I'm sorry but this is just based. Holy shit.
I'm sorry but this is just based. Holy shit
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck yeah build that wall while having the highest amount of legal immigrants ever, DACA still intact, and asylum laws remain unchanged.
>They won't be coming into the U.S.
I doubt that very much
>not deported
What a fucking loser.
>this amount of cope
Trump is saving America from Jewish influence faggot
>It's going to be built
>Any day now
this. how stupid does he think we are?
How could you tell? Was it the billions to Israel, the forever war, or the weeks of shouting "anti-semitism!" at Ilhan Omar?
>catch and release
wow more empty words thanks we really needed those.
Based Kush importing more brown people to America
Its hard to believe people like you exist. Totally brainwashed subservient slave to Israel.
He knows he is losing control finally doesn’t he.
It isn't. They're paid to post nonsense.
>"I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK to push for allegiance to a foreign country,"
It was so fucking based when Trump said that and opened people's eyes to the Jewish influence over our politicians.
>The wall is being built
Why do you fags fall for lies?
They're going to be coming, but they're going to be coming LEGALLY
Cope thread.
I thought there was no crisis, that illegal immigration was not getting out of control. Which is it?
Of brown people ever
>(((WaPo))) reports
>Not realizing Breitbart is controlled oppo
Using fake news stories to try to get people to swing on Trump, they've been trying that for 4 years now. Try harder shill.
Why so many Qshner shills today?
How is this based? He’s just saying all the shit he is not going to do. Just beating his chest like an ape and doing nothing.
Plus building a wall to keep out violent gangs is just cucked and passive aggressive. The manly thing to do would be to go out and slaughter the evil cartels and take their land.
Lol you guys fell for it
I was just seeing how bait resistant Jow Forums is
This is bad, especially since the 2020 election is coming up. Jow Forums could easily be influenced
Yeah. It would be really bad if we were tricked into voting for a Zionist again
Israel First!
>Jokes on you, I was pretending to be retarded
So I have a genuine question, did he ignore the el chapo bill proposed by Ted cruz? I dont think I EVER heard him mention. I don't think trump actually cares about building the wall.
Except asylum seekers have to sit in Mexico now, a massive improvement over the old system. Your other complaints are invalid simply because trump isn’t a dictator. Even then, his administrations actual policies have been anti immigration in general. He’s done a good job with the tools he has access to, especially considering the power hungry left wing courts that challenge him on every last thing
Christ, can anyone here do any research outside of breitbart? Every single piece of that photo is either easily explained, old, or doesn’t hold up to even a tiny bit of scrutiny
>I don't think trump actually cares about building the wall.
That was clear from almost the moment he became president.
fuckin kek
that picture of trump is the best meme of 2019 so far
Step 1: Build the wall
Step 2: Mass Deportations
They are the ones coming...Trump didn't ask them..How does that make him a loser? Grow a brain you mudslime shit fucker.
Not being a "dictator" has nothing to do with how he called for MORE legal immigration. If anything, he's told H1B users that they'll be taken care of instead of curbing it. Can't wait to see more US citizens be replaced by Raj and Chang who will do the same job for half the pay, but hey, MAGA, right?
You guys are only turning against Trump because he hasn't done anything in a while. The second he does something cool you'll be back on his dick again. If Trump had ful control you would be getting what you want. But he doesn't..
Holy shit this amount of glow in the dark in this thread is beyond expectations, this thread is now a happening
Even if he sounds cucky in extremely public settings (such as the SOTU), his actions reflect his true intentions. And if you look at those actions, you’ll see that he’s taken several measures to curb all kinds of immigration, from H1B to illegal and everything in between, more or less. Just because he sounds more moderate now that he has a divided Congress to work with doesn’t mean he’s actually cucked on anything
Now he can say he got what he wanted.
the companies need the labor
>Ťrʌk Or Ťrīt
>2017 N∴Y∴C∴ Hælowīn Mâssakor
>wanted a wall
>wanted strong border security
A-at least Israel has a wall and we fund their military so they can be secure...
glad our based italybros can have nice stone walls and also build idols of the god emperor for us to worship and make memes with!
>the companies need the labor
Get those companies good hard working L E G A L employees
We americans are too fat and lazy to work
I sit at my TV all day hoping they'll announce that Israel finally won so I don't have time to work
>we turned them away for 3 weeks! Surely they won't come back and waltz into the country, get a fake SS# and vote in our elections!!!
Why do we care about a country thats no where near us? This may sound like a stupid question idk
And not got 1K/month.
Gook troop 2020
Based would be killing the invaders, Trump is a cucked pussy.
They are GODS chosen people how fucking dare you even question anything you anti-semite
They also apprehended record numbers of illegals during the obongo years.
hint: it didn't make much difference.
catch and release. caught(captured) illegals are are released because Trump signed a bill limiting the number of illegals that can be detained. only 3% of illegals return for their court dates.
so Trump is absolutely full of shit about them not coming in our country. he's a liar
>the wall is being built
>2016 promise
>it's 2019
>not happening apart of a few fence fixing
*Btw, not trolling now. This will be payed by the middle class in the future (you).
God Emperor
ZOG emperor
You're a fucking retard if you fell for his first bait.
>apprehended (captured)
lmao why is his writing style fucking hilarious?
>march 2018
>Obama was President in 2018
Nice pilpul shlomo.