Why do colleges have such a bias against the right wing? I'd like a little bit of fairness in my curriculum instead of just dumb echochambers.
Why do colleges have such a bias against the right wing...
Name one worthwhile idea of today's right.
What is right wing? A belief in private property?
Billionaires that think by promoting left wing ideas they will end up with more power. Rockefellers aided several US schools, demand in return a complete change of grades and methods to basically what they wanted. The Dodd Report in the 60s proved that all the big financial aid distributed at least to the US was promoting lef-wing idead. The UN also openly promoted anti-nationalism and the depreciation of patriotic heroes of the past.
jews infiltrated western academia in the early 1900s and set about transforming it into a propaganda machine. they’re basically done at this point and modern right wingers are too retarded/last to take it back
>a bias against the right wing
assuming you are a burger, the left wing is right of center at this point.
you mean humanities departments I think. Change your major to something real like engineering, law, or hell even business, and this bias will disappear.
every stemtard I've met has been a complete redditor who thinks that liking science and marvel movies means he's a sophisticate
Healthy two-parents families are better than single parents.
Promiscuity is not healthy for yourself or for society
Self-control is a good thing
Free speech is a good thing
We should judge arguments by their content, not by the gender, sexual orientation and race of the author
We should hire the one that can do the best job, regardless of his race/gender/etc
Laws should be created by the legislative, not by mental gymnastics (see Roe v Wade)
In cultural terms, the American left is far-left
I'm sure that there are many factors but anyone who disagrees with vast bullshitty theoretical frameworks is self selected out so what else can universities be?