The recent gym craze is a psy-op by the burger big-pharma and health care industrial complex...

The recent gym craze is a psy-op by the burger big-pharma and health care industrial complex. It has been done with only one purpose: to extract more profit. How is it done? By subconsciously programming gullible burgers that they can only get a sexual partner (look good, be successful etc) by lifting weights.
It is important to remember that 99% of the population are retarded. Therefore when you tell them that they have to lift otherwise they'll be beating off to blacked porn for the rest of their pathetic miserable lives these retards start thinking that they have to lift SUPER HARD to get those 10/10s otherwise they'll die virgins. Pretty soon these retards start getting injuries and they have to go to the hospital. What does going to the hospital with a sports injury mean in burgerland? BIG $$$. So afterward the retards might have to get a surgery or something else, then they have to take painkiller meds. Hello oxys. You can connect the dots yourself. Oh did I mention that whey protein and all of other supplement shit is not even tested by FDA? God only knows what the fuck is mixed in there and it's a good bet that after a few years of eating that shit you'll get some sort of gastrointestinal problems. Which will require more hospital visits. More $$$$$. Now don't forget some retards go even further and shoot up roids cooked in some dirty chinese basements. What do the roids harm the most? Heart and arteries. And that's SUPER BIG $$$$$$$$$$ Anyway you can connect the dots yourself, unless you're part of the intellectual majority.
So there you have it :^)

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Seems plausible, but show flag if you want any credibility.

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>By subconsciously programming gullible burgers that they can only get a sexual partner (look good, be successful etc) by lifting weights.
I know right? Fucking jews at it again. Anyone with more than two brain cells can see through their sinister ploy. Like how exactly is dedicated and persistent weighting going to make your life better, all it does is just make you lift weights, with absolutely no effects on outside life? Or that meme thing called discipline in regards to food you ingest, fucking bastards, I almost fell for their lies too man, glad I am stocked on whole tube of Mac n Cheese that can last for up to 20 years of shelf life.

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it's easier to lift weights than develop as a person.

Never thought I'd be agreeing with a leaf. Appreciate the honesty tho.

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You're retarded.
Lifting and regular exercise is key to health and achieving what must be done.
There are however a lot of Jewish money schemes pushing fad diets and cross-fit.
Just be a real man, do compound lifts, and eat meat.

OP are you a landwhale?

You are making a lot of excuses to be out of shape. How exactly can fitness be a jewish psy-op to make money? Gym membership is like 20 euro a month, and you spend more money on food than normal and that's it.
Meanwhile your health, strength and looks improve. Oh no what a terrible psy op.

Jow Forums btfo

Everything should be done in moderation. There comes a point when excessive lifting becomes a drag on your health.

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Try reading before responding next time, fucking waffle destroyer.

Lmfao. Nice bait brah.

Yeah, women want a strong man to follow who will have the strength to pull through a rough situation when he needs to. You don’t necessarily need to be jacked, but be in shape, be proud of something.

I have been going for ten years and since 2013 it has been getting packed. Now the gym is fuckin ridiculous full of dudes pushing it too far.they drink all kinds of chemicals and drink 5 scoops of c4. They always get hurt

Maybe OP is in fact the Psy-Op

It's an industry, like anything else. At the top end of it yeah, you'll get big pharma supplements/roids/weird Onnit-Rogan protein and shroom stuff/thermos.

Still, get on a treadmill, fatty. Some BLM is going to jumpkick you to the face this protest season.

The gym craze for women is simply them making their arses bigger so nogs give them more attention.

Man fuck, It really sucks that I live in Cuckropean Union, where everything we eat has to go through rigorous testing and adhere to the strict standards including whey protein and any injury is covered by the subsidized health care for mere 70$ a month all the way from mundane shit to spine operations, fucking socialists man ruining the healthcare for everyone. But I get you man, that's absolute shit man, I did this meme lifting once and all it did was make me lift some stupid weights and somehow this taint spilled in other aspects of life but like fuck man, why would I want that shit, I barely had time to fuck around on Jow Forums for few hours a day reading all those quality threads with all the stuff I was doing. I am really glad I cut that thing out of my life quickly, otherwise I'd become gullible self-guiding male, thankfully I am back to listening to specialist on the matters, I heard that me and my wife should try the polyamory! I can't wait!

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They need to be mentally strong though or their big gym muscles are pointless. i've seen plenty of jacked looking guys cower from a aggressive manlet or skinny fucker purely because they built muscle but their mind is still that of the same scared faggot at school.

If you are white and not started lifting you're an idiot. Prepare yourself.


Most fitness people tell newcomers not to do what you're saying though. Doctors as well.

>don’t stay in shape goyim
>become a weak twig or obese fleshbag

I'd psy her op

It's more complicated than that. I suspect that the supplements are making them infertile. However those who take anavar or other roid shit are severely keking their own hormones and are going to become infertile 100%.

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Wtf I hate the gym now

It's another episode of "Everything I Personally Don't Like Is A Conspiracy Theory Against Me!"

You're connecting a bunch of unrelated dots too. Oh no, humans are horny and want to fuck other humans who look like they won't pass out after a minute of physical exertion in bed. Oh no...

Actually the opposite is true and lighting weights develops you as a person since you're getting off your ass and volunteering for a heavier lift load. It has effects on your personality and you start doing the same thing in other areas.

Hey faggot you don't need a gym membership, supplements, or any other retarded shit for that matter to be fit. Shit you don't even need to exert yourself that hard to the point where you are risking injury

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how tf do you get a flag

oh nvm :^)

Lindsey Pelas!

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>don't trust the gym conspiracy-(((they))) want your $$$
>trust the FDA

just go for a run and do push ups you gullible meme twats

>Or that meme thing called discipline in regards to food you ingest

To get swole you have to eat, eat, eat eat.
There's nothing wrong with having a healthy diet and doing exercise.
Getting swole is something else entirely.

It's actually a good point. Everything in your country is so corrupt that you can flash a little bit of money in front of FDA officials and literal poison will pass through with flying colors. I mean just look at McD's, KFC, etc

physical labour is indistinguishable from livestock

Cope more skinny fagot

>Oh did I mention that whey protein and all of other supplement shit is not even tested by FDA?
So? FDA is mostly useless

Being a biological physical being means you're going to have to use your biological physical body to accomplish things.

I guess being in front of a computer or phone 24/7 confuses you guys on this subject.

>moving the goalpost

if you have sub 100 iq

>retard can't read

The gym makes me depressed for some reason. I don't know why.

So you are a lazy fat fuck, got it.

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>be me
>shit posture
>alot of lower back problems and shoulder constantly hurts
>doc and therapist tell me to do some fucking sports
>therapists gives me a lifting routine with proper deadlifts in it
>my posture is unfucked and my shoulders stopped hurting after I included OHP in my routine
What did the OP mean with this?

>retard can't read

Op meant there's nothing wrong with moderate exercise.

>haha burgers are fat
>haha burgers are supporting the “health industrial complex” by getting fit!

Die jew

die die die

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>Everything should be done in moderation
This is a patho-meme. Its not true. Bad things, done in moderation are still bad. This is a way of getting you to tolerate degeneracy.

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Nigger, you're not telepahetically moving anything, you're hurting yourself picking up ten pounds and everyone is aware of it. Go to the gym. Stop being a useless, lazy fuck.

That dumbass will blow off the doggo's head.

Define your definition of moderate and excessive exercise.

It wasn't like that at first. It began as a ploy to reduce the expected cost to insurance companies, who do not cover gym related incidents. Healthier but prone to injury (specific injuries) subjects are better for profits.

Then became what you describe, however it also had a second side that is, because of sheeply nature of society, the price of information and how shallow people are in general, they can create and control demand for certain products. Additionally its about making the subject substitute any development either in character or knowledge with being fit. Another one is a false flag concerning additives. If you don't want your food filled to the brim with shit buy eco/fit versions with bigger markup. And a whole new market was created.
Normalize and exploit.

Going smart and conservatively into general fitness isn't bad. However it isn't about good shape its about EXTREMEs - get a boob job, get steroids, push more, run more. Eat this, don't eat that.

Lifting for own personal development - i.e. sticking to a regimen, building willpower, getting stronger faster without going overboard is good.

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Once you start getting slipped discs in your spine and torn ligaments in your shoulders it's probably excessive.

waste of energy i have more important things to do

OP, you're wrong, there is a second component to it. Making women work out in gyms builds up androgen and testosterone in them. Women were never meant to work out. Only gay and bi men wanted them to do it. It makes them start behaving like men. Ghosting, multiple partners, indifference twds babies, pregnancy and children, bragging about career success and accomplishments. Big Pharma is a part of it but BP makes hella more bank off of keeping Americans unwell, nowhere near gyms. The real payoff is in alienating and dividing western men and women from eachother and creating a gender war. Aerobics and "go to the gym girl" started in the late Seventies and Eighties.

What else started late Seventies and in the Eighties?

>working out to impress women
only losers do this

The guys that try to lift for attention from women will have to find other sources of motivation to stay the course and lift consistently. You have to want things for yourself without trying to control how people feel about you.

Fucking based leaf

Being a gym rat is bluepilled and cringe, you are literally an easier target for guns.

Being swole will only attract bottom of the barrel women with roast beef vaginas and women who smell bad.

If you’re fat do water fasting instead.

yeah man she's hot and all but unless I see her in front of me at a bar or something I don't give a shit
orbiting women you don't know on instagram is very beta

>The recent gym craze is a psy-op by the burger big-pharma and health care industrial complex.

It's the agricultural lobby fronting it.

They've designed the nutritional advise such that you'll get fat and sick unless you go go to the gym twice a day and diet constantly.

So they catch you on both exits.
cheap shitty food -> exercise -> gyms, dieting
cheap shitty food -> no exercise -> sickcare

so in other words you're a fatty who gets triggered when they see fit people? got you

I could literally feel my iq dropping reading this shit.
go home OP

>Don't work out you're being played.
>Dies of obesity.

You're not capable of analyzing the world around you. You are only capable of following a program set out for you by some superior entity (government or corporation). So your response is predictable.

Fuck you, leaf. Go blow a canine and not be charged.

Get a physical job, take selenium and two drops of iodine, eat lots of vegetables and fish. Try to limit sugar, artificial sweetners and dairy. Keep away from doctors( drug dealers). Or if real energetic, grow some beans and get their live enzymes into you. Tell your women to avoid lipstick..the aluminium will give them alzeihmers. Watch how your dependence on the pharma industry evaporates.( and how little of your money goes to Israel) hehe

Canadian niggas acting like they don't shill for Trudeau.

>lifting weights is stupid
>okay it's fine in moderation
>I'm not moving the goalpost ur just a retard
Kill yourself, Ling Ling.

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>The gun will go off with the breach open
Rake your self leaf.

Fucking Leafs. I like you guys, and I hope you get rid of Trudeau so your country can uncuck itself.

You have schizophrenia my guy.

Context blindness is a sign of autism. It's either that or you have trouble comprehending written english.

Yes, but do you have any arguments?


>self improvement is a conspiracy to get you hooked on oxys and roids
real brainlet hours who up?

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>who up
What kind of language is this?

Gym craze lol it’s less than .01% of the general population. How the fuck you gonna call that a craze?

hooooo whata kind of ranguage is dis?

so fucking what, that isn't even controversial

holy fuck, that is a fucking nice duck
just look at his fucking face
you could it it with a spoon that fucking faggot cotton fuck

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So don't get a gym membership. Just eat meat and do body weight excersize. Pushups, pullups, situps, squats and a few others are all it takes to get decent muscles. People Ask me if I go to the gym and compliment my Tris alot. All I do is natural body weight excersize and alot of physical activity. Don't pick activities that are hard on your joints like running excessively. I like surfing if you live near the ocean. skateboarding is fun as well but hard on the body.

>It's the Jews telling me it's easier to get a partner when you're more desirable

No that's just human nature. Do they profit from it? Sure. But people are perceptive creatures, and your physical presentation has a lot of impact. If your physical state projects a lack of discipline, people (and women) will connect the dots to tell them that you are an undisciplined person who cannot take care of yourself.

Worship and over emphasis on fitness and body building is a meme though. As long as your appearance doesn't trigger red flags, you're pretty much okay. Women do care more about who you are, physical appearance is just a first impression of that. Who you are can't be faked though (women are retarded with logic but are unironically blood hounds at sniffing out fake/overcompensating "alpha" behavior from disordered guys), so being in a state of decent health will alter how comfortable you are with yourself and others

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Isn't weightlifting the lowest injuries of any sport? Also making yourself healthier so you avoid health problems and big pharma in the future?

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It might even be net-negative injury if you consider it in context of whole life. Muscle makes you more resilient to ordinary injuries.

gym thots that workout all the time are not attractive nor would I marry any woman who takes pictures and dresses like that. I workout heavy weights not to look good at the beach, but to activate androgen and keep my test high. Strength I get from real world job. I don't want to be some weak Jow Forums zoomer that just looks good. Body building is a joke. I'm all about being natural and strong for my family.

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