ITT we unkike our history, and discover our ancient knowledge.
According to Graham Hancock the pyramids align with the orions belt in their positions 12500 years ago which is the same point of time the constillation of draco alignes with angkor wat perfectly (also according to graham hancock) making me think a great cataclysm, which probably was the rain of fire the aztecs say came before the flood, happened shortly after those 2 were built (or in case of angkor wat they were build not that long ago but on older remains which are probably from that time).
Turns out there was an "extraordenary biomass-burning episode" 12.800 years ago, likely due to the impact of a comet which just came out recently, fitting the 12.500 years Hancock talks about almost perfectly Which also fits Göbekli Tepes depiction of the comet 12.900 years ago quite perfectly
Some other interesting stuff showing ancients knowing a lot they shouldnt according to Mainstream History. This one is partly about modern monuments and their meanings too, but at around 1:10:00 he starts talking about the pyramids, and how they encode the size of the earth in relation to the moon, as well as the speed of light with over 99% accuracy This video talks about how different monuments, from the pyramids, to stonehenge, to stuff in south america encode mathematical knowledge as well as functioning as a GPS telling people where they are currently switching the 0th longitude to the pyramids if they know how to read the monuments, again showing that those "cavemen" were far more sophisticated than we care to admit as well as showing that there was some kind of global communication going on (not like the internet, but information were exchanged through traveling, trade or whatever despite southamerica not being discovered officially until thousands years later)
Pic related. My theory it depicts knowledge, as those people are the keeper of knowledge, or bringer of that. The mayan/aztec one seems to depicts quetzacoatl I assume which is said to have brought that for the aztecs.
In case of the sumerian i suppose it is enki >Enki (/ˈɛŋki/; Sumerian: dEN.KI(G)𒂗𒆠) is the ancient Sumerian god of water, knowledge (gestú, literally "ear"), mischief, crafts (gašam), and creation (Nudimmud: nu, likeness, dim mud, make beer)
Same role Quetzacoatl took, bringing knowledge, or Satan with the apple. Prometheus who brought the fire very well could be the same enthity, Lucifer. The Kabba in Mecca supposedly contains a meteorite, which might be the one Göbekli Tepe speaks of or Satan that was thrown to earth but i assume there is more to it
Now the FALLEN angels are said to have brought the knowledge for witchcraft and warcraft. Ironsmithing is one of these skills used for warcraft. Turns out the ancient egyptians used iron used from meteorites aka FALLEN rocks in example for this dagger's_meteoric_iron_dagger_blade
I basically believe that the different Pantheons around the world came to worship Gods angels, fallen and not fallen, rather than God himself. Eitherway the same arbitary symbols being used in the same manner across the world shows that either whatever is depicted really happened and was significant enough to record, or that there was global communication existent to share the symbols and spread them across the globe
You'll get gangstalked spreading this kind of truth.
Zachary Thomas
Haven't read all as I have to go get some food... but OP i believe there is a cyclical catachlism which will in turn reset earth and we will lose all knowledge and turn back to barbarians... I'm sure previous civisliations were more advanced then us
Benjamin James the Adam and Eve story by Chan Thomas. Didnt read it myself yet, but appearently it speaks of a reoccuring catastrophy destroying civilizations. Supposedly it was classified by th CIA and then a bit cleaned up and declassified. It puts the time interval between the events to 6-7k years which kind of fits what I came to believe.
The Cataclysm 12,5k years ago I believe was the rain of fire like the aztecs call it (saying there were 4 previous cataclysms with a last one to come) aka an astoroid or comet hitting the earth like Göbekli Tepe tells too. The last Cataclysm I trust the bible saying it was around 3k BC, well actually around 2,4k BC, but there is the issue that kikes deleted 600 years out of the life from Shems descendents to pilpull around and claim that Jesus cant possibly be high priest (ignore the part about the pyramids, on that point the video is actually lacking some stuff, but it explains how all translations come from a faulty scripture.) pushing back the flood 600 years which happens to be at the time couple of cultures around the world seemingly independently created civilizations +- a couple hundred years I believe they are merely the remnants of what survived
However if the time frames inbetween are always the same it would mean the gap between cataclysm would be around 7 thousand years like that book of Thomas says too taking the time inbetween the last 2 as reference
Pic related, Shoria Mountains in Russia. Manmade or natural? If manmade how were these moved, lifted and stacked upon another?
well, cant tell really what it triggered. some people claim curstial displacement is what wrecked civilizations but considdering > we can say such a thing never happened in the time those monuments where build or else the math wouldnt fit the alignments anymore. The pyramids seemingly are 12.500 years old, and are aligned almost perfectly with true (not magnetic) north, meaning in that timespan there wasnt such an event. Poleshift i can see wrecking a bunch of our communication and electronics/navigation etc. and fucking up some animals which orient themselves on the magnetic fields, but i dont see how it can wreck the entire planet. Electric universe theory states that differently charged planets occasionally throw huge thunderbolts at another, and implies this is what happened which could also be a candidate for what happened then even though (at least the thunderbolts project version) seems to make up some stuff on saturn being called first sun, or best sun, primevil sun and the like for which i couldnt find anything really that doesnt relate much to the other claims but makes me wonder about their credibility.
Latest Cataclysm almost all cultures agree was a flood, and the bible puts it at 3k BC which is when cultures around the world suddenly spring into the bronze age. the one before is likely the one from 12500 years ago which was a firey event
OP how could you leave out Plato saying that Atlantis also sank in a great flood about this exact time in history? How could Plato have known when the flood happened, but the rest of the story be made up (despite him saying it was a true story)?
In the beginning God created everything by creating polar opposites. In math it would be that he made out of 0, +1 and -1 which together are still 0, but now are something. In physics this is the big bang creating out of nothing matter and anti matter, energy and dark energy, protons and electrons. In the bible its seperating heaven from earth, days from the nights, the sun from the moon, the female from the male, adams rib In all cultures this unification comes up as a theme over and over, be it the marriage, uniting male and female, often dressed in black and white, resulting in the magic of a new kid being born, or be it the solar eclipse uniting sun and moon together. Couple thousand of years ago they talked about the same concept of the Big Bang
Another bit of hidden wisdom in the Bible: According to Mainstream Science snakes lost their legs in the evolutionary process >14So the LORD God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, Cursed are you above all livestock, and every beast of the field! On your belly will you go, and dust you will eat, all the days of your life. Here too the snake is made to crawl on its belly implying it didnt do so before meaning it most likely had legs but lost it just like Mainstream Science suggests too
interesting, i always heard plato said "6k years ago" which would be far too late, turns out according to wikipedia he puts the date at 9600BC which is "only" about a thousand years off. he also states that it sunk during a war. was this war the cause for the global cataclysm?
as for the location of atlantis i know of the richat structure stuff, but i thought this guys take on atlantis rather good putting atlantis at the coast of spain. also which is dated not as old, but too features the concentric circles, so maybe there is more to the form than we think, maybe multiple atlantises but no idea to be honest