The final pill

The final pill

Attention: proof that Europe is a shit hole and most of these "white" countries are as well.

There's more displaced white folk all around the world than any other race. They came in hordes to North America. White refugees are the worst, they build, eat, steal, until their ego explodes and realize that they have no value in the world so they let it all out... Guns guns guns... Kill kill kill... *there's nothing to live for* *got to findmiself*

They are the most dangerous breed of people. They bring all the violence they have and hide it in their closets along with all their hate... But they are keen with the mentality "out of sight out of mind"

The biggest pharma and drug users in North America; white americans

The most destructive people in the world; white americans

The biggest consumers of government lies; white Americans

They have no homeland. It has been forgotten because the US white government doesn't want you to be rooted it just needs to use your pretty colored eyes and your unhealthy looking pale skin to continue to manipulate the rest of this American illusion.

BRB sending a rocket to the moon

Brb America! USA USA USA

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Even though this post is obvious satire there are literal retards that wholeheartedly believe shit like this

She forgot to put settler/pioneer as an alternative

Whats so ridiculous? It's true. White peepole are descendants of immigrants, refugees, Slaves, but NO MATTER WHAT they are not native to the America's or many other countries.

Calm down Gunther don't be so nonchalant when using those phrases, all the south American refugees say the same thing.

So powerful.
Bending words and inventing new ones is typical of authoritarian regimes.


You can't immigrate to a territory you fucking fuck heads.

Oooh a white European, hi faggot

Here we go with this bullshit. You damn immigrants can never accept who you dimwits are. Egos the size of the Salesforce tower in SF, but useless unlike the tower.

Humans are not native to North America. Do there is no such thing as a “Native American”

don't call me white you obese motherfucker, I'm Italian.

Do agree, but also times change, no point in whingif about what should or shouldn't have been, what's done is done, you have to think of what's best for the most people

Goddamn shame about native Americans though. That is definitely a shitty part of US history. Every nation has made mistakes as well.

Settlers and Pioneers are not immigrants.

I laughed

Kill Jews

Yes they are. Likely the "native Americans" were also immigrants at some point colonizing the people before them, or doing this to one another's tribes.

That is the real redpill. Everyone has stolen land and replaced another preceding culture before them so nobody has a high ground and life goes on, it will happen for eternity in every area.

>Native Americans
Those are goddamn Asians you goddamn morons. "Native Americans" did not just appear out of no where.

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Goy then there are no such thing as Europeans o_0 you niggas are descendants of pale negros.

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>that pic

>but but we were stronger and bullied non-whites , we wuz strong an shiet

>conquerors and subjugators

Therefore all whiteys are immigrants and since documenting all you dirty bastards back in the 'olden days...was difficult a lot of you came here illegally

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>She forgot to put settler/pioneer as an alternative
She, like everyone else, forgot Conquistadors.
My blue-eyed ancestors were here long before the British refugees.

Are You a kang?

Bullied? The only people you bullied are your own, and those with low iqs and you made them Slaves because you slimey fucks didn't want to work. Lazy history repeats itself and this time you won't be killing or hanging anyone whitey

Its a discord dickless

Nope. No such thing as a Kang, king, ruler, dictator, without a bunch of idiots who idolized them

>a lot of you came here illegally

God you trannys are really stupid

Damn, you are that stupid.

She left out conquerors.

we only send our worse no upstanding citizen would risk going across the sea for a better life suck it i view america as cum rag where europe can wipe all the shit it has off it

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Conquistadors were manipulated by the Aztecs in order to bring the world to Mexico. Their blue eyes and pretty hair helped the savage Aztecs conquer all of Mexico through their religion. Once religion and one language was imposed they took the capital back.

Stupid mongrols don't know any history just talk about the silly bullshit they read in grade school but always talking about knowing EVERYTHANG

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Why do the Injuns have horses? I thought horses did not exist in North America until the murdering rapist peepole came over?

Not faggot
*checks box*

You said nothing. You must be white.

>omits the only one that’s relevant in any way

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they traded for the horses

Swallow the truth faggot... Take it!! All of it!! Don't resist, it will only hurt your pre-wired delusional neural pathways.

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Everyone is an immigrant though, other than the original population of humans.

Also why do you type like a poo?


>Attention: proof that Europe is a shit hole and most of these "white" countries are as well.

What countries aren't shitholes if European countries are shitholes?

>There are more displaced white folk all around the world .... rant
They're not displaced. They're colonizing. It's like saying an invasive specie is displaced.

>All the rest of the shit
Yet, they still fair better than pretty much all other peoples.

ANYWAY, the real final pill is that white Americans need to go back.

[x] Colonist

noun [ C ] US
politics & government a person living in a country or area controlled politically by a more powerful country

Who was here before you faggot?

the Injuns ??

Native american here.

I'm the real old fag.

The shitty part is that they can't go back because they don't know where the hell they are from. They showed up here like Slaves and now they just say they are of European decent although Europe is a continent. Just like niggas... They're all African. Wut?

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Whites excel at exploration and conquest. We can build great nations anywhere in the world. Whether it's in North America, South Africa, NZ, or Australia. That's why the shitskins flock to white countries. They want what we've built. Whites create and shitskins destroy. It's not even intentional on their part. They're just genetically too dumb and lazy to thrive in advanced cultures.

They're better off than niggers because they actually had book keeping, but yeah.

I support the alternative of just whoever wants a huge dose of white immigrants should open their borders to the diaspora.

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>who was here before you faggot
Did you miss the part where America was home to a bunch of Asian settlers that had devolved into murdering savages who could barely speak?
We colonized the fuck out of those losers.

That exaplains all the ghost shows on TV... Pretty much white people are always haunted by native American ghosts. Driving them insane, out of their homes, and into the streets.

That sounds like what is happening in the USA by blacks, Asians, South Americans

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>native american

They caught the hang of it fast.

I guess even filthy degenerate leftist can have dreams.
Gay dreams about faggotry but dreams non the less.

not seeing a box for 'settler' or 'conquerer' user
must just be for colored people

You would love Mexico. They have been taking in European immigrants for hundreds of years now. Murder runs high; all the remnant blood thirsty European and Aztec blood mixed together, and you have Mexico.

I can smell asshurt through my wireless connection.

Don't let the Native American spirits haunt your dreams.

>What if all the Europeans just fuck off to place that isn't there native homeland?

Yes, this is exactly what I am saying.

White people are the Natives now Tonto.
Injuns are just ancient history.

I was born here, I'm native.

Deal with it.

Your music sucks and you can't handle your liquor.

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They usually do. Why don't Europeans stay in their own land? Are they afraid of their own lords?

Now white Americans are getting tired of their lords and blame their own immigration on others like the jews...

Jews are the new lords of USA

I wish my ancestors had brought a few more smallpox blankets.

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>United States
Two different things retard.

>Why don't Europeans stay in their own land?
Because they weren't born in their own land, and they can't go back due to the huge amount of red tape.

>Blame their own immigration on the Jews

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came to say this. Thank you. Also the mutt posted some low quality bait, why reply?

Can you post this again without writing like a degenerate?

> I'm a conqueror and a colonizer!
> well technically I'm a little gamer piece of shit that conquered fucking nothing
So why don't you fags just make the might makes right argument? Say you are better than immigrants because you conquered and took the land by force. I'm sure that argument will be extremely successful.

What is a settler?

I don't know, Jow Forums likes the Western modern high ground instead of just accepting

>We really don't want to be genocided or made minorities in the land we control for the benefit of people that aren't us.

as a completely valid argument.

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Libtards are not known for their encyclopedia like knowledge, your lucky if they don't wipe the shit off their asses into their cunts

native americans anscestors immigrated here. what is the point?

lol are we imperialist colonizers or refugees? you can't have it both ways.

> trying to make a might makes right appeal from a position of weakness
Well then in that case whites with low birth rates deserve to be bred out of existence because might makes right and natural selection and all that

Here is the catch, it really doesn't fucking matter what people deserve or what ought to be.

For the argument you're making, there is no position of weakness - only a position of foolishness. It's roughly equivalent to say

>if you can't defend a castle with an open gate, you deserve to have it taken
instead of
>We should close the gate because the retards we took this castle from forgot to and it doomed them.

All of the above

it's more like you're pleading with the guards to close the gate saying "b-but I was here first plz stap"

Why not include "colonists" which is the actual answer??

I like what you said user

Rightwiggers are not smart enough to decipher an encyclopedia

I rest my case.

Settler and conqueror.


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She(?) forgot to include "founders"

But Leaf-kun. You are the guards.

Because we know Native Americans mysterious appeared anywhere from 15,000 to over 100,000 years ago, and it was peace and harmony until the white man arrived. Therefore it's reasonable to claim only the white men were invaders.