Redpill me on the kabbalah

redpill me on the kabbalah

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It basically is about teaching "ascencion". Some relate it to the same principles as the chakra system, meaning you need to work through the points to rise up. the Nordic mythology with the word tree seems to follow the same sheme. Also heard the theory that the different connectionpoints (sephiroths) are representing the different planets like the different deities do and the chakra system seems to do too with the hidden 11th sephiroth (Daarth, which is not on your image) representing the black sun which itself is the connectionpoint between this world and the spiritual one through which we can communicate with those.

Counting all the connections and sephiroths in it you get 33 which itself is a number important in the occult. this number can be seen as representing duality (like the jewstar represents with the 2 opposed triangles, the 3s, on top of another) which also gets seen in the kaballah through the left and right path you can go, one being the male, strength and rationality etc and the other the female, beauty and emotion with another middle way uniting them. This is often symbolized by the 2 pillars Boaz and Jachin that represent this duality and in example was collapsed during 9/11 with the new unified tower being erected in its stead. Or trannies which are a perversion of the union of male and female resulting in death and decay (suicide and sterility) as opposed to the natural union creating a new life.

Cant tell much on the teachings themselves, but those who seemingly use it (masons and jews) generally get involved with moral relativism making rules up as they go along, arguing evil came from God just as good did, so endulging yourself in that also is worshipping God (making out of the opposites the same again).

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The Kabbalah has cured my homosexuality?

the root chakra is your survival instincts. only if you rose above the constant fear of death you are able to actually process new experiences and evaluate them, see them from all angles outside of the threat they pose (sacral chakra), after that comes the solar plexus chakra responsible for our self esteem and self worth for which we have to see us in context of the new experiences and how we handle those. only once you love and value yourself you can start loving others (heart chakra), and love goes through the stomach, solar plexus>heart. next comes the throat chakra and the best speaches are those done by talking from your heart, what you truely care about and communication is the job of the throat chakra. Once you can formulate the truth properly there comes understanding and insight, the third eye chakra, and from this understanding you realize that everything is connected with another, the crown chakra

by putting you in a constant state of fear and anxiety they lock you in the lowest state of conciousness, occupied only with survival unable to really process any experiences. Early traumata like circumcission can alter your brain enough to effect your entire life.
All the fear propaganda all around merely is there to lock you into the lowest state of conciousness controlled by fear.

There is also the reptillian brain in charge of pretty much the same as the root chakra, survival instinct. Some people are "entirely" controlled by this area in the brain with every act only being there for survival. Stealing money from some guy, or even murdering people that threaten your lifestyle. The temptations of the flesh. The abuse and sodomy affecting the lowest chakra which is the easiest effected (iE through sodomy) due to its connection with the material.

The Serpent is a common symbol for evil because just as this chakra and conciousness is the lowest so is the snake crawling at the lowest on the ground representing the conciousness of the individual.

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Tree of death and stagnation.
Behold the real tree of life

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fake and gay don't need to think about it at all

Real tree starts with zero not with one

>get involved with moral relativism making rules up as they go along, arguing evil came from God just as good did, so endulging yourself in that also is worshipping God (making out of the opposites the same again).

This never makes sense of me. Yes god made dark when he made light as a natural requirement of its existence. Light is still better. Just because evil naturally came from creation doesn't mean its the same as good.

I dont know what that is but it looks like a virus

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never said they are smart. but it either goes that route or it claims God doesnt exist at all and thus no objective good or evil, and thus everything goes. on the most basic level satanism is about becoming your own God, your own master instead of having God tell you what to do and not to.
>Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?
>2The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together, against the LORD and against His Anointed One:
>3“Let us break Their chains and cast away Their cords.”
The chains and cords being the morals and laws that restrict us, preventing us from doing what we actually want to do, endulging in the temptations of the flesh, sexual degeneracy and materialism.

Crowley believed to reach the most high you must first sink to the lowest. You do this by doing everything you dont want to do, as things that disgust or repell you are merely chains that bind you and keep you from doing something, thus limiting your potential. Morals and Ethics, the little voice in your head, are merely obstacles you need to overcome, you need to silence.

You dont like seafood? better eat oysters and such until you dont mind anymore. You really dont want to hurt that little child? that feeling too is just an obstacle, overcome it, rape it and kill it. You like vaginas? Better engage in gay sex orgies all day long until its normal for you. By this you free yourself from the selfimposed "limitations" and unlock your "true potential"

Another route i heard is "We ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, thus need to learn of evil which is why we SHOULD do evil" not realizing that evil is chosing wrong from Gods perspective and that God wants us to choose right, good.

There is only one path to divine wisdom.

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The unification of the polar opposites is something that stretches itself across many cultures. Be it the marriage, uniting male and female, often dressed in black and white, resulting in the magic of a new kid being born. Or be it the solar eclipse uniting sun and moon together. In the egyptian mythology osiris dick (male) that gets eaten by a fish (female) (pic), or the Washington Monument (a dick, male) standing in the vesica pisces (female). The 2 pillars, Boaz and Jachin which stood before Solomons Temple and represent the sun and moon, and again the polar opposites. Sol, solar, sun. mon, moon. Sol-o-Mo(o)n. Even the "Star of David" is representing the male and female being united with the opposing triangles.
There is NO Star of David, it is the Seal of Solomon and possibly Star of Remphan, Solomon used to commune with other spirits after his 700 wives tempted him. They called it Star of David because David is seen as a good king and thus tried to make this black magic symbol seem good

In case of the star we have the triangles that also additionaly symbolizes the 3, or with the 2 triangles the 33
All good things come in 3, the holy trinity, 3 nails used to crucify jesus, he came back from the dead on the 3rd day
33, 3 plus duality, good and evil, male and female (the "star of david", which originally is not a jewish symbol depicts the 33with 2 triangles coming together, the male and female energies coming together.) it is believed where polar opposites meet magic/miracles happen and especialy unification of male and female is a holy event in pretty much all cultures which creates the miracle of life, trannies are a perverted version of this most likely uniting in one body what god seperated mocking him and his creation
Jesus died on the 3rd april 33ad at the age of 33 at 3pm
Counting all the connections and connectionspoints including the hidden one on the tree of life/kaballah gives you 33. the number is also associated with gods promise

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Based kraut, your discord link expired. Please post link on your blog.

the kabbalah is a remnant from when the jews were pagan

discord gg/kGeWQA
I also made a Discord since my Nazi UFO threads got shut down. Main theme is still that, but we expended to other subjects too.
people on there are pretty autistic but also knowledgable

It's stupid anime shit

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method of unification of all selves (colours) that your soul could experience

the final purpose is to turn your soul black (saturn, binah, nous) and remain in that state

“You’ve got mail!”

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Just some inferior jew niggers trying to comprehend Nephilim intelligence. Just imagine a bunch of niggers in the Congo trying to cargo cult 19th century Oxford University. That's what these dirty kikes in prayer shawls would look like to these Nephilim pyramid builders.
Not that I think Nephilim were good. But jews want to be them, they're just far dumber.

It's a total rip off if the Rosicrucianism cult. Google them if you're confused, also note OP's picture compared to the Rosicrucian's.

That is all

Book 1. Torah (old testament)
Book 2. Talmud (how to subvert the goyim)
Book 3. Kabbalah (satanic jewish new age mysticism)

here you go op

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Book 1: Old Testament: stories of jews seindling goyim
Book 2: Talmud: how to actually swindle goyim.
Book 3: Kabbalah: why rape murdering goy children is the final jew pill.

>he believes the kikes are actually related to the Judeans or anyone of the israelites of the bible

these modern kikes are not the same as the biblical judeans

Why does this image ever get posted? Its worthless

dont get it either. dont even know if it actually means to make the different connections between the groups/institutions and the sephiroths or if who ever made it just randomly decided to stick them to it in a somewhat dualistic manner?

> Believes a bunch of wandering Semitic thieves and cheaters were actually Aryans.
We wuz djoos n sheeeit muffugah!!

If you're ancestors came from Scotland, there's a high chance you're genetically tied to the Tribe of Dan fyi

no i did not say they were aryan u dope

the modern ones are blood suckers mixed with lots of different shit

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STFU with ur jew geneology cuckoldery.
Aryans have nothing to do with those swindling desert rats. There is nothing holy abput those usury mongeting thieves and pimps. Even poos are culterally superior to that jewish trash by a long shot.

But we Aryans descend from Manu, not subhuman Semites.

u decended from manchester united or hindus?

Pseudo-intellectuals are constantly reminding people of what they didn't say, while saying nothing at all despite never shutting up.

I'm a British le 56 percenter--Scottish, English, Irish, German. In that order.
I wish it was just German. Fuck (((Anglos)))

Brotherhood of the snake/Jews/Babylon & Egypt/Masons
Thats it

if you believe modern jews have the same dna as 2000 year old israelis u are fucking retarded

Eminent Christian-Jewish historian Alfred Eidersheim comments, “It is undeniable that already at the time of Jesus Christ, there existed an assemblage of doctrines and speculations that were carefully concealed from the multitude. They were not even revealed to ordinary scholars…This kind bore the name of Kabbala…” 1 As his wavelengths descend, they manifest themselves, according to Jewish Kabbalists, as a most wonderful phenomenon: the Jewish people. Unfortunately, the wavelengths of God continue to descend, becoming so degenerate that they produce demons and—most troubling to Israel— satanic creatures called “Kliphoth,” or Gentiles. The rabbinic treatise, “Sepher Or Israel, 117,” recommends: “Take the life of the Klipoth and kill them, and you will please God the same as one who offers incense to Him.” 2

The Zohar, meaning “brightness” or “light,” is the five-volume repository of Kabbalistic lore and mystic speculation. It explains, “… ‘living soul’ refers to Israel who have holy, living souls from above, and ‘cattle’ and ‘creeping thing’ and ‘beast of the earth’ to the other peoples who are not ‘living soul.’…” 3

According to the Zohar, the great tragedy of this world is that the Kliphoth or Gentiles perpetually unsettle the higher levels with their evil imbalance. As long as the Kliphoth continue to exist in their present state of discord, God and His universe will be disordered as well.

In this concept we find a rationale for the Kabbalists’ hatred of Gentiles.

Kabbalah is used by the elites. Ivanka and Jared Kusher are doing kabbalah too. Proof:

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from the article
27 - And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that, behold, twins were in her womb.
28 - And it came to pass, when she travailed, that the one put out his hand: and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This came out first.
29 - And it came to pass, as he drew back his hand, that, behold, his brother came out: and she said, How hast thou broken forth? this breach be upon thee: therefore his name was called Pharez.
30 - And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his hand: and his name was called Zarah.

appearently it was marked to mark the first born who traditionally inherrits the patriarchy and overtakes the tribe and in the bible the blessing.
Kikes are Edomites who came from Esau, the first born of Isaac who had the inheritence but sold it to his brother Jacob who then fathered the 12 tribes.
In this light it looks like the red string is meant to say "look, im the first born. Im your chosen folk!" which seems to be what their entire existence is based upon, reclaiming Esaus birthright and they do that by corrupting and annihalating the actual (ethnic) tribe of Israel which is the white man. Too bad Jesus made clear that lineage is irrelevant when it comes to these issues and that believing in him means you will be of Israel.