Freedom Rankings

According to Freedom House, the freest countries in the world are Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland are in the top ten. The USA falls way down at 52.

What do you think? What can we do to be more free?

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India is aryan confirmed

we wuzzzzzz

American dream is just a meme at this point.

how do you quantify freedom? while using only 3 constants?

Based El Salvador

Does Freedom House still glows in the dark? Asking for a friend.

(((Freedumb))) literally doesn't exist.

When Germany has laws restricting free speech, censoring the internet, a state monopoly on news, sky high taxes, strict gun laws and political stagnation due to powerful party elites but we`re freer than the US because we have no speed limit on highways and we can drink in public with 16

Attached: Bismarck pepe.jpg (400x400, 50K)

In Amerika, you have opportunity to steal ze Rashin reporting and vin Pulitsar Prizes!

Mutts can't even drink a beer in the street without arrest.

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At least it's still legal here for me to take a piss standing up. These rankings are complete bullshit and you're delusional if you actually believe them. Do you feel honestly free, Swede?

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No need to get mad because I speak the truth. We have lack of freedom here too but in different areas compared to your country.
>At least it's still legal here for me to take a piss standing up.
Things like this is just memes that get picked up, there is no law for this.

Wow I am now nu-Amerika, yeeeeeeee.

I only need just one of those.

Here is press freedom index. Once again Scandinavia ranks at the top with Norway having the freest press in the world. Once again USA is way down at 45. And I expect us to fall even further next year with the recent scandal that our government was tracking journalists...regardless of how severe it was. It's kind of a bummer that our country is so low on these lists.

Attached: press.png (1593x869, 159K)

Ayyyyy lmao

>UK is green
Into the trash it goes.

Canada, we aren't much better.

We need to make a decent replacement for the craigslist casuals section :(

Yeah it must be a real bummer when the brainwashing of american exceptionalism crumbles down. All Americans need to castrated

In those supposedly free countries you can go to jail for expressing a political opinion. Clearly the metric is not based in reality.

How can you say any countries are free, when none of them have the freedom to put what you want in your own body?

>Poland behind Mongolia
Yeah, I smell bullshit

Scandivian press actively hides crime by immigrants. If you believe this is accurate you might be legitimately mentally handicapped.

Uh, yeah, but you have ECONOMIC freedom. And that's what real freedom is.

Bullshit pinko propaganda. Trump isn't bowing down to progressive values so progressives that write this report thinks the US is somehow less free.

Canada is free solely because of the incompetence of its law enforcement and intelligence agencies. If the government was capable of making us a police state like USA they would. But they can't so I guess we're free.

The tracking journalists thing is interesting in this context. However, pretty much all of the freedom of the press indexes are weighing America so low because the president is critical of the press.

The people in the press that write these reports don't like it when you talk bad about them.

The freedom of the press in America is top tier. In basically no other country can you get away with saying whatever you want they way you can here.

there is no critera on what any of this means. The only thing i can find is this. One of them being "rights of migrants" that is not free. Why dose people who do are not apart of, say america, get to effect how america is "free" since americans will not bend over and take it up the ass.

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Both countries are full of mongols. If (you) can't see that, it's because you are one.

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UPDATE this shit is liberal propaganda. Found the report for america.
Literally says that Russian effected the presidential election.
Hillary won the popular vote.
LGBT should be a protected class.
How transgenders should use the bathrooms THEY WANT.
And then at the bottom talks about minimal wage increases.
Christ this shit has Jews written all over it

>nations with hate speech laws have higher rating than nations without
What kind of bullshit this?