ITT: post race, IQ and the year you started coming here

ashkenazi jew, 145 IQ, been here since mid 2013

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Ashkenazis are the less worse jews because they have a lot of white blood you can be thankful m8.

Do you work here?

Vikangz, 126 or so, been on Jow Forums since 1986

Stinky kike, theres 1600 jews in norway as we speak, thats 1600 too many

Based and ashke nazi pilled

Ginger, 125 IQ, came here after 2016 election

If you eye color is brown you are no better than anyone else. Kike.

Anglo Irish 127 IQ been on Jow Forums since 08
started posting on Jow Forums since 2016

Croatian (Dinard type), 138 IQ, been here since 2011.

This site actually helped me mature a lot and solve most of my anger issues that my people are usually plagued by.

>ashkenazi jew, 145 IQ, been here since mid 2013
so you are saying you are convert from former USSR then?
how much did they pay you for your soul?

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Celt/Anglo-Saxon. IQ is 120. Been coming here every now and again since about 2015.

ashkenazi jew, 6 Gorillian IQ. Since 5,000 BC

999 IQ
2500 b.c.

Attached: Tumblr_mgyd0nAlNB1s2zw13o1_500.png (402x600, 165K)

You better be doing god's work out there burger.

Irish. 130. 08

Attached: tenor.gif (300x290, 156K)

Anglo/German 78iq master race

500 000 in france

Caucasian, 158, been here since 2016

All Jews Should Be Gassed

How does it feel to be constantly manipulating and outsmarting us retarded goys?

Mongol, 110, 2017

Reptilian, 6,000,000 and will start visiting this site in 2020 for the election

Irish(child of migrants. Born here). 143. 2011.

American, 6 gorrilian IQ, been here since '98

Attached: 196451_5_.jpg (600x450, 25K)

White German from noble family, 154 IQ, early 2014

Caucasian (British, Irish, Scandinavian), 155, 2017.

I have a 106 it sucks being not smart but I bet I could kill you with my bear hands

130 IQ 100% Bavarian Phenotype.
And all you guys are liars.
IQ Tests are meaningless. Unless maybee they are done when you are a child in a controlled enviorment.
Your Internet Clickbait Bullshit is no IQ Test. And even if it would be, the only result is telling you how good you are at IQ tests.


A jew asking for your information hmm what could go wrong?
Stop posting your entire ethnic history or dna and other information that is very specific to you on Jow Forums, anons you can easily get identified.

pure barbar ,120 IQ been lurking since 2010

Attached: gfsd.png (1114x548, 21K)

Did they justify the 600.000 million Serbs you butchered?

Mongol Hun, 1945, 241 IQ, verified by the israeli institute of cattle health.

The most autistic and incompetent are usually the highest IQ ones. I wonder why that is.

how has it changed?

nigger, 10iq, gibsmedat we wuz kangz n shieeett

Based and germanicpilled

Tell me about the maghreb, why is one a nigger and the other a pure barber.

Josef Fritzl, 144 IQ, since 1488

Are Ethiopian "Jews" even taken seriously in Israel?

I was there in 2015 and there are loads of them LARPing in Tel Aviv. Easy way to get gibs and a ticket out of Niggerland though.

8S Ique u IZ joo gotoo heck Hortler wuz rite gas ta jooz

Euromutt, IQ 1488, got here yesterday.

pure maghrebi berbers are the ones who look kinda germanic,we dont mix but there is some arab admixture.

the other "berber" the ones who look like niggers are just nick named berber becuse they live in previously berbery owned area,they are the mutts of algeria they have jewish/arab/nigger dna in em.

some of them are , but most just hopped on the gibes train to israel like the rats they are.
they even have names for those kinds of niggers.

Afrikaaner, 136, here since 2006

Attached: images (1).jpg (470x313, 9K)

Half French half English, 121, 2007

Amerimutt IQ 98

My IQ is 72.

>White (Germanic/Celtic)
>6 gorillion

The Source, Infinite IQ, The dawn of consciousness