Pimp punches interfering liberal woman
pimpin curly dont like anyone messing with his money, you see a pimps love is very different from a square.
>oh look something going on that's none of my business
>better go say something
*punch to the face
>goes home masturbates to the feeling of a strong pimp hand
Wheres the webm nigger
>needing to punch a womam twice before she goes down.
His pimp hand is weak
getting involved in domestic disputes is a surefire way to get fucked up or killed. This is the future you chose roastie.
that shut her up real fast
I'm at work. Can someone post a webm please?
>50 year old man fighting with fiancee
>punches white woman
>fiancee at the seen refuses to cooperate with police
That pimp hand is strong.