print extra money for neetbux

> print extra money for neetbux
> dollar goes down venezuela style
> china overtakes usa
> heh, nothing personal, kid

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Not gonna print it, retard. It all comes from the tech Jews.

>print extra money
t. hasn't listened to yang's proposals at all

This chink has an ulterior motive, no doubt.

Absolutely nothing wrong with this.

hahah yeah hes going to start taking a shitton of money from the entrepeneurs and theyre just going to stay here and keep their funds here and get taxed like a bitch?

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never trust chinks and jews, both loyal citizens to their birth countries

lol look at this weak chin gook kike

All according to plan

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USA cannot be great again, so take some money at least

Not at all what Yang has said. Weak FUD.

Just let America go, we had a good run. Faggots are too afraid to pull Democrat politicians out of their offices and execute them in the street.

Why don't you take the time to actually listen to his proposals, you retarded monkey nigger. Stop spewing this fucking nigger tier bullshit. It's clear from what you're saying you don't know anything about yang and you just want to make up dumb faggot nigger bullshit.

If you ask them really nice and you tell them its for wealth redistribution they will surely agree.
Theyll be like: yeah we made enough profit with trumps tax cuts, why not give back a bit now? I mean afterall stockvalue is just a number.

And btw, if you look at the feds balancesheet im sure youll see that they would never ever print money. Promise.


This guy is a chinese deep agent of Satan!

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Shut the fuck up, burgermutt. Your "nation" is fucked and you don't deserve it anymore you fat fucking loser.

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No you, you fucking disinfo faggot.


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>listen to his proposals

Here is his proposals.

Defend this.

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because im not reading up on some bullshit meme policies

meme chink monies for usa

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Dollar floats on many currencies.
It wion't go down like that.


You just want to opine on some shit you don't know a thing about. You're a fucking retarded monkey nigger. Keep your faggot opinions to yourself, you fucking brain-dead nigger cattle faggot.

They’ll go out of business in this order
>home depot

Toss another fetus in the fire place Toof Copperbottom

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i dont need to read his shit to know its bullshit, buddy

keep dreaming of neetbux its never gonna happen

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So you have no room to talk, Belgium

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>muh guns
Trump and the GOP had full control for 2 years and did nothing to advance gun rights, in fact all you got was a ban. You don't actually give a fuck about guns and you're too big of a pussy to use them for their intended purpose. You don't actually care about this.

I'm a White male lad and have been for 26 years. Your argument is fucking weak, you zoomer fuck. Go lurk more before posting, you little trap bitch.

>not in decline
>shouldn't be scorched and built back up
>not lazy faggots who need to be replaced

>It all comes from the tech Jews.
Haha doubt it. Jews will never give up their jew gold.

i dont need room to talk, i just need to shitpost and people will see the truth

>economy crashes
>yang attempts to take all the guns
>boomers still don't revolt after talking shit for decades
Then they deserve to become slaves

The only truth you've shown is that you're ignorant about the topic at hand
This, even though he's not going to take the guns. Boomers and Jow Forumsfags are all talk anyway

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>print extra money for israel
>this causes inflation


>be millenial
>will never cash out on social security
>don't go for $1000 goy, IT WILL CAUSE HYPER INFLATION.
>Let the boomers have their free money, don't let inflation reduce the value of their dollars.

don't know why everyone argues against UBI.

Lets say it does make $1000 the new 0.00. Do you know what that means? It means that illegal immigrants who don't have citizenship will not get the UBI. Therefore their life will literally be unsustainable in the US, therefore they will be forced to leave the US because they can't pay for anything here even if they do work illegal jobs.

Citizenship becomes a privilege and that's how nationalism is started. UBI is the beginning of a technocracy. When there will be a whole department dedicated to locating non citizens to UBI fraud which equates to more deportations.


YANG 2020

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i need to read 0% of what he said to know $1000 neetbux is impossible.

reading how its possible is like reading some deranged tinfoil hat weirdo's conspiracy theory: its bullshit but the more you read it the more you are convinced

make some logical deductions and realize this neetbux thing can only work in a tiny country

>what is accelerationism

>is like reading some deranged tinfoil hat weirdo's conspiracy theory
That's how i've felt about the
>He's a chinese plant
>it's ONLY a raid
bullshit for 3 days now. Just endless conspiracies and fear mongering that don't address anything

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but dude neetbux lmao

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From where do you think the money will come? And why do you think its a good idea to give to negative elements in society free money on top of all socialistic elements put in place by Obama?

You're person arguing from a position of ignorance. See ya, nigger

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Why don't you want anyone else to get the same free shit you already get and trash like it's nothing gypsy

don't know why everyone argues against UBI.

Lets say it does make $1000 the new 0.00. Do you know what that means? It means that illegal immigrants who don't have citizenship will not get the UBI. Therefore their life will literally be unsustainable in the US, therefore they will be forced to leave the US because they can't pay for anything here even if they do work illegal jobs.

Citizenship becomes a privilege and that's how nationalism is started. UBI is the beginning of a technocracy. When there will be a whole department dedicated to locating non citizens to UBI fraud which equates to more deportations.


YANG 2020

Angry miganiggers on suicide watch

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>From where do you think the money will come?
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?

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and i keep repeating to you chap, i dont need half a brain to realize his policies are bullshit and he knows he himself will fail but is just doing it to get some publicity, he is a businss man after all

keep dreaming of neetbux while living in the basement buddy

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Because you eliminate any kind of will to improve? You redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor? You make the people be 100% dependent on the government and their whims? I can keep going.

You're right. The likelihood of him taking guns away is about as likely as him getting his meme policy passed. Also, you're fucking retarded and do not how balance sheets or tax rebates/incentives work and should just neck yourself for being an ignorant, useless fuck that has nothing to offer.

Theyre already doing this, its called a student loan .

So you are okay being taxed more so that some nigger and their 100 kids or the constant flow of mexicans that come trough your country get it too? Also what will be the economical problems that will come with this increase of money flow?

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$35 billion in arms incentives over 10 years that require maintenance, refitting purchases and the like does not cause inflation. It's like getting free all weather floor mats when you buy a truck. You're dumbshits country got the similar deal. Also, Obama signed it.

>160 out of 193 countries have a Value Added Tax
And 192 countries are shitholes.

including yours

You been spamming the same shit in every thread. Afraid much.

I'm not getting taxed anything. (((Big Tech))) is just finally paying taxes
So if UBI won't happen, and the guns won't be taken, what is the risk? Half the reason I'm for Yang is that Trump sucks and lied to me. He doesn't deserve a second term at this point.

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Why dear user, it's every country but the one you live in!

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>They'll just toss away the profit they make in a whole country because they're making less money!!! HAHAHA LIBS OWNED!
You are painfully stupid.

And what if Big Tech decide to move to India or China instead of paying the extra money? Or they run out money and bankrupt, what then?

Then a new company gets the profit they ran from.

This, and I doubt they would want to just NOT do business in the US over 10%.

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What profit if it gets taxed? And what will you do with the unemployed people that now will live on social welfare and the 1000$ thus increasing the burden further more?

>Wahh I'm 18 and bernie let me down and my brother's friend's uncle's nephew convinced me trump was a real man
>I'm so mad even tho I couldnt even vote back then and I won't vote anyways this time
>Yang Gang!

What the VAT means is we all pay 20% more for literally fucking everything, while corporations pay 0-5% more, and small businesses pay 10-15% more.
VAT is just another way for big money to crush the small guy.
Yang is a faggot.

You're mentally handicapped neoliberal chilling for big capital.
Unironically kill yourself retard


Those names don't sound very American to me, fuck off jew

Nice counter argument Achmesven, now chop chop to the cuck shed.


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>I'm so mad even tho I couldnt even vote back then and I won't vote anyways this time
I literally voted for Trump, troglodyte, for the wall. I understand now that it won't happen. Trump has nothing to offer me.

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They are not his policies anymore MIGApede. He altered them because Yang carries out the will of his people unlike Trump who only carries out the will of Kushner.

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>I literally voted for Trump
>for the wall
And you think Yang is going to give you what he says you want!

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Being taxed doesn't mean you lose all profit. It's a percentage of the profit. You make 100$, 10$ gets taken and split, you still walk away with 90$.

You can't get the welfare and the 1000$. You can choose between it, and honestly, it's nothing.

He probably won't, but at least I tried, like I did with Trump. I'm sure i'll grow to hate Yang too, and move on to the next funny meme candidate. That's the way politics is, you take this much too seriously.

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>fairly taxing giant Leftist corporations that hate me is bad
Wake up. Most Non Whites already get far more than $1000 a month UBI in welfare, they will be recieving less. As millions of job are lost to automation UBI will be necessary to keep the economy functioning so people can engage in consumer capitalism.

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The cope is real

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But you do lose from profits since you need to increase prices thus reducing the total number of customers so in effect its a loop, also where did he say you can choose either the money or welfare because he never mentioned it.And its also discriminatory if that would be the case.

The irony is that most of your people are on Neetbux, lel.

Weak meme.

How is it cope? I don't put 100% trust into anyone, not anymore. But if there's a chance I could win $1,000 a month (nearly 50k for one term and 100k for two terms), I'd be a fool not to take it.

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>implying he would sign executive orders to do any of that shit unlike President Kushner

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I don't see much of a problem. In many states the rules are already similar

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It's almost like Yang works for China.

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Go fuck yourself degenerate.

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>literally russian bot tier conspiracy
You people have become what you used to despise

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I've been posting in a tranny thread

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You don't need to increase prices. Note: I said profits, meaning pure profit. Not a tax on the product, and if suddenly Burger kings decide they want to be greedy and double their price, then McDonald's will take all their business.

Based Yang

>the jew fears the samurai

>t. retards
It’s literally inevitable that you’ll have to print money to sustain any sort of social welfare. Keeping useless eaters alive who create no value of their own *requires* making false value elsewhere. The whole idea that automation will lead us to a future where no one has to work and everyone gets free money is the most completely retarded idea ever. It violates fundamental laws of nature and evolution. No matter what you do, you cannot get something for nothing. It will completely collapse in short order, as every single social welfare program in every single society in history always has. You’re a fucking selfish retard if you support any of it.

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You do know that two elections down the line the dems will try to make ubi available for all. It'll help you, for a few years, but when, not if, when it's going to bite you in the ass, it's going to rip one cheek off.
>not be infringed
aka doing nothing to a good way to advance 'gun rights'
we should be having guns in the Netherlands too, without the cancer that is permits and what not. Your population becomes safer if everyone is armed.

>the boomer cannot comprehend using robots and AI

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>the tranny can't comprehend full scale automation is still decades away
You can build a mile high border wall faster than this country will lose 40% of its jobs

The value is already generated. Capitalism produces excess value.

Well then where is it?

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>the discord tranny is too short sighted to think past “gibs me free shit now”

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The issue with Yang is that the AI tech he's fear mongering over doesn't exist yet and might not exist for decades. For example, there is no reason at all to think its a sure thing that self driving AI will reach lvl 4 next decade(2020-2030). The main issue being we can't provide examples of every possible situation that may happen on the road in the training data.

For example, some person over at waymo a couple months back talked about edge cases like someone wearing a stop sign as he road on his bike. He said that fucked with the self driving car, but more importantly he points out how hard these edge cases are to prepare for, and the world is full of these cases.

At some point, if you want proper prediction with this sort of tech, you need AI to have common sense knowledge about the world around it so it can have a true understanding about the entities it sees. But you see, solving this problem may literally be 30+ years out, if ever. However, if it ever gets solved, i'll be the first to admit that maybe its time we talk about UBI, but until then, its straight up gibs for the sake of gibs.

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>It's decades away, better wait until I lose my job to do anything about it. Or be a selfish bastard and let my kids grow up with no jobs and no life.
>W-what's that? Y-you're replacing me with a program?