PSA: 5G Global Health Catastrophe

>5G Rollout General

I don't see this topic discussed frequently enough on this board, which is quite surprising because global 5G deployment represents an immense threat to health and privacy.

Part 1 of 3.

>What is 5G?
The next generation of mobile phone networking standard used for voice, text and internet. We are NOT talking about 5GHz WiFi (although that's a separate issue whatsoever). This will replace 3G and LTE (in time).

>Why is this a problem?
We're immersed in EMF (electromagnetic frequency) radiation 24/7 and have been for effectively a century. It started with AM radio transmissions around the world, power lines, FM, radar, VHF, UHF and so on. Cell towers are a somewhat more recent addition to that list, however they're heavy EMF pollutants and with each generation, the frequency band increases towards the ionizing end of the spectrum. With 5G, we are moving to so-called millimetre waves (as frequency increases, wavelength decreases). It will no longer matter if you live in a metropolis or a remote town - you will be immersed in microwave radiation

Medical, scientific and technical experts are starting to finally admit publicly that we have no idea what this level of pollution is doing to our species long-term; however, clues are emerging. Hundreds of studies and several meta-analyses are indicating that microwave radiation (i.e. Cell towers, WiFi, Bluetooth) have a definite impact on human health. Yes, I will provide some recommended reading.

>What problems will it cause?
A note first; these are not necessarily specific to 5G, all recent mobile transmission standards can cause these issues.

Fertility: the increases in cell tower numbers and radiation pollution has contributed massively to the decline in male fertility in developed nations. Women are even advised to keep transmitting devices away from the body for a few days before/during/after trying for a baby as they affect sperm motility.

Attached: 5G minicell.png (944x531, 513K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not convinced. Post some of the studies.

Part 2 of 3.
>What problems will it cause (cont.)?

Cancer: Yes, mobile phones on their own don't cause cancer. 24/7 immersion in microwave-band radiation does - definitively. It has been linked to specific tumours; for example brain glioblastomas and heart schwannomas. Glioblastomas typically occur after the age of 60, but with more recent generations of humans having lifelong exposure to EMF, that age will probably more like 30-40. These are extremely aggressive cancers.

Chronic Issues: There are links to tinnitus (ringing in ears), sleeplessness, irritability, chronic fatigue, brain fog (inability to concentrate).

Brain Damage/Inflammation: close-range exposure to low-power cell phone transmissions has been show to thin the blood-brain barrier, particularly in children. Making the BBB more porous allows pathogens inside the brain and can contribute to inflammation and regressive brain disease. This could account for the massive rise in autism-spectrum disorders in recent times, as well as attention disorders.

>Cell phones don’t cause cancer; the science is settled!
The science is not settled. There are plenty of peer-reviewed studies that show the health implications of this EMF pollution. There are certainly corrupt studies, where the immensely powerful telecom industry has stuck its fingers in. A recent Australian study from a federal agency is one such corrupted study that’s made us a laughing stock in academia. It found no link to brain tumours by specifically leaving out the age range where glioblastomas are found. The agency in question is known to be a revolving door for private sector interest – it has 0 credibility.

>But humans have been exposed to EMF since the dawn of time!
True, low level background radiation across the EM spectrum has always been around. There are also cosmic rays and solar radiation. So what? We’re talking about intensely concentrated microwave-band radiation which is several quintillion times above background level.

Attached: twr2.jpg (687x916, 150K)

Can't find it but, in a study a bunch of birds got barbecued.

Part 3 of 3.
>Microwave radiation is non-ionizing you tard

Yes, I know. But if you think the only mechanism by which EMF can damage human cells and health is ionization, you’re in no position to call others tards. It’s naïve in the extreme to assume radiation is safe as long as it’s non-ionizing.

The very short wavelength of these signals, combined with the fact that they’re pulsed randomly contributes to the health issues. They penetrate skin, cause photochemical damage, disrupt DNA and induce oxidative stress.

>But I/my family can just avoid the towers and not use smart devices

No, you can’t. 5G will be required for the NWO “internet-of-things”. It needs to be ubiquitous and coverage will be world-wide. Cell mini-towers will have to be installed every few hundred metres (due to higher frequency and highly-directional signal) and they’re even talking about 5G being beamed from satellites in space.

>Privacy and control

EMF radiation in the band 5G will use can and has been used as a weapon. They’re setting up a control-grid. Dissidents will be able to be tortured from a distance by an invisible force. I hope I don’t need to explain why having smart devices that are connected to the internet all around us is a threat to personal privacy. This is the end game. This is beyond 1984 dystopian nightmare-fuel.

>Final thoughts

The WHO has classified EMF radiation as a Class 2B carcinogen. Insurance companies refuse to underwrite any policy that covers adverse health effects from EMF exposure.
The writing is on the wall. This technology is NOT SAFE and that truth will never be made publicly available – it will always be a “debate”. At the end of the day, most people will choose convenience over privacy, liberty and health. This tech is rolling out right now and western nations want it in place by 2021. If you want to avoid this future, you’d be do something now.

Attached: cell-pine-tree.jpg (2336x1560, 259K)

Then post the study nigger.
It's always like this with you types. No proofs.


OP you are dumb af if you actually think 5g is emitting radiation strong enough to get people sick.

>"On May 26, 2016, the US National Toxicology Program (NTP) released the initial findings of its 10-year, $25 million study into whether or not radio frequency (RF) radiation from cell phones and wireless networks can cause cancer. The study found an increased incidence of malignant tumors of the brain (gliomas) and heart tumors (schwannomas) in rats exposed to RF radiation, and concluded that the tumors were "considered likely the result of whole-body exposures" to two types of RF radiation used in US cell phones and wireless networks. The findings of the study have been criticized by some researchers, including the Deputy Director of the National Institutes of Health's Office of Extramural Research, Michael Lauer, who stated in his review that he was "unable to accept the authors' conclusions."

Remember, there is a vested, multi-billion dollar interest in keeping this technology on the market. Moving, It has to keep selling, moving, being developed.

Further Reading: US National Toxicology Program (NTP), "Report of Partial Findings from the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Hsd: Sprague Dawley® SD rats (Whole Body Exposures),", May 26, 2016

This is true, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) fucks with birds and insects, which is no surprise when you consider that they use EMF for navigation.

The Indian Ministry of Environment and Forests appointed an expert panel back in 2011 to investigate this and found a definitive link between cell tower EMR and dropoffs in bird populations.

It also fucks with honey bees which is great news for us, considering they're already being genocided by Monsanto.

Just FYI, without bees on this planet we last about 4 years.

I'm on it. I'll be adding sources and links, watch the youtube vid linked below in the meantime. It's a good summary.

I've got a 4G phone with a 4x4 MIMO radio capable of 2Gbps down/150Mbps up transfer rate yet the best cell service I've ever seen barely peaks at 180Mbps down
>increases towards the ionizing end of the spectrum
Gigahertz frequencies are nowhere close to ionizing.
For radiation to be ionizing it must have a certain energy density, and that energy density is directly related to the achievable frequency.

Ionizing radiation starts at roughly the 1 Petahertz range ("far" ultra violet light). Radios for data transmission are about 100,00 times too slow.

You're just a dumb luddite fearmongering conspiracy faggot.

k, ill check it out

Not an argument dude. Try harder.

It is strong enough. Even at 1W which is typical for a mobile phone held up to your ear, it penetrates into the brain.

For kids it penetrates almost to the other side of the head. Plus that's assuming full reception. If you're in an area of reduced/poor reception, radiation increases about 10-fold.

Do they pay you?
Do they pay you to be a dumb shit spewing faggot?

Yeah I said trending towards.

And for the millionth fucking time - radiation doesn't have to be ionizing to damage human health. Educate yourself before you run your mouth. I don't give a shit if you did physics in college - I've met PhDs that are completely ignorant about this issue.

Yeah. Telecoms who have billions if not trillions riding on irradiating and killing the human species.

Versus a guy on the internet who's trying to fight the tide of insanity.

You tell me who the paid shill is.


I don't know if this 5G will fry your brain or not, but the EU is shilling hard for it, so it must be bad for the people.
I already signed a petition against the installation in my country.

mmwave is not a danger as it is literallylike a pointed laser beam. It won't work even with the slightest of obstacles. It will only be used for backhaul. For P2MP deployments frequency will be similar to existing bands

>tfw I will probably be one of the people rolling this tech out
feels illuminati, man

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Send pics of your telco towers/BTS sites my man

I will now remove the drywall in my room and install a grounded sheet of aluminum foil behind the new drywall.

This thread again. Have you ever heard of the asbestos/mesothelioma lawsuits? If 5G causes injuries, you would need to pay off every judge in the western hemisphere to avoid class action tort liability. You're suggesting a conspiracy of such an immense scale that you make every other conspiracy theory that's ever been thought up look reasonable by comparison.

More kike propaganda.

This is one funny psyop, op.
Kikes everyone.

For the specific organization's studies you mentioned, taken directly from their testing methodology:
>"specific absorption rates (SARs) up to 12W/kg"
They dosed these rats with an insane amount of radiation energy to compare it to human daily life exposure. You're a fool. 12 watts per kilogram is enough to raise flesh temperature above 37 degrees.
I have a Galaxy S10+, one of the most advanced and powerful cell phones you can buy at this very moment, and the SAR rating for full body exposure is 1 watt/KG. 1w/kg has no noticeable effect on the body.

If cell phone output had some real, measurable effect, why did these researchers feel the need to cook rats alive to then make an alarmist claim about our health>?

You're a god damn fool.

5G has been tested here for almost 2 years now.
No complaints from anyone, no birds dying, nothing.
People always bitch and moan when new technologies are introduced. Its the same rhetoric all over again, just as when cell phones got going:
>they can cause caner, deafness, etc

Yeah I've heard of them. Asbestos has been a major problem in this country.

What class action suit? If people are told by the MSM or their doctors that there's no link between cell tower radiation and health issues, 95% will believe it with no further questions.

All authorities, like the FCC and ARPANSA here in Australia will back the "no link" line because they're all bought and paid for.

Anyway, we will see what happens. At least the WHO has admitted there is a credible causal link to cancers. Not that they have the power to do anything.

1W/kg is nominal. In areas of poor reception that can increase to the level used in the study. Also, in day to day life, is your mobile phone the only source of microwave radiation?

You're not within range of any cell towers? No other smart devices in your home? No router? No WiFi at the shops, at work?

Cia, nsa, etc will not allowed this chinese thing, which also screws over the us spy companies, the providers. Remember that huaweii 'arrest'?

get lynched you fake news swallowing nigger npc, that's a well known fake
what next, you will spew out bullshit about how DA JEWS OUTLAWED 5G in Israel? That's also fake. fucking kill yourself you mutt.

you stupid burger, 5G is being rolled out precisely with NO STUDIES; that's the point you ameritard.

Only certain courts need to be paid off, the rest wil fall in place

Sounds like maybe you have a government agency that takes over these claims. We do that for some cases like bad pharmaceutical practices and it's dumb, the government gets enriched and victims get nothing. But in the US at least we have private class actions, and when the asbestos litigation happened, the victims got so much money that not only the companies producing asbestos went bankrupt to pay victims, but their insurers and their insurers' insurers got tapped out too, liquidated into a victims' settlement fund. My point is there's people with millions of dollars on the line, the people who insure the cell phone companies, and insurers aren't stupid enough to ignore scientific evidence. Insurance companies are run by risk-calculating autists who care about the bottom line only. Some judge in California will bankrupt your ass and possibly throw you in jail if you put up a carcinogenic cell tower. They do it for gas leaks, electrical substation bullshit, freak occurrences, accidents nobody could see coming. More than that, they probably masturbate to fantasies about exposing a conspiracy like this. Judges are elected in California so what do you expect?

That's just retarded, honestly. They don't take orders, the ones who aren't ex-prosecutors all get off on protecting the little guy, and every state and every country in the west has its own independent version of this, many of them elected by libs who consider Erin Brockovitch a personal hero. You could bribe some, threaten some (don't though) but it's so so many justice-obsessed douches operating independently that it's just silly. It's easier to believe thousands of people working on Apollo lied about the Moon landing than to believe you can cause willful environmental injuries en masse in secret for more than a year and get every judge in the west to "fall in place." It's not just feelings of moral duty; they're held to standards. The risk of covering up this shit is huge.