Sweden's Woman of the Year 2019

This young woman just received the Woman of the Year award here in Sweden. Say something nice about her.


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i guarantee you she knows not one fact or actual solution to global warming

>here’s an award for being loud and complaining

She basically got an award for skipping school and saying that it was because "muh environment". I think she's based

>16 Year old
>Woman of the Year
seriously we have to keep the left away from society, they are literally insane

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>be a kid
>don’t wanna go to school today
>want a nice day off
>justify it by saying you’re doing it for planet earth
>enjoy your day off
>a bunch of virtue signaling retards from around the world lionize you into a hero
>become internationally famous and receive awards
unironically based

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It keeps the pedos under control....
And then women can vote at age 13....duh.

She will make a pack of sand niggers very happy.

At least she's huwhite

a true role model for kids everywhere

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Isn't she from the coolest EU country...Belgi?

Is she a Sami? Kinda has that look to her face.