American boomers

Why do American boomers think that the Constitution and capitalism are their "culture"? Boomers killed American culture.

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Why do americans get so defensive when you point out that most of their "culture" is just turbo-capitalism

what ever you say, cunt


Speak English Rudolph. The fuck you mean ”turbo-capitalism”?

They are offended because they think our culture is pioneers and colonists even though we have lost that spirit long ago. When you point this out they start to see the truth in it but reject it because they want to defend Mcdonalds and obesity

Your culture is great, burger. I love Thoreau. I love transcendentalism, Whitman, Twain, 1920's film noir, jazz. Even in the post-culture 20th century you guys have managed to produce art like math rock.

Don't fall for the boomer lie. Your people have a far greater culture than one piece of paper and exploitative economics.

America was made by the pioneers for the pioneers. That spirit is still alive witching America today in many forms. Is the message a bit more construed now? Of course, they will always try to jam that signal. Never lose your true American spirit of love, liberty, and freedom.

If you have ever been here you would know that no one gives a shit about and of this, everyone here only cares about buying shit and getting fucked.

I hate this place

It's called the american civic religion, and it's followed by boomer types mainly. Always laugh when I hear people jack off about the founding fathers, fucking greedy protestant crypto-kikes who followed French pseudo-intellectual, God-hating bullshit from (((Voltaire))) and co

Thanks dad you got some cool history yourself.

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