Jew meme warfare

First, I'm not a white person nor I live in a white country, I'm just a very smart brown manlet in spicland.
However, I've been thinking on how to defeat the jews.
I see the jews use divide and conquer tactics and then use conflict between the divided parties to make everyone busy and not put attention to the chosen race works.
I've started to think what if pol with combined autistic meme powers, don't use this basic tactics against the chosen race, in a serious way, beyond just posting le epic merchant meme.

What do I mean?
I'm trying to say that there's several groups on the leftists progressive leggions that usually have oposite goals.
Maybe we can start to divide and conquer and push confusion and ideological warfare between the leftist subgroups as to weaken them and keep them from being united againts the white race.

What do I mean and how can we archieve it?
We could start by identifying groups with oposite goals.
I think there's several ones.
We could start to push for contradictions in the leftist dogma.
We could push the notion that trans people are biological equal to women and they must be in the same groups as women sports, and keep pushing to avoid making a trans cathegory, since this would imply that trans males are biologically diferent than real women.
So, we could argue that trans women are being discriminated againts real women in sports and that biological cathegories are just cultural in nature, so is logical to put women vs trans males in sports.
This is one example, but we can try to push transgenders to be forced into women only spaces, like beauty pageants, we could push for trans males to be accepted in female beaty pageants.
Of course this means TERFS initially but after a while even moderate feminists would start pushing for protection of their natural interest, and they will proclaim there's biological diferences between the genders.
Of course we could push this dichotomy further and eventually redpill average women on this.

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Another fertile option is to use racial adversity between white women and non white women, we could use some kind of propaganda to push white women supremacy, and push for a replacement of white women by non white women, and push some kind of marxist contradiction between the burgoise white women and the proletariat non white women.
Thins like white women making more money, or being more desirable by average males of most races.
yellow fever could be pushed to put asian women againts white women insecurities.
This could be a fertile ground for propaganda warfare.

In europe we could push for a conflict between the gay agenda on kids schools and the muslims parents, we could argue that not teaching muslims kids to not be faggots is basically homophobic and discriminatory.
In the same sense we could push for sharia law to be pushed by muslims and we could even push for the most extremist sharia law implementation in europe, the kind of sharia law that discriminates againts women and call for gay murder.
Gay comunities could be targeted with fear tactics by fake false flags by pushing a literal interpretation of the Koran and sharia law.
Of course at the same time, we could push for a more modern reinterpretation of the Koran by leftist moderates, and push for some kind of modern more tolerant and gay friendly interpretation of the Koran, which will annoy even tolerant muslims.
This is a fertile ground of memetic warfare we could use.

Another use of muslims in europe could be to push some kind of anti semitism among muslims, and push for support of palestinians among the muslim and arab population in europe.
This will have some kind of annoy between the jewish comunities and a revival of anti semitism in europe.
The historical rivality between arabs and jews could be used to radicalize both againts each other.

In america, we could try to make hispanics to push for catholic push againts the gay agenda, we could try to use hispanics as a proxy to keep the gay agenda from being used in schools and use hispanics natural religious views.
Since hispanics are usually more religious and conservative, we could use their kids education to keep gay education on kids.


On the black issue, we could make abortion being seen as a tool of white supremacy, we could show historical democrats opinions on abortion by example.
We could make blacks aware that abortion is mainly done to black babies, and use white supremacy memes to support the notion that abortion is another tool of the white supremacy used to keep blacks subjugated, and push something like Black babies matter.
We could then try to gather support from Black religious conservative groups that are prolife.
We could use abortion as a form of genocide againts blacks.
Another point we can push is that white women have more sucessfull mariages than black women, and cause some division between feminists on this.

I'm sure there are more multiple strategies we could do, and maybe push for more divide and conquer tactics, but these are the ones that comes to my mind first.
We could maybe try to outjew the jew.

The jewish game is about distraction from (((their))) activities, the D&C is just a method to achieve this.

I think is an efective tactic we could use againts the jewish minions.

>hey hey i'm a reallly smart ((((niggger)))) here
>goes on to talk about promoting trannies
>lets make trannies our allies
i don't think so shlomo commie faggot kys all colombians are nigger cancer

You're missing the point, the point is to make subgroups among the left to fight each other.

In this case will be promoting trannies to invade women spaces.
We could promote the views that lesbians should have sex with trannies.

I’m with the subargentinian in this one, we don’t ally with degenerates, we need to exterminate degenerates, you can still call out faggots but no for long because they are gaining power, yesterday we had a massive protest for “woman’s day”, Catholic Church it’s almost dead.
Latin America had dictators from both right and left but they all hated degenerates, even fucking Allende.

On the other hand a massive Latin union it’s complicated, Mexicans already made the entire mutts group look bad with their retardation, country’s like Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela have a lot of niggers, and every fucking country hates another 2 or 3.