I been redpilling my black neighbor about everything, his mind is BTFO right about now. He comes over every saturday for redpilling sessions and is frequenting pol/ now. But he is wondering why aren't there any redpill posts/quotes that show what Jews think of blacks. Can you post em if you get em? He will spread them via a large twitter and IG following
Any Redpills about what Jews think of Blacks?
Note that people will shill against you and be overtly anti-black to shame you. Those people are JIDF and trying to prevent you from redpilling. There's nothing more important, in the quest to preserve our people, than spreading the truth about the Jew. To everybody, regardless of race.
>spreading the truth about the Jew. To everybody, regardless of race.
100% agreed. My neighbor has been saying that he doesn't want everyone divided and thinks (((someone))) is behind the tensions. So I've been redpilling him for 3 weeks now, jaw dropped
Why do you muts give billions to him every year?
because Jews run the U.S. (((pic related))) and run the federal reserve
Similar spot here. Co-worker is down with conspiracy theory stuff, but conflates jews and whites per usual. Need ammo. Bump.