Why hasnt Jow Forums still taken the jewesspill?

Why hasnt Jow Forums still taken the jewesspill?

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Top girls imo

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Here you can have one.

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literally demons

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Because there's 2.75 billion eligible women out there and only 10 million of them are semicute religious schizos with scat fetishes.
>hard pass

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i guarantee you she has huge milkers

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that's how they lure you in, like the sirens in the Odyssey

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don't mind if i do

I will never understand why boomers love seeing women with guns. I don't even think they actually are attracted to images like that, they're just supposed to like it so they pretend like they love it. It's the exact opposite of attractive.

Also, kys OP you fucking kike

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IDF girls love goyim cock

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if modern civilization would tax prostitutes then jews would be paying back what they steal from the gentiles.

lrt the circle of life commence!

This is discord, folks

I am attracted to estonian men please sign and share this petition



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kys goyim

Those tits are nice now but after one kid those things are gonna be a horror show

>sending women to fight wars
>implying that's somehow a good thing

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I'll take a #3 please, with iced tea.

Because most of your jewess spam is just russian models posing as kikes.

fuck off jidf

Women shouldnt be allowed to fight. They cant handle situations like this rationally.

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Shes the one who sucks goyims off as they please when they join IDF

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I really hope she's only 5% jew because I don't think I could resist. I know I couldn't. Look at those tities.

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Shalom Rabbi

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Nuke Israel.

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Who said jewish girls are ugly? Top girls

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I guess she can have some before showering.

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Because you shill this constantly. I’ve been here a few years, and your constant posting of
>look half naked Jewish girls
Holds no appeal. This isn’t /b/. Grow up. Your threads aren’t capable of bearing any substance that would endear me to your cause. They’re barely above /b/ mentality and endlessly spammed.

>hides the nose
B-but that's the best part of kikesses.

Cringe and jewpilled

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Second that, I fucking love these majestic predatory-looking noses.

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Chamomile this fucking thread

>no i won't fuck these extremely hot going women because LE JOOS!!!!
Admit it Jow Forums, yall gay

In their defense. Not many people would be capable of being rational in a situation like this

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I’ll take extra pepperoni please

So somebody looks a little bit like an oblivion character does that mean she in incapable of love???

Jews truly are the master race

Jewish girls are easy to land unless your actually a Jewish man

Desperate for some goyim cock. Jewish men cant please them :)

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Of course , but who is more likely to? A man , or a woman who nearly breaks into tears because one of her heels broke?

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Nice cherry picking schlomo. Now GTFO of Estonia

You can hand pick girls from any race and argue they're beautiful. These threads are retarded

What's the context of this situation?

Not handpicking. Jewesses are one of the most beautiful girls. Handpicking is posting pictures of ugly women.

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You are spamming russian models posing as kikes

Id image that there was some firefight that had killed his friends and injured him , and the sandnigger was being a sandnigger and just completely oblivious to the situation. Bad enough our troops need to deal with terrorists , but also morons that they arent allowed to kill.

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They literally do. Especially anal.

>Be a Jew in Jew York
>Can easily get Israeli citizenship
>Orthodox, but not particularly observant. Don't want to go to yeshivah (Jew-Talmud school).
>Constantly considering making aliyah (moving to IL) to snag a QT 3.14 Kosher Jewess because all the Jewesses in NYC that aren't extremely religious are extremely crazy.
>Realize that post aliyah that if I live in Tel Aviv I'll be in exactly the same situation I am now, except I can't read labels in stores
>Chad-Israelis who served in the army also might be just steal all the Jewesses
>Although I might be able to marry another immigrant Jew who left for similar reasons

I was promised milkers.

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why are jewish women such whores who racemix?


seeing that shit hurts man, good Boys sent off to die in some shithole for fucking nothing

In the US? It's complicated, but essentially reform Judaism is Christianity lite, and conservative Judaism is still born.

So, 90% of Judaism that is actually practiced in the US is pretty much liberal fun brand Jewishness.

>drive on road
>get blown up
>who saw this coming
>must buy more body armor, armored vehicles, and some armor
Yup. Trust the plan.

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>be a jew

The blonde isn't even racially a jew. She's some euro convert.


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>jews hire russian women to pose

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The "hot" IDF girls are just hired (or sex slave) Russian models. Reality is 99.999% of them are fat yentas.

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Tell me about it...

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sent off to be cannon fodder for israel.

nice russian models

what brings a person like yourself to this board?

can we turn israel into a glass bowl now? Fuckers can't seem to stop fighting each other.

Have a you

IDF girls having some fun. Havent had a goyim cock for long time, trying to live out their sexual frustation

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A love of my people, and a desire to secure a future for them.

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israel foreign legion

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Outside of America

judaism is literally racist.

they're ugly and hairy, they stink, and they're irritating cunts. funny to have around sometimes, but not to fuck and DEFINITELY not to marry.

maybe in america.

>same background, different girls

identical dorms - or actual photo (((op)))?

yeah well i'm not going to ESTONIA for some slightly less disgusting kike pussy.

when i was UVD in a Joint German/US base, i met some Burger GIs drinking and singing to Country at 3 after midnight, they were really nice dudes and one of them told me about their trips to Iraq, he himself had 3 Bulletholes in his shoulder and told me about a few of his lost comrades, just fucking sucks

Ive been waiting for years.

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Jewesses here are top notch, I will enjoy them thank you. You go enjoy your 56% mutted roasties

>good boys
Fuck off Amerikikes are same or maybe even worse than jews they knew exactly what they were gtting into glad they died fuck those fags.

War is horrible but necessary.

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Because they have a preference for mutilated penis

holy shit all of their legs are fucking deformed

There is nothing wrong with racism.

Honestly? As I grow older, I agree with you.

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Because I will never be that pathetic and thirsty, Estie.
You're not Scandinavian by the way.

based serb, death to america and bibi in pic is saying some true based words

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All women do in the Israeli army is have sex with the men, so that the men don't turn to homosexuality instead.

>Honestly? As I grow older, I agree with you.

Historically, expulsion of jews from your country is the only thing thats proven to work. It can be done peacefully.

there is nothing wrong with discrimination, there is something wrong with racism, particularly when it makes you a fucking hypocrite.

Hojtö Göhöört Uns Dī Gancö Vεlt,

Unt Morgön Das Ganc Vεltal


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Yeah I'm sure you have some magical Jews over there who aren't disgusting. I bet they spray thick chocolate fondue from their stinkholes.

i don't want jewish kids. besides, asians are going to rule the world and exterminate everyone else.
take the yerrowpirr.

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Who wishes to be scandicuck? Go fuck your ugly Norweigan roasties who have had train ran on them by niggers, 10 niggers in queue and later covered in 1cm thick cum layer

those are pepperonis those are SALAMIS