Why are women so hopeless and weak.
I mean, Raising kids and keeping a home doesn't make you week . It requires courage, patience and organizational skills to raise a family.
But I swear , the most basic shit absolutely cripples many women nowadays.
I'm not hardcore , or a genius by a long-shot but I try to have a positive outlook on life and do what I can . I'm working part-time at a pizzeria working the oven and I'm going to college at 28 years old . My girlfriend:
>Diagnosed with anxiety and depression because she couldn't find a job.
She barely looked for jobs in the first place.
>Psychiatrist arranged for her to get free government aid for disability because of said anxiety and depression.
I was against that , it would make it even worse.
It's the struggle in life that makes you stronger and gives your life meaning. Free shit does not .
She eventually finds a decent job working as a secretary for a pet shop franchise company. Whines that it makes her too tired to do anything Because Muh multitasking , muh stress , muh long hours and she thinks of leaving.
" But you have 2 hour lunch break every day. You start at 9 o clock and finish at 7. These are normal working hours " I said.
>Wuh , you wouldn't understand my job is totally harder than your job.
" You are overreacting right now . Almost every job that is worth it has some kind of stress and multitasking . It's inevitable , you're gonna get used to it. " I said.
>*Get's pissy* You wouldn't understand. * walks around like a zombie*
"Jesus christ , get a hold of yourself. You work an office job 8 hours a day. The environment is positive . Your boss is nice with you and your co-workers are cool "
>Wuh , Wuh , I'm tired .
It's like being in a relationship with a 15 year old at this point.
TLDR; Women are so fucking soft , So . Fucking . Soft.
What's up with this epidemic? Once upon a time women worked the fields , raised 6-7 kids and were happy and full of energy.