Are Americans really so stupid that they believe that a fucking GOOK will give them one thousand dollars every month or is it just the discord trolls?
Enough with the fucking Chink!!!!
since trump hipe train completely died the last week and was imposible to mantain the fiction cianiggers needed to ryse a fake candidate and pretend there is a polical solution so we waste our energies instead of redirecting our energies to a valid alteranative
Why yang?
Because he have zero chance of winning
Why a chink?
Pol is already multiracial and spamming this thread will acceletate the process expulsingthe few oldfags that still are here , destroying the entire essence of pol.
Also they could make people invested in the elections again only throw the race of participants and even if pol dont believe in ((( democracy))) certainly care too much about race to not be dragged into this circus
The real question is how long the average people will pretend to believe in the system or be blue pilled?
Be free to add more point
Good afternoon OP,
Please make sure you include the text string "Yang" in your future slide threads, so my filters will catch and hide it.
Thanks and have a good day.
Seething MIGApede
You know you're pathetic when not even Reddit wants you lmao. Back to discord you go
You are just mad that the Asian with his small penis is smarter than you and gets more women.
Go back to your brown boyfriend you disgusting faggot.
They are paid shills. Only a leftist would be stupid enough to shill a chink on a white nationalist board. This is worse than that Hispanic chick.
>I'll use a meme flag, that should prove my credibility.
Pick up your game Jew.
Who cares all that race baiting is behind us now. We stand hand in hand together. Lets go get that bag.
Fins, Swedes, roos think they have something interesting to tell us. Fuck off cucks.
Obama stooge
Enough about the Chink!
>here’s another thread about the chink
fuck off MIGA discord tranny
Go fuck yourself kike fuck YANG GANG
MIGAtards on full COPE mode
>reddit try hard
yeah m8 you are from reddit
yang gang really puts the gay in yang
YOU know whats a great way to BTFO israel? by shilling for a communist red chinese piece of shit who wants to give everyone free 1k per month and who is anti-gun. israel won't be able to recover once we disarm ourselves and become complacent off of our cool neetbux. Drumpf absolutely BTFO! NetanYAHOO BTFO! ISRAEL BTFO!!
Hang gang!