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That's a good girl

>I'm working part-time at a pizzeria working the oven and I'm going to college at 28 years old

so you're an abject failure at life and as the result only have access to bottom tier females

So this other random chick isn't an annoying cunt like your gf. She'd still be happier at home caring for her children. You only see what she wants you to see

What you posted is gayer than sodomy.

Alien people fuck off

>the most basic shit absolutely cripples many women nowadays
In the current year, women have pre-pregnancy anxiety, pregnancy dejection, and post-partum depression. It is brave to talk about it.

Women have been politically weaponized in the same way blacks and Muslims have. The result is this weird paradox where we're bombarded with messages about how capable women are while simultaneously being told we must support women.

Women are absolutely useless except for popping out kids. What did you expect

Its because shes earning fiat currency.

It imbued with negative infuence. No one who earns fiat currency is contributing. Its ALL FAKE. On some subconscious level we all know our currency is fake and we are not progressing,, we are regressing.

People including women worked in the fields because it was actually PRODUCTIVE. Growing your own food and making a surplus to sell is rewarding and contributes to society. So the motivation was there. These days we earn literal monetized debt in the form of fiat currency and we are all depressed.

If you earn fiat currency and have no problem, you are just a brainwashed idiot

Glad it ain't me

>My girlfriend:
modern meme relationship
>I was against that ,
then do something about it
>She eventually finds a decent job
women shouldnt work

Based Natasha

Posting selfies and ass/titty shots on Instagram provides instant gratification and is much easier than raising children---anything that doesn't resemble taking selfies in real life is too hard and not worth it.

This is how the modern female brain is wired now.

Pics or it didn't happen.
Surprised Russian posters are LARPin about having gfs.

>People including women worked in the fields because it was actually PRODUCTIVE. Growing your own food and making a surplus to sell is rewarding and contributes to society. So the motivation was there. These days we earn literal monetized debt in the form of fiat currency and we are all depressed.
Based anglo.

Here are things to do:
Break up with this lazy woman
Save up enough money for trade school working at the pizzeria
Learn a trade
Get paid 100k a year because trades are valuable.
Have access to better women

These steps can be done if YOU are not lazy.

100% jewpost

Most are like this not all but most. Women are just emotionally fucked up. It is a fact of life.

>By the way you stuck your dick in crazy. Have fun but let go at some point.
>And run. Fake your death to get away.

This is HORRIBLE advice, kys. Having a baby DOES NOT improve a woman's attitude. If she's a lazy, mopey cunt now, having a kid will only make it worse. OP sorry you picked a useless gf, pick a better one next time. Not sure what the big mystery is to you. Some women are just lazy sacks of shit with no drive, just like some men.

You some kind of basedboi?

For the record you don't sound much better.

>28 making pizza part time.
>Going to college (good for you)

What the fuck. I took a full load of 16 credits at a major University. Worked two part time jobs and a 32 hour per week internship. Finished two degrees in different fields and had time for a social life. All of this took four and a half years.

What the fuck is wrong with men and women these days is more appropriate.

>be me
>work full time in finance
>work in free time on own business
>girlfriend moans that I don't give her enough attention
>literally self teaching myself low level programming, managing accounts of high paying clients, running own business
>still take her out for meals, still go drive out to the countryside on weekends
>still not enough
>she gets prescribed zoloft
>quits a job she hated
>gets new job she enjoys, few months later she hates it again
>every waking second I have free is taken up by working on building our financial independence

Women are fucking pricks. I love her but seriously, they haven't got a fucking CLUE. Probably is best to get them pregnant so they can hang out all day with kids and other young mothers to keep them occupied.

>implying anyone who isn't lazy is a jew

Fuck you then. Stay poor and pathetic with your worthless gf. I bet she has a worthless liberal arts degree. I bet that you are helping her pay off that debt.
No wonder you work at a pizzeria at 20 fucking 8 years old. (((YOU))) have no drive to do anything and make your life worth a damn.

See, that's the hilarious irony of feminism. Women wanted to work, and they got to work. Now they can't take it. It's like that episode of Spongebob where the kid is crying because he doesn't like pistachio ice cream and the dad says "Then why did you ask for it?!"

Im saying jews WANT you to earn their fiat debt money.
No jew would advocate against earning fiat currency. Putting ((())) around "you" makes no sense.

>liberal arts degree
this is just a US thing

Someone this busy would not be on pol, It would not be on their radar.

Thats how you can tell shills. They NEED you to participate in their system and posts like these is how they "advertise"

Not in a western country unless you WANT to be cucked

I have been on chans since 2007, I still make time for it.

>jews WANT you to earn their fiat debt money.
No shit sherlock. You want a cookie for learning that banksters are master thieves? We all know that.
What's your solution?
>Be a nihilist who thinks since all the money is debt life just isn't worth living.
>Therefore having no ambition to better my life and myself is just fine.

That is not my solution
>Mine is to build up an array of skills that people will pay me for.
>Get paid for being useful.
>I can then use that money, as worthless as it is, to buy a house.
>I'll convert that money into real tangible assets like dried food, seeds, water, some precious metals, land rights, fencing around my property.
>Find a sane woman to have a family with along the way
>Raise family.

Getting to the point where I am self sustaining is my solution.

Dude, my wife hasn't worked in maybe 7 years. As soon as I was making enough money to pay the bills, she found excuses not to work anymore.
I'm actually totally fine with it, and it's what I would have chosen for her myself, except for the fact that we should be swimming in kids right now. At some point I had to be like "okay, we're having babies now", and I think that got her in gear for motherhood - either that or she realized her good thing was going to end if she didn't relent.
Women don't want to work. That's why they get the easiest jobs they can find, then carve out work-free niches for themselves. They get in somewhere, then create their own job where they 'coordinate', or 'manage' some tiny project that allows them to sit on their ass most of the day doing nothing. That's why HR is mostly women. Ever notice how HR inexplicably keeps growing when almost all of it is entirely automated by now? Notice how they keep hiring more and more fat women to fill up stupid committees that don't need to exist? That's the true nature of women. I don't hate them for it. I hate us for not keeping them under control.

She's Finngolian actually
Pics of what? That happened years ago.

Checked. You're almost 30, you have no skills and not even an entry level job in the industry you've chosen. You get shit tier because you yourself are shit tier.

>No shit sherlock
So why would you suggest Im a jew?

>I still make time for it.
Sure (((you))) do. While working in (((finance))) and running your own business and gf.

Plus isnt it like 15:30 in bongistan? I doubt his free time for / pol/ would be right now.

Yeah. Very (((suspect)))

never gonna read that reddit spacing faggotry

they were once essential to our nuclear family ideals
link related

This. I almost vomited reading it.

This is why marriage was created. To keep women in their natural niche where they can function. They are loaded with anxiety/depression because society is having them all do what men traditionally did while they stayed at home baking babies and baking pies.
Now putting them in the workforce and giving them enough money to survive on their own without men they just ride the cock carousel and pop out a few kids that they raise on their own while doing their job and dropping the kids off at a daycare.
So yea, women aren’t mentally fit to be a woman and a man at the same time.
Men aren’t designed to make babies and raise them. We have huge differences in our brain chemistry it’s not just our physical stature and interior organs.
Look up the hormone DHT and the effects it has on the central nervous system and you will see why we men are mentally more cut out for working hard and doing rough labor. And no it’s not even really about how physically strong we are. DHT is the ultimate adaptogen. And what’s really fucked up is how jewed our modern medicine is and it totally disregards this potent hormone as “bad”. Doctors don’t even check DHT levels in men.... and sometimes low testosterone is actually caused by your body using up test to make DHT. You cannot get “DHT therapy” in the USA.

Right on OP. Women have no fortitude and take little responsibility. Instead of taking actions they sit around and hope that something will magically happen, while drinking 4-5 bottles of wine per week

I impregnated a woman and she turned into an obidient home maker.
Now, I would NOT recommend that anyone else try this. It will not work. 99% of the time these days she will take her payday by divorcing you or getting you for child support and run away with your child and that child will likely get raped by a step dad or beat up in a daycare. So yea don’t try it. Women have too many rights that they don’t deserve and will utilize them to the fullest. I’m lucky because she loves me, muh dick, and being at home all day with the kid

Girls act like this to get you to put your foot down.
Men exerting authority gives women lady-boners, this is not rocket science.

Threadly reminder that women don't have agency and they are a reflection of the ability of men in their life to lead them.

Weak men = weak society.

this bong gets it