Americans, please tell me why I shouldn't support China?

Americans, please tell me why I shouldn't support China?

You always say "China will be 1000x worse" or "if China takes over you'll be begging for us to come back".

What exactly makes you think that way?

Attached: emperor.jpg (750x375, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Finland is so far east you basically are Chinese.

Look what they're doing to your steppe nomad brothers in Xinjiang


People within their own country. They need to adapt to local ways.

How is that worse than what you are doing, terrorizing the MIddle East and killing civilians (pic related).

Attached: usa killed her.jpg (520x429, 22K)

Throughout history, China has been a peaceful country. They were a giant among small countries, unchallenged by anyone and they could have gobbled their neighbors up, but they remained peaceful.

Compare that to USA which has only seen a few years of peace. In the beginning they waged war against the natives with the goal to complete take over North America. Now they are still terrorizing the world.

Attached: usa killed her2.png (1180x830, 562K)

China is promoting traditional values and helping the poor (Africa).

USA is promoting homosexuality, diversity, obesity, stupidity, war, feminism and globalism.

Attached: yank devils trying to destroy estonia.png (650x925, 627K)

I've asked this question before and no one is ever able to give a good answer. Why the blind hatred towards China?

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Unironically? White supremacy. The idea of a non-white hegemon chills their very soul.

Do you seriously consider the USA a white nation, or are you just saying that they consider the USA a white nation?

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And they won't even be majority white according to their own statistics very long

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