Women and Politics

Why are women more likely to support left-wing political parties?

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they think with their emotions and the left caters to that.

can right wing parties successfully cater to emotion without alienating male voters?

Right-wing parties are pure emotional appeal. It's nothing but xenophobia. "Vote for us, new things won't happen and you get to have enemies!" That's the entire right-wing platform. It's an appeal to someone who can't think logically through the impact testosterone has on their brain.

you mean they don't think

implying i wouldnt lose interest if thats how they attempted to cater

You understand that what you just said is "not true because I don't feel like it is" right?

They are also massive conformists they submit to what ever culture is dominant and the left wing owns all the media tech companies etc etc

security outweighs opportunity for women, it's also quite easy to scare them (ie the news)

You're confused. Right-wing specifically refers to maintaining the status-quo. Left-wing specifically refers to not doing so. You really need to pick up a book, now and then. Stop reading Jow Forums--it's obviously crippled your ability to think. Social conformity is by-definition a right-wing goal.

Women like gibs. Lots and lots of gibs. Remember Mitt Romney's comments about 47% being tax leeches? That number skews heavily toward women.

How is are you so fucking stupid that you can't imagine the answer to this question?
Oh right, you're just a kike slide
fuck off kys

Because they do what they are told and the media tells them to support the left

Women are more nurturing so nice simple stuff like “free food, free medicine, free shelter, etc.” sounds like common sense (from a mothering POV). Even right wing women are susceptible to leftist economics.

Women in general don’t know anything about politics worldwide so it’s a moot point.

Unmarried women vote democrat because of unrestricted mothering instinct. And because their younger boyfriends usually lean left “I’m poor so free money lol”.

Married women vote republican because that’s what their husbands told them to vote.

I wonder

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Good job. You're the first person in this thread to state a complaint that, at the very least, actually addresses something that is true of left-wing politics. You are right: left-wing politics advocate egalitarianism and a social safety net, which are often implemented as welfare programs. And women do support those more often than men do.

Women want the state to support them, with money earned from taxing males.

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In other words, women want the state to be their daddy and father/supporter, and of their children.

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> Social confirmity is a right-wing goal

Explain leftist SJW dogma.

Explain cult-like persecution of anyone who questions alleged "climate change" dogma.


> Kaidence

I fucking kekd

>Social conformity is by-definition a right-wing goal.
Look here everyone, the "intellectual" leftist here to tell everyone that only the right-wing is authoritarian and demands social conformity.
Meanwhile if you dislike faggots, niggers, or spics, then you don't deserve to live or have a job.

Men are stupid and think it is weakness when in fact it's intelligence when you cooperate with one another.

This is why women are superior, they work together!

because they are marginalized
and you'll probably say they're not
but then remember that you hate them, and your views are overtly anti-woman (in the sense that you don't view them as autonomous independent individuals)

they're bitches and their cunts stink like poopie

POOPiE! POOPiE! P00P13!!!!!!!!

wtf kinda name is 'kaidence'

You do realize that women prefer sexist men, right?

When they say they don’t it’s just a shit test to weed out the pussies who care what they want

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>Explain leftist SJW dogma
That "dogma" is mostly the result of your not being very educated. There is no single dogma. Go read some feminist literature. In about five pages, you'll discover that there are three or four hundred flavors that hate each other every bit as much as they all hate you.

>Explain cult-like persecution of anyone who questions alleged "climate change" dogma.
The science is in and you're not questioning it. You're parroting excuses to ignore it that have been sold to you by careful advertising from massive corporations.

I know that, here on Jow Forums, you guys like to think that news outlets and "the media" are a vast conspiracy to control you. But they're not. News leans left in the USA because the right in the USA denies science. But none of that actually matters. Because the media isn't in charge. Massive, global corporations are. And they're the ones who don't want their activities curtailed by the scientific fact of the things they're doing being harmful.

Imagine actually believing this. Women really are retarded children.

inability to think rationally.
woman politics is all about 'feelings'.

Literally read the definitions of left/right politics, friends. I know you've got a lot of identity politics confusing your little brains. But these words have specific meanings. Just because you call yourself right-wing doesn't result in those meanings changing.

Because women are retarded emotional creatures who rarely have a grasp around what's going on other than what they see on the TV

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you do realise you are a generalising retard, right?

every time i go out i get guys telling me to back off from their girlfriends, i'm never going after them i have a gf i just make conversation and theyre always super keen because i'm genuinely just interested if they're a decent human being, i dont give a fuck about their woman status which most of you neets do
you see a woman and all you can think about is she's a woman, and your relationship to that status, its pathetic



That's why Jewish propaganda is all about dead kids and shit. It's "in the moment" fee fees. western men follow women and women follow their emotions.

>Why are women more likely to support left-wing political parties?

Because conservatives make it clear through their public statements and political policies that they consider women to be second class citizens. It's actually a pretty simple connection.


Just as "Nazi" had a specific meaning until the left decided to start throwing it around as insult. Meanings change over time based on the predominant cultural norms. The right certainly doesn't possess sole ownership of "authoritarian" or "social conformity" as concepts.

>western men follow women
this is the problem

>You're confused. Right-wing specifically refers to maintaining the status-quo.

>The political terms "Left" and "Right" were first used during the French Revolution (1789–1799) and referred to seating arrangements in the French parliament: those who sat to the right of the chair of the parliamentary president were broadly supportive of the institutions of the monarchist Old Regime.The original Right in France was formed as a reaction against the "Left" and comprised those politicians supporting hierarchy, tradition, and clericalism. The use of the expression la droite ("the right") became prominent in France after the restoration of the monarchy in 1815, when it was applied to the Ultra-royalists. The people of English-speaking countries did not apply the terms "right" and "left" to their own politics until the 20th century.

So when will Burgerland submit to the British Crown once again?

>you do realise you are a generalising retard, right?
You do realize that you are a science denying retard, right? I’m sure there’s some weird penguins that prefer eating grass over fish. But normal women enjoy the company of casually sexist men.

Because of left tries to catch female votes

being this confused.

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Women love getting treated like number two by (High SMV) men. They just enjoy number one benefits sometimes.

You have correctly identified the meaning of those terms. Here's what I said:
>Right-wing specifically refers to maintaining the status-quo.
Here's what your source said:
>.The original Right in France was formed as a reaction against the "Left" and comprised those politicians supporting hierarchy, tradition, and clericalism

Are you under the impression that those statements disagree with one another? They don't.

glad i wasn't the only one

my fucking sides user

fuck of roastie

it's not a mystery. They are slaves to their emotions and the left appeals to emotion 99% of the time.
This is also why they want a female president. A female president would be an easy pawn. Just tell em
>mean men in murica must be nuked
and off we go into civil war

link me that science bro i'm up for a peer reviewed paper

Because they're evil pieces of shit that want to rule over us and make us into a new slave class.

More or less. They haven’t freed themselves from their nature, just shifted it over to something that fulfills the same role.

I wouldn't say all of them think that way but the femenists ones do

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>status quo - the existing state of affairs
I think we're pretty far gone from that

being this deluded
kek SMV! if you have high SMV you retard you get laid regardless, its the SMV not the sexism, you are beyond
pol really is incels

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Ever read the SCUM manifesto? It's what they'd do to us if they ever get full power.

Don't listen to the shills that say "it's satire" - everything in it is slowly coming to pass.

They still teach it in women's studies.

I would say the stupid ones.....but you know.

Nice try beta orbiter.

Hitler is famous for saying once you got the kids, then you've got the women, so follow the men

No man speaks badly about his T. Found the lonely whore.

I saw some stats taken from the 2016 election proving there was no sex correlation and that women actually voted for trump.
ESPECIALLY the older women competing with minorities for work.

dude what is the "scum manifesto" I never heard of it

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>book written by a mentally ill person
>lol this isn't a strawman

Right? How could any man ever get over his feelings and employ rationality about his own body?

A combination of the left's alienation of anyone/anything on the right, female in-group preference, feminism, and the female tendency to focus more on distribution than acquisition.

You should know what they're like, being from Sweden.

Why don't your people warn the world about women's rule!

meh, you think i'm a beta orbiter, i think you're lonely and insecure

OP is wrong, they actually did the opposite according to official polls of the 2016 election.

A book written by a schizophrenic woman who shot Andy Warhol.

It was a book explaining how women would overthrow men and kill them off.

The catalyst for this would be the development of artificial sperm.

Being childless, their motherly instincts are most likely channeled into state policies that seek to aid "helpless" individuals who are struggling materially.

>This is why women are superior, they work together!

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If it's so insane, why do you still teach it in your shitty women's studies classes?

Anyway, I can find plenty more examples of what you are.

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She pleaded insanity on the orders of the chairwoman of the NOW.

Oh trust me, i know.

because they're more human than men

She was a diagnosed, paranoid schizophrenic, friend. I've never taken a class that had it on a reading list, personally.

Left wing has something that I can support, but whatever reasonable political view they’ve, fuck me, they ruined with literally all sorts of retarded and cringe emotional charged let’s all feel good crap. Women don’t have political ideology, men made them think they have. Go fucking question Islamic based politics!

This is why women shouldn't vote.

Low T causes depression, low libido, erecticle dysfunction, greater risk of heart disease, higher body fat %, and lower muscle mass. Why do leftists hate good health?

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What feelings are you talking about? The feelings about wanting women to not have rights? You can't understand how it is to be rational as a woman.

1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4

for example if some kind of god like being separeted men and women in different planets that are copies of earth with the same buildings and animals, a few years down the line even if both men and women could reproduce assexualy the society made by women would turn earth into a postapocaliptic nuclear wastland best case scenario they would regress with tecnology to a pre industrial standart, while the men only society would became kind of like the imperium of men when the emperor was alive, spreading throwth the stars.

how do we resist these Ashkenazi temptresses?

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Do you know that females make stupid decisions and will drive us to extinction?
Because males are biologically made to lead and make decisions

I don't believe that for a second. Also, even if she was, the people that followed her were mainstream feminists.

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I have no idea what you're talking about. Who is claiming that testosterone is bad? It has an effect (anger that clouds rationality) that can sometimes have detrimental effects. If you were able to use your reason instead of your emotions, you wouldn't have any problem recognizing that. That doesn't make testosterone or men bad. It's just a potential downside that can be overcome with rationality. Read some books, learn some things, and you'll stop fearing your own faults so much, once you learn to overcome them.

It's natural for the majority of every group to tend toward ideologies that improve their quality of life

>Why are women more likely to support left-wing political parties?
Because women thoughts are based on "feelings", empathy, compassion and / or hatred. mainly because of 6,000+ years of being wives and raising children, their roll is a mans support role.
Men are based on Logic and reason (I said men, feminist SoiBoi cucks not included), because mens rolls are providers, builders and protectors men need to base their thought patterns on logic and reason or they will fail to be providers, builders and protectors.

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I fully support segregation of women until they apologise and agree to be held accountable for the damage they caused to innocent people.

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Leftist women will never understand this. Their weak fathers brainwashed them to believe they're just as capable as any man in traditional male roles.

>they work together

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>What feelings are you talking about?
The feelings that lead you to say something as stupid as:
>No man speaks badly about his T
Recognizing that testosterone can have a negative impact on our ability to be rational isn't "speaking badly" about testosterone. It's speaking rationally. Which isn't a hard thing to do, unless your emotions are overwhelming your ability to do it.

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You don't genuinely believe women are better thinkers than men do you?

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Most women are retarded children. They demand other people pay for them at every step.


NPR and BBCs.....what else.
Oh yeah...daytime tv, cnn ,abc,cbs,harpo,obams,amazon fire, alexa, googlage,msm,russians,niggers,spics, day mom,and day other mom.....ans on and on and on......