Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says AIPAC is coming after her. It’s not

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they should tho, what else am I going to masturbate to?

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a) They are and she's truly done now
b) Lying because typical thot typically envious of attention fellow thot Omar is getting

Either way, I'm done with vagina in politics

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Jews are terrified. Good.

oh yes it is


Sign me up

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>bomb disposal outfit

What (((they))) haven't realized yet is the fallout from Unite The Right 2017. When I saw how white men were forbidden to be allowed to speak, assaulted and then punished harshly for defending themselves from violent assault, the game was certain to change.

I, a white male, support without question, any person who names the Jew, disturbs the Jew, and hurts the Jew. Any time you see a Jew attacking some one, you do what you must to keep that person in good spirits.

AIPAC does shit to people who criticize it just like scientology does, then they use their agents in the media to tell everyone it never happened.

you glow in the dark

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Why should we have to choose between jews, muslims, niggers, and corporate white whores for our leadership??

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>Why should we have to choose between jews, muslims, niggers, and corporate white whores for our leadership??
I can't wait to see the bodies of dead israelis like you when Syria takes their land back.

If it wasn't for Augustus several of us were going to open into the crowd. There will be more of these events. Nothing would have happened if the Mayor didn't play fuck fuck with "permits" and forgetting there was an attorney with us.

Look, the left and right are going to argue until the world implodes but if we can everyone on the anti-Israel train I'll allow the left to stick around.

>when you drink so deeply from the koolaid you stop being a useful idiot and become an actual threat to your masters
Holy shit bros.


>It’s Not
hmmm. should we believe this Jewish news venue?

I don't support without question, but I'll happily cheer them fucking with jews.

She thinks anyone who doesn’t kiss her ass is coming after her. I think that’s genuine, her handlers didn’t even have to teach her that.

>believing jews
Not even once.

Kill pic related though

Both die in a car bombing

Why else do people think AOC the retard is being investigated for ethics violations? She won't fall in line or submit to the Democrat party leadership. Old dog politicians are like "Okay mother fucker, we will use the system that we are familiarized with against you".

Bet you AOC ends up in prison to serve as an example for anyone who tries to usurp power from the Democrat party from within.

Fuck off

the 4d chess move would be to get them to turn up the volume on "we're not going after you" to 10, then start doping truth bombs.
get ahead of the curve AOC, smartest thing you will have done since getting elected.

Kek the only faggot that should die in a car bombing is Netanyahu

>get caught with hand in the cookie jar, even though you've protested about it during your campaigning

If only she wasn’t so gay for third world refugees and beaners id actually like her

Sounds like a personal problem.

the house can investigate you for ethics violations, but they have no power to indite or prosecute someone.

if she goes to prison it will be the FEC investigation(s).

also, you probably should look up usurpation, its not "good", whats shes doing is not that, and you want to find another word.

>the house can investigate you for ethics violations, but they have no power to indite or prosecute someone.
You can't even speak english properly. Israelis can't even shill on Jow Forums when using US proxies. Sad.

A fun fact about Democrats and other Leftists. They have made the Big Bad White Male their target of ridicule while making everyone else unquestionable. This means they can't tell a strong white male from their own security apparatus or the local population of many of their constituent areas. They stayed white while demonizing whites. It would be all too easy for a white male to walk up to an important white Leftist and give him a taste of his own medicine. If it comes to that. Food for thought.

>doesnt know what shill means
>complains about speaking english wrong

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You can't even spell english words properly shill.

im shilling what nigger?
go fuck yourself

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When the fuck did political journalism turn from biased but real journalism to garbage opinion pieces telling you how to feel?

and it's beautiful

pretty soon because of its error of anti-semitism, Jow Forums which deviates wrongly from the right on this issue alone will soon be a democratic board because the extreme left which takes more and more its place in the democratic party is pro palestinian and against supporting Israel. Think Yang, AOC and Ilhan Omar.

Yeah I bet she is seething with jealousy and rage
Checked - they are, no surprise shilling has gone through the roof...they know the end for them draws near as the awakening grows

Checked - it's beautiful to watch the puppets turn on masters
Checked double check - nice !

Wouldn't be the first Leftist on the AIPAC kill-count.
Could we meme Justice 4 Seth Rich?

look at these glowposts, you can fuck right off

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... quick! Have a civil war! A0C already outed herself as tribal.

kys kike

But what didn't she say she is Jewish? Are we going to witness first hand the fabled jewish mitosis?

So what? If more lefties really did show up you could actually talk to them instead of shouting retarded slogans at each other.

Bisexuals are gonna kill me! Waaaahh!

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>Jow Forums which deviates wrongly from the right on this issue alone will soon be a democratic board
and that's a good thing

The Democrat party is fucking genius. Holy fuck. I'm not American but I can see exactly what they're doing with Omar. She's undeniably an underdog character crafted to "offend" everyone in a safe way. Your politics are a circus act and this is yet another clown. Just saying.

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We need to meme the largest ever boycott against AIPAC in DC

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>connected for good
>like a leash

Boycott AIPAC!

Wtf are you talking about? Idc what seria does i just don’t want jews or muslims in my goverment you dumb sand nigger

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>Think Yang, AOC and Ilhan Omar.
not based Tulsi? you know nothing leaf

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>and that's a good thing
a discord tranny's wish

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>Your politics are a circus act and this is yet another clown.
Believe me, we all know. Except for the few people that still believe that Trump isn't a Jewish puppet, we all know that our politics are completely compromised and controlled.


>he doesn't use a seat belt as a regular belt
uncultured newfag

Yeah they do. It’s splitting them right in two. Good riddance.

I bet it stinks under that hijab.

>trying to survive a suicide bombing
theyre evolving...


She's got Samuron fingers.


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This. When did Jow Forums turn against Based Israel?

>This. When did Jow Forums turn against Based Israel?
Kek!! You idiots shilled so hard you thought other zionist shills were actual people. This is why you're always surprised. This is why you are failures.

Fuck you, I was gonna make a joke about that

alexandria is a monster, in 2015 she was here in norway to learn about socialism.

everyone liked her here, but it was all a smokscreen. she asked to use the toilet(it was a party in the street here), yeah sure I said. I didn't even think of it I just went into the fridge for another 6 pack. but I didn't hear she open and close the toilet door.
Is to the left I said... and then I heared my hamster scream.

I ran up, there she was, pants down and trying to insert poor little markus into her anus my god. I chased her off and went into the outhouse and god my shotgun, they all fled away.

No Sir there will be no hamster raping rich spoiled kids here that is for sure. you must remember we used to be very pro communist and you send us such a retarded aristrocrat like this it triggers people. fuck her and fuck her money and her aristrocats

shlomo is angry

ooh did the memes hit the retarded aoc supporter now?

I don't hold hands with niggers

is it because you know at some point, you are going to be called out for not being, actually socialists? but instead just retarded kids?

Why hello there

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>constantly screech about corruption in the government
>get mad because nobody else in congress seems to want to talk about it for some reason
>keep screeching as if you're the hero who's going to save the world
>realize too late that there's a reason everyone isn't pointing out the obvious
She's going to end up as nothing but a martyr because she doesn't know how to play the game.

The author worked for The Jerusalem Post


oooh this hurts... aaah.. okay don't mention norway (ever again please), but then what about iceland? oooh.... and iẗ́s a shit show

you should have listened, we tried to warn you

>I don't hold hands with niggers

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omg if we kill all the whales the co2 is going to kill us all

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he's right though
you shouldn't hold hands with niggers.

>this article brought to you by the Kike lobby
I am so sick of political jews. It's exhausting. They do one thing with their right hand while doing the opposite with the left. All while assuming you are stupid and don't notice that they're acting like slimy greased up pigs that can't be wrangled

Humanity will join hands to genocide zionists this year.

btw if you are retarded CO2 is just natural it's infact very important to life.

but what I am concerned about when they go on and make this fake church to tax you, what are we missing that is really bad?

whoever said that, fuck you or I will fucking varg you straight in the forehead

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When was this photo of her taken?

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and then nice try, btw none of you are fooling us, we know you are all just trying to steal our fish

in fact have a song
it's actually not about the fish but you get the deal

this is the infamous schizo spammer aka moarpheus. he is an open borders jew.

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>If it wasn't for Augustus
I don't get this. Is this an historical reference or a reference to somebody in Charlottesville?

Ignore the meme flags

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