That's a good thing
more voters for /YANG2020/
It’s just local you idiot. They still can’t vote in federal elections.
You're not going to believe in slippery slope even as they're at your door with machetes are you?
Hey Idiot, have you ever voted before? The ballots contain both federal, state and local elections. Regardless of that fact, voting is a right reserved for CITIZENS. Now please kill yourself.
If most of a community is undocumented citizens, why should the few documented and legal citizens get to choose how they live their life?
Same with federal elections. There are more democrats than republicans and yet somehow still “won” the presidency despite being outvoted.
fucking retard that's the first step towards it
why can't i go to mexico and vote in their elections
>it's because i'm not a citizen of that country
time to start deporting elected officials to the deep sea
In Mexico being undocumented is a felony.
Here in America it’s a misdemeanor.
Also, it’s not illegal to cross the border to seek asylum.
Please learn the difference and get educated.
Slippery slope is a fallacy in so far as we discuss one point on the trajectory (we can’t do that because we might one day do that; there must be a more substantive reason why we can’t do that in the first place), but it is true in the overall sense of where the Overton window shifts.
Illegal immigrants rarely pay taxes, don’t belong here, and scam the system (fake ids, steal identification, and many times end up on the public dole - think of education or emergency hospital treatments). They should have no say in communities that they infiltrate illegally and should not vote to further legitimize themselves or gain political ground.
America is too stupid to wake up.
Slippery slope is not a fallacy, leaf
Get the fuck out you shill.
Undocumented = illegal
It's illegal for us to leave America on foot with no passport, dumb faggot.
Because suffrage should be restricted and the life of an illegal should be made difficult so as to discentivize illegal immigration and get them to leave.
This is a good thing. Rights for all undocumented workers
>not believing in slippery slope, even after gay marriage and requiring trans/ gays acceptance courses in schools
Your fate was sealed the moment you stopped saying it won’t happen to me, leaf.
>House votes
Literally nothing will happen
leaf wasn't arguing that
ease up it's pretty clear user has sanitized his language out of habit when dealing with normies
kys faggot sneaking into other countries for gibs and voting for more gibs is exactly why you cant post the in store prices
Yes please do us all a favor and kys
>Slippery slope is a fallacy
Being this retarded.
No, I do believe it is true. Read again.
This, it will die in the senate and even if it passed there, Trump would veto.
What do you mean by “undocumented citizens”?
>If most of a community is undocumented citizens
First, 'undocumented citizens' is a contradiction.
Second, this is a situation that should never exist in the first place. If most of a community is there illegally, that just means ICE needs to do its fucking job better.
Read again.
Most of your democrat friends are minorities who hate white people and are simply here to steal our shit. If you're one of them, fuck off and fix your own country before coming to ruin ours.
Jesus fucking Christ why do Americans not even bother to read comments that are only three sentences long? You guys might just deserve all the fucking pacos.
my reaction to that post too
lol no he wouldn't
>as they're at your door with machetes are you?
Just because they're hacking the door into woodchips with their machetes doesn't mean they're going to come after you...bigot!
Slippery slope isn't a fallacy when discussing precedence based legal systems, muh leafnigger
Read again. I take back my statement, but that was worded in quite a strange way, leaf.
"In his brutal honesty, Cory Booker told me of the Democrat's 25-year strategy to deal with the whites: it would be like boiling a frog alive, which is done by raising the temperature very slowly. Being cold-blooded, the frog does not notice the slow temperature increase, but if the temperature is raised suddenly, the frog will jump out of the water. He meant that the black majority would pass laws transferring wealth, land, and economic power from white to black slowly and incrementally, until the whites lost all they had gained in South Africa, but without taking too much from them at any given time to cause them to rebel or fight."
I've stopped giving a fuck a long time ago. I just want this bitch to burn now and anybody that argues against it is a pussy. Who else here thinks America will collapse?
What is an undocumented worker? Migrant labor doesnt just jump the border. They have to get approval first. Approval = documented.
Documented workers are not citizens of the US and are now adforded the same consideration as citizens.
Why are democrats always wrong?
here is what the border wall fight is REALLY all about..
Those people shouldn't even be here in the first place you fuck.
Important keyword here.
What about when we get a democrat president and congress you fucking idiot?
Libtards whine about imagined election interference from foreign sources; Libtards rally to allow foreigners to vote.
Never go full tard!
Collapse is the wrong word. civil war and either balkanization or white ethnostate will devolve
Illegal faggots should not vote. There is a legal path to gaining citizenship, you zog piece of shit. Fucking kill yourself
Illegals who don't pay taxes should determine how your communities are run you retard.
wew lad... what a joke... bet you think faggots dont molest children too, so might as well let them adopt kids eh?
>Don’t worry goy this will only be for local election, this will not affect congressional or presidential races
Oohhhhhhh nnooooooooo this totally won’t be shot down by the Supreme Court. That suuuuuuuuuuucks man
>If most of a community is undocumented citizens, why should the few documented and legal citizens get to choose how they live their life?
>Acts as if states haven't ignored the supreme court before
>Supreme court will always be red
>Supreme court has the ability to enforce their laws
they actually brought the issue up for a vote and it passed you retard. not my fault you can't see the writing on the wall
I don't understand why Europeans post mutt pictures...Europe (Germany especially) is getting browner and browner every year.
So let's sat a hundred people broke into your house and decided to live there. Are you okay with them having more say what happens in the house than you?
Here's who voted for this
Happy Hanukka
>It’s just local you idiot.
Implying its only going to stay this way
Illegals shouldn't be voting in fucking anything you absolute shit bag, they should be arrested, detained, and deported without hesitation.
Yes that's right because Bush and Romney were much better
>5 burglars move into my house
>tell them that's illegal and they have to leave
>they say that they're the majority and because i am one man and they are 5, they should get to choose how i live my life
This is how fucking retarded your logic sounds
That doesn't seem legal. Who would want this?
Jews did this
It will never get through the Senate.
Post all the meems you want. Germany will be getting more diverse and no amount of memes can stop it :)
Thanks for the list. Anyone have a corresponding list of their boot sizes?
You can't be this retarded you have to be pretending to bait for yous. On the off chance you aren't and you really believe that the answer is because they shouldn't be there to begin with.
(((Who))) indeed
>if most of a community is undocumented citizens
>undocumented citizens
Give ICE a field day and deport those niggers.
I hope ICE does use these voter registrations of illegals as grounds to "document" them as illegals and arrest their asses and deport them.
That's mbad, mkay.
Hhahahahhahahaha so this is the power of MAGA!
Come 2020 or 2024 at the latest is when America will collapse. The next time a dem becomes president is when (((they))) will try to ram so much blatanty anti American shit through the system that people stop giving a fuck anymore. The propaganda is reaching genocidal levels and entire families are getting torn apart over how they voted. I dont give a shit about maintaining this dogshit country any longer we just need to rebuild
I hope you get deported or killed
illegals have more rights than citizens in jail top kek
>if a bunch of people invade and stay in your house why should you, the house owner who is a minority, have a say in who lives in the house and how the house is run?
who has majority seats in the house? MAGA boys or liberal filth? What happens when it reaches the senate?
holy fucking shit we need to start shooting you people again
This is just the beginning. Don't you know what happens when you give an inch to a greedy illegal immigrant?
slow boil
>It’s just local
how do you think people get into congress?
if they're undocumented they should be thrown out instantly. anchor babies and all.
>who has majority seats in the house?
Apparently Trump the fat nigger cunt didn't MAGA hard enough. What a loser.
`It's just bump stocks. Go back to sleep.'
Fun fact: a large portion of those Mexican soldier's were actually Germans fighting for Mexico
Wha wha, what time is it OP, oh fuck am I late?
I've read some stupid shit on this board but, god damn, this is up there.
Hey, at least they're being honest now. They used to always go "Nahhh uhhhhhhhhh we're not trying to win with illegal votes"
>An area is mostly comprised of foreign invaders that want you dead, therefore you should bend over and take it up the ass