Why did Christians burn Witches?

Why did Christians burn Witches?

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women are lying deceitful whores

They worship Satan?

you need to understand that todays equivalent of witches are people like podesta, clintons, the rothschilds, epsteins. all those people that snatch children to rape and murder them, selling "potions", drugs to the people and the feminists spewing satanic bullshit at every cost. not to forget that the black magic part of it all is very real as well.

Collections of some witch trial docs
one for example showing how the witch was physically incapable of citing the bible and such stuff
another highlights suffering from seizures which was eased when prayed with voodooesque dolls with goat hair found at the suspects house as well.

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Historians have discovered that the amount of witch trials are pretty rare. Maybe less than a hundred people were tried for being a witch.

It's just when there is so little to do back then something as rare as this becomes common knowledge.


Because Jews are feminists, and we aren't goddamn kikes am I right?

>a grand max of 100 crazy women burned

google anita sarkeesian

>Berated others for being dumbasses for thinking some people or families with fancy titles or pieces of yellow metal around their heads meant they were anointed by God.

>Taught children & young adults to think for themselves and not ”go with the flow” along with the other dumbasses of their time.

>Inspired people to form secret societies, like Freemasonry, where intelligent people could gather and form cohesive groups against the status-quo of their time.

>Tried to find cures for certain illnesses & not accept that God had chosen to punish ill people for their sins.

>Enforced the idea that people must not remain idle or numb and accept their fate (aka. born poor, die poor) as if it was outside their control.

>Thought they'd chance the scenery a bit and wear different clothes than what peasant women & nobility women wore in their time.

>Refused to obey command just because others thought their position (pope, inquisitor, noble etc) gave them some bullshit made-up authority over individual people & their destiny.

>They were the first dissidents to be hunted by the secret police of their time for speaking out and hold different opinions (ie. alternative facts).

>They had the audacity to wash their cunts before fucking and suggested that the nobility are some unwashed inbred monkeys in fancy clothes, compared to the peasantry that had some semblance of personal hygiene.

Meanwhile how many infidels are decapitated by muslims?

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because they could

better question is why did we stop

I mean we didn't but municipalities did because of anti-heresy codes injected into the law by pseudo-religious upper floors of that era

Sounds like what modern feminists say they're doing. I wholeheartedly approve the burning of witches.

Cuz God said to. Suffer not a witch to live. There shall not be diviners, sooth sayers, wizards, necromancers found among you. We live in clown world where no one wants to carry out the justice of Gods law except freakin muslims so whites are cursed.

Oh boiii look at them numbers tho


100 women burned and not a single one of them was innocent.

What kind of faggot pussies wouldnt kill witches? And why the fuck do pussies always begin sentences with "I mean"? What the fuck do you mean bitch?

Because they didn't have a word for communist back then

Read Blood Ritual by Philip de Vier.

Doesn't matter if magic is real or not. People ran around, kidnapping men, women, and especially children for the sole purpose of a torturous death and exsanguination for ritual purposes.

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thot patrol

Chirstcucks went from burning witches to sucking dick while still attempting to hold the moral high ground.

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Because it was the right thing to do

Because they’re made out of wood.

A better question is why did they stop?

It is. Pic related from some action of the workers communist party of iran in my city the other day (dont ask me what they are doing here) together with a bunch of other communist and feminists group. One was called MLP, which like /mlp/ probably is full of horsefuckers and another is the feminist group „yen“ which you see represented by the purple flag. Of course they showcase too an inverted pentagram

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>washing cunt

they were jealous of their flight abilities.

>People ran around, kidnapping men, women, and especially children for the sole purpose of a torturous death and exsanguination for ritual purposes.
Who could it have (((been)))?

Because look what happens (today's feminist world) when you don't.

If someone calls themself straight, yet is a faggot, would you call them straight? If satans minions take over organized Christianity (as prophesied would happen) do you call them Christian?


I never thought I'd agree with a leaf THIS much, but here I am. Truly today is a day of miracles.

There is a reason why nonbelievers where expelled from society and/or killed to prevent their heresy from infecting the rest, and we're living through it as we speak.

There was some while ago a thread speculating how Satans politics would look like:
First he will push egalitariaism and liberalism to break down concepts of race, ethnicity, and tradition together with a hedonistic materialist worldview.
Open borders to have cultures clash and gradually dilute one another and make compromises to stay compatible with one another, this is gradual mutual destruction of the cultures. Identity and gender politics. "So what if God made me a guy. I cut my dick off and become a woman. My body my choice", Normalization of childsacrifices in form of abortion under the flag of personal freedom, that is egoism which is satanism
He will break down the natural order, "everyone" will be equal, no God or king above one who can tell you anything. Age old concepts will be altered, until no definition holds anything anymore and everything can be reshaped/redefined however it is deemed fit. "Two genders is just an age old misconcept, modern science shows gender isnt binary but fluid and free to choose and not defined by biology". "War is peace", "Loving your own race is hating other races"
Everything is aimed at breaking down the natural order as provided by God and pervert every concept you can think of.
This will lead to people only caring for themselves gradually, being "liberated" from the laws and morals of God, the chains that bind them, which are embodied in our culture and tradition that they break down

>The first inhabitants of Italy were the Aborigines, whose king, Saturnus, is said to have been a man of such extraordinary justice, that no one was a slave in his reign, or had any private property, but all things were common to all, and undivided, as one estate for the use of every one; in memory of which way of life, it has been ordered that at the Saturnalia slaves should everywhere sit down with their masters at the entertainments, the rank of all being made equal."
Sounds familliar?

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witches were actually sabbatean jews

Jews. But in the New World, which was heavily based on Protestant beliefs, a certain level of "philo-semitism" has always been present, so gentile imitators of blood ritual were more common than in Europe, hence most "witchery".

something to do with Catholic/Protestant warring.

Dark fuckin times man

Yes, I think kek is fond of me.

Have you ever been around the sort of people who fit that bill today? They are insufferable and bring down everyone around them, they poison public discourse and wreck families. It's not about whatever magic they claim to do, it's about their general anti-social behavior.

Egoism is not Satanism. I don't advocate my property destroy itself, I try to build my property up.

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because they were jews

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that's inspiring and all, but do you have any proof, or just took it out of your ass?

your god invented all that stuff if he made the universe and everything in it.

witches were burned because of ignorance and religious intolerance. "My cow got sick after the old woman next door looked at it."

its a form of satanism for there are many.
satan (associated with saturn) meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. But then there also is THE Satan, Ha-Satan.

6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. Think About how molecules and icecrystals form in hexagonal shapes. saturn being the 6th planet with hexagon on its northpole). 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.

The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by thus the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil.
The 666 could also stand for the dimensions of the cube, 6x6x6, entrapping us in the 6, our weakness and temptations.

Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entity. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity (well, some do that too). they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.

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they were burning jews user, they were stealing children and drinking their blood
witches in childrens books and stories always look like these jewish women

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Pic related. those 7 circles are called the seed of life.
One interpretation i saw is that its meant to symbolize the creation week, or symbolize the same as the creation week does in the bible
The center being conciousness, that expands to the circle. The conciousness then moves to the border of the circle where it expands again creating the second circle and so on until you got the seed of life. the 6 days of creation around the 7th one, God, the seed of life or whatever you want to call it.
By connecting the points of intersection you gain the (black) cube, as above mentioned symbolizing the material world and as such Satans rule.

I have to say here that the 6, and all these patterns are commonly seen as a positive symbol as it is the blueprint of creation of life, but its only the material part of this, and according to the Bible the source of temptations, the Satan's, which we should work on overcoming with

So in this light atheism is low key satanism as both are about the material, about power, wealth, the flesh.
Christianity is about rejection of the flesh and embrace of the spirit. Where christianity tells you everything is God, thus you yourself too and everything else it means everything is connected to you while satanism and atheism teach seperation. no underlying connections and thus seperation leads to worship of the self, and only caring about the ego.
Where satanists and atheist desire to be blessed in this life and having it comfy christianity tell you you will have it hard in this life, prosecuted and attacked for doing the right thing, so you may have delight in the next live instead

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The real question is why did they stop?

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>made up bullshit
Why are the feminists almost always meme flags? Is it how they express their creativity?

Because #BelieveWomen

they didn't, catholics burnt good girls so the world
could be inhabited by bad girls ie witches.

we are all so dumb when we look at history
and then the world and can't put anything
together, the enemy has won.

Because the clergy all favour little boys, and are threatened by women. Fucking Cuckstian fags always liked sucking on that little pecker.

puritans and quackers aren’t christian they were nutjobs killing anyone they didn’t like who lived on their own terms

You're trying to sell me and the audience bullshit that works the back of men's heads and commits them to action. Just because you can make a long string of "ands" and throw big words next to each other doesn't mean that through juxtaposition you've achieved equity of definition. In fact, it seems you would be the one trying to proselytize the meme that "everyone is equal"*addendum, under the or a god or 'godly secular' state.
> i believe... i believe... i believe
> of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes.
You're going off the rails. You're caught trying to sell the Judeo-Christian (and now -Islamic if the pope is to be believed) religion and you come up short on your detractors. My point was that as a selfish person, I see what I own and want to defend and build it up. I own this experience of you, I want you to get this; this conversation of ours is my property as well as yours. Yet insofarasmuch as I choose to own it and you shirk back from it as if it is God's property, then you will not be a part of the conversation. In fact, I will go further with the memes of the premise of your religion. If we are all God's creations, and he created us in his likeness, then we are thus wholly responsible creators of the same sort. The only part I agree with out of what you've stated is that your lot have crafted some sort of "demon" that has to do with any action or thought that could benefit the one doing the action and not the bodiless spirit (((Yahweh spook))) which flows through the culture in which he's embedded trying to take credit for his every sweat.


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t gay mason jew

>talking this much without saying anything

Hegel leads to Engels and Marx, but he also leads to Stirner -- beyond the Hegelian dialectic that Marx proposed of his philosophy being materialistically determined to happen when juxtaposed with the reigning system (Mercantilism redefined as Capitalism in Das Capital) there is Max Stirner. Max Stirner's writing would later influence Nietszche which would later influence Heidegger. Through the confounding of words that you have done as well as every Marxist thinker has done you've attempted nothing other than to reconvert detractors back into your cult by redefining terms. My people are a property of mine. They are a characteristic of me, without them I would be a different person. Thus, the nation is my property (as I am a proper part of that nation in turn). I want my property to be the best it can be. I want to be the best I can be. I want you to be the best I can be. That means I don't want you to fucking embroil yourself in degeneracy, dipshit. That means I actually want to build my people up, give them meaning that they can search for on their own, that they can grasp with their own hands. Where property and justice will be back where they belong, back in the hands of the people, instead of whatever fucking ghost you're trying to get me to follow by outlining some other ever more nefarious specter.

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You wrote two paragraphs that pretty much said "what you believe" about numerology. Basically, I could report you to die regierung right now for thought crime and it wouldn't really matter to me because you've already outed yourself as my enemy. But I won't, because here you're mine. These thoughts you think you own, but really you're rather renting them. You don't take responsibility for your own actions at the end of the day; God or Satan did it.

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So they could molest their children in peace.

Your ideas ultimately come out to "Do what my HigherBeing(TM) says is the Good Thing, especially knowing you and your children will never see any benefit. For the NextLife (PostCapitalSociety)(R)."

Hans, you are the Marxists.

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>crazy cat lady

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the issue you got wrong is that they dont want others to prosper. they merely sell the identitarian politics of personal freedom so they start making up their difinitions of good and bad themselves which in turn can be corrupted by feeding wrong info of effects. They want to destroy Gods order, and they do it by promising people to be gods themselves. "God just got my gender wrong, and I know better than him, so i cut my dick off". "Sure, God did tell not to fuck other men, but why should i let that guy decide for me?" No, God, no masters, thats the basic creed of Satanism and all the stuff around is merely pilpul to justify evil deeds. and those in the government go a step further and try to claim the title of God forthemselves all together and seeing how many base their morality around what is legal and illegal this is working.

i gave background info on meaning and origin of the symbolism and concept.

>You don't take responsibility for your own actions at the end of the day; God or Satan did it.
shows you dont understand the concept at all. there being someone tempting you to do evil does not resolve you of the sin you commited YOURSELF. You are guilty of it, its just that your guilt is already forgiven if you believe in Jesus and you should aim to do better each passing time until you become the perfect being God intended us to be.

Do you understand how much of a crazy person you actually sound like Hans? Even the Muslims you're importing wouldn't follow you on this grand journey in mental gymnastics. Have you ever come to the part of faith where what if you're just fucking wrong and there is no next world just like there is no communist utopia and all of those people died for fucking nothing? All of those civil wars over divine right kings, for fucking nothing. All of the executions, all of everything in the last 6000 years of Mystery Babylon the Great which you do nothing but rebrand and resell to an unsuspecting populace... all of it in vain. Because you want to believe with a capital B that there is someone else controlling your actions and it's not you. Maybe you're just fucking stupid?
>They want to destroy Gods order, and they do it by promising people to be gods themselves. "God just got my gender wrong, and I know better than him, so i cut my dick off". "Sure, God did tell not to fuck other men, but why should i let that guy decide for me?" No, God, no masters, thats the basic creed of Satanism and all the stuff around is merely pilpul to justify evil deeds. and those in the government go a step further and try to claim the title of God forthemselves all together and seeing how many base their morality around what is legal and illegal this is working.

Again, you seem to think egoism is the same as proudhonian or bakunin's anarchism/anarchocommunism. It's not. No Gods no masters is a referral to your lack of power in commanding subservience. Satan (i.e. the ancient god Saturn) would be a God or a Master in your own fucking definition.
>there being someone tempting you....
There is no someone else who compels you. The adversary you're fighting is in your head. He doesn't real. You(and (((they)))) made him up to feel better about your collective shortcomings. There is only the one who is responsible for his own action. It's the actor.

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>starting out with calling the other crazy
thanks for showing its not worth debating with you. may you find christ user.

and in the end it doesnt matter if God is real or not, the commandments and rules laid out in the bible still are the only ones that keep us from collapsing. everything that is happening is merely the issue because we started ignoring those guidelines.

They were social justice feminists, so there was nothing wrong with it.

For the same reasons you incels hate women. They, as you, weren't getting any. Whether by religion or sheer repugnant personality, they weren't getting laid, so they picked on the women they could. Read a bit about torturing witches. It involved a lot of stripping and probing.

I'm not starting off anything, and you're retreating. This is the fourth volley we've had back and forth and I've tried to get you to see that Marxism is much more like Judeo-Christianity and Secularism than it is anything else -- but here you are, clamoring how its all about selfish people. You are the selfish person, Hans. Your involuntary egoism honestly makes you worse than me. What I came here to say is that I don't believe in equality.

I'm better than you. Closer to " the perfect being God intended us to be" as you would say. I came here to say your thoughts are raw, unrefined, and weak. You're weak, Hans. Your ancestors would have said the same thing. May you understand the nature of being and nothingness and thus God, Jesus, and your mystery religion, better soon.

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Are you blind and deaf? Ffs, desu.

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>Why did Christians burn Witches?
Because if otherwise they regenerate, if you burn them they stay dead

please sign and share this petition with your friends


this. find christ user :D

here is a good video on spiritual warfare enjoy

Gb2/reddit fag.

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nihilism is a MAJOR plague of the modern age

You'll likely burn next

>Nietzsche proclaimed the basic principle of all Nihilism, and the special apology of the Nihilism of Destruction, in the phrase, "There is no truth, all is permitted"
Well I already found an error in your logic. Assumption of principles. If Nihilism assumes principles of destruction then I have no idea how it relates to Egoism. Let's just forget how against Nihilism Nietszche actually was for your argument though; what does it have to say about Stirner? Ah, mischaracterizations and no quotes from his actual works. A second chapter "to be wrote" which never gets written about Anarchism, something which Stirner is not involved in. Works from some rabblerouser Jew named Herman Rauschning about the 40's but with no direct quotes about this "Nihilism of Destruction". I guess what you're trying to get to is that we are enveloped by truth and that nothing is permitted. But that is what you're saying, isn't it? That basically everyone will fry (probably including you) in some post-world forced get together. Is that why it's okay to let Popes get away with child molestation? God'll deal with it? lmao

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Corpus delecti. Show me a living God, and I'll love him if he so loves me. All of those living Gods you proclaim in the end turn into egregoric self perpetuating meme cycles, or alien creatures foreign to this Earth. None of them can be that which you have discussed in your deepest theologies. The God you have all talked about, that which encompasses the three O's of Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence, is beyond existence. Beyond reproach. To say "God is living" would craft a weak God, which of course be your creation considering the logic of God as a creator makes you his creation. If all of existence is created, then to say God exists is fallacious -- A creator needn't be self-creating nor necessarily need a creator of its own if it was the actual substance on which existence was built. There is more to "nothing" than mere emptiness, more than existence, existence is easily conceptualized much weaker than that which is beyond it. That there are other modes of existence, which to call them existence would be meaningless for they have their own frequencies and wavelengths upon which they settle definitions, perhaps crafted by that same substance. That which is beyond all "things". That you try to call a living God, but which is beyond life. What doth life? You can look to what you believe to be your creator's self-insert as hallowed, but others in existence have had the exact same storyline come out of their mouths about what they believe to be that creator's self-insert. You limit that creator, which by all means must be unlimited.

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cuz witches be bitches, and nobody wants bitches alive.

They were burning kikes actually. Kikes that engaged in blood libel.
Crack open a book, memeflag.

why wouldnt an omnipotent God be able to make himself known to the people? he is omnipotent after all.

Because that shit was real, haven't you seen the conjuring faggot.

All the hexes and the kid sacrifices.
Not to mention, witches are huge whores.

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Of course he would be able. But that it would be his only instance, his only influence? Surely, he CAN doesn't mean he MUST make one, or none, or more than one. But again, Zoroaster and Krishna both make the same claim with the same conviction as Yeshua. They both speak from the same source that you will claim comes or can come only from the Abrahamic tradition.

>that's a witchhunt hurr durr
reminder that witch burners did nothing wrong
In 1589, Peter Stumpp was arrested and formally accused of being an "insatiable bloodsucker” and evidence was provided that he had “gorged on the flesh of goats, lambs, and sheep, as well as men, women, and children for over 25 years.” Facing torture, Stumpp then confessed to having murdered and eaten “fourteen children and two pregnant women”. You would have thought that Peter would have stopped there, while he was relatively ahead, but no, he verbally declared that he “extracted fetus’ from the pregnant woman’s wombs” and "ate their hearts panting hot and raw.” He also confessed to having regular sex with his daughter and to having had intercourse with a “succubus sent to him by the Devil.”

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The "witches" were really hebroids and the persecution of them was intentional damage control to help prevent Christcucks from learning they were being Jewed to death

>To say "God is living" would craft a weak God,
That's because I suspect the concept of "living" has changed the couple of hundred years, I assume to the primitive mind the clouds, the mountains and the ocean are just as much living things as a dog, or a tree or a man. So to speak about the living God, is to speak about something which is active, has will, has potential, the modern conception of life is something different, we think of living things as being biological, when we say that the ocean is alive, we mean so metaphorical, we know the ocean is not alive, it's just a body of water being moved by the wind, which is a product of cold and warm areas, caused by the sun etc.

The different worldview makes the words different.

where did i claim anything? in fact i have occasionally a thread open saying how all the cultures around the world speak of the same basic things which give another mutual credibility.
also zoroaster was popular in the same basic region the northern tribes were brought to in the captivity, and it were zoroastrians that visited Jesus after the birth making me believe that zorostrians are just replaced israelites that managed to preserve different parts of gospel.

it happened so we could all sit around and bitch about it on Jow Forums strickly for our entertainment

To stop femínism Before it even was a thing. Now fuck of vaginal Jew.

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That makes sense if living is primary and existence secondary, if our language has become so confounded as to change the order of words. If, by the conception of Kymatica, you were to say that the ocean is alive and all that creates or co-creates is thusly living or truth you would be saying the same as Zoroaster did in 700 BC.
We're all just conveniently forgetting Hermes Trismegistus, who's similar teachings came out even more centuries and even millenia prior.
You will claim, you just did claim -- that it's all the tradition of Abraham.
Zoroaster worked with Greek philosophers and his influence SPREAD to the Judaens before the birth of Jesus or even Mary's great great great great grandmother --before any of this Gospel-- which creates your religion. If you want to open this up to a further rabbit hole about how we're all very much trying to say very similar things but are confounded by language a la Babel, then you have to be open to the idea that whatever we're talking about happened before all history we've recorded, and all of the trials and tribulations of the seed of David and the dick-cutters. I'll stick with the Magi.

>Zoroaster emphasized the freedom of the individual to choose right or wrong and individual responsibility for one's deeds. This personal choice to accept aša, or arta (the divine order), and shun druj (ignorance and chaos) is one's own decision and not a dictate of Ahura Mazda. For Zarathustra, by thinking good thoughts, saying good words, and doing good deeds (e.g. assisting the needy or doing good works) we increase this divine force aša or arta in the world and in ourselves, celebrate the divine order, and we come a step closer on the everlasting road to being one with the Creator. Thus, we are not the slaves or servants of Ahura Mazda, but we can make a personal choice to be his co-workers, thereby refreshing the world and ourselves.

>Why did Christians burn Witches?
Witches were the feminists of their time and they were based.

Both the Veddas and of course Zoroastrianism and the religion of Akhenaten give evidence of early forms of monotheism, which suggests it developed incidentally somewhere between 1700 bc and 500bc.

Veddas (1700–1100 BCE), Akhenaten (1351–1334), Zoroastrianism (1500 and 500 BCE). If Akhenaten offers a somewhat solid chronology, then this dates the discovery of monotheism to atleast this period.

This. Harlots basically accusing each other of being witches in some perverse form of female competition.

>That makes sense if living is primary and existence secondary, if our language has become so confounded as to change the order of words. If, by the conception of Kymatica, you were to say that the ocean is alive and all that creates or co-creates is thusly living or truth you would be saying the same as Zoroaster did in 700 BC.
Compare Hesiods Theogony, all the early concepts like Chaos, Earth, Darkness, Night and then the Titans and Gods are livings beings, breeding with each other and then giving birth to others, that is most likely what was meant by a living God.


But again, how do these gods differ from either their egregoric components (existing through only cultural repetition) or alien beings in the same created cosmos? These living gods you've shown me aren't the same conception as a Catholic's "living God"
(from )

funfact, Akhenaten lived at the same time the story of Joseph took place, if you didnt know Joseph was sold as slave to egypt where the people were starving until joseph teached them how to farm and as a result was appointed as the pharaos closest associate.
From that same time we also have a mummy which was someone from a lower caste burried in the grave of the pharaos which probably is Joseph, and this mummy (Yuya Mummy) happens to be a blonde mummy.
and at this time they also started worshiping Aten as the sole God as a sun God where as the biblical God uses the Sun and light as his symbols frequently.
White and blonde Joseph saved Egypt, was appointed the pharaos right hand man and because of it reverted to monotheism of the God of Joseph.

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To avoid a repeat of Sodom and Gomorrah.

None of that explains the Vedas, which are thousands of years older than that event. It's hard to comprehend long swaths of time because our lives are so short, so think of it as over 120 lifetimes per 1000 years. Generations of generations of games of telephone and we're still willing to pretend that we've got a good grasp on the original message, enough to kill? Please.

We need Thot Hunters.

I can't believe no one has posted a thread theme yet;

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