Why are they the biggest degenerates and their woman are the biggest coalburners in Europe?
I mean even American woman don't mix as much with niggers and niggers have been in America since the founding...
Western Tramps from Europe sometimes fuck niggers, but its REALLY rare to see them actually marry one.While Polish woman are more often seen both fucking and marrying with niggers and arabs and having children together.
For fucks sake, there was African nigger in Poland who managed to fuck over 300 girls in 6 months and gave AIDs to 10-50 of them... That's really not normal and doesn't happen anywhere else...
When I visited Netherlands and England it was full of niggers and arabs and ONLY white people I came across were Poles, I don't think I ever came across native Dutch person who is under the age of 30 my whole stay and those interracial couples I saw the female was clearly Polish.
I used to think Poland is based, based on their football fans who are mostly right wing and alpha, but the reality is SO MUCH different both for Polish people living in Poland and in foreign countries.
Degeneracy is what gets me too, you would expect people in western countries to be more degenerate too, but no! Most of the drunktards and junkies are polish too
Pole here and I have to say it's probably our history. We sadly never had ooga booga colonies so the jungle man is a rare creature in Poland meaning that women's interests is raised while sensible westerners have the experience to know to tread with caution
>We sadly never had ooga booga colonies so the jungle man is a rare creature in Poland meaning that women's interests is raised
Except that's not true, neither did we and niggers are not wanted here, first time I saw nigger when I was 15 or 16 and people are usually cold around them. There are niggers in my uni and none of them have managed to find a gf or fuck in almost 3 years now. Only one who had a gf caught himself a literal hambeast, unironically she had around 100kg and still people made fun of them.
Same with China and SEA countries, they have never seen niggers, but still have 0 appeal for them.
Asher Gray
In all fairness the idea of "based Poland" has always been a lie. Just scream and throw shit but start licking toes when EU funding comes into question.
Polish and Eastern European women have been engaged in sham marriages here with non Europeans like Pakis. The Pakis pay the Slavic women a few thousand Euro to marry them so they get staying in Ireland /EU. The Polish whores here are responsible for Pakis being here and those Pakis have access to everywhere else in the EU too.
Jaxson Rogers
It's like reintroducing predators to an island full of dumb gazelles, they are literally defenseless walking loot boxes