The only way to save white North America:

The only way to save white North America:

1. Tax pornography off the internet so we become fertile again.

2. Move as far north away from the southwest USA as possible to avoid the illegal immigrants.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I find it bizarre so few people actually respond to these threads. Am I shadow banned? Prove me wrong Jow Forums.

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Come on Jow Forums. Stop ignoring this topic.

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make prostitution illegal and inaccessible to males
make it unrewarding to be married
raise the age of consent to 30
take away pornography

and that folks is how you make men full of hate so they volunteer to serve in the military and you dont need to draft them, and will far outnumber the few women who may join up

> propaganda outlawing pornography is a psyop

Same happens to my thread, nu/pol/ faggots only respond to cuck bait or bait (yang for example) threads

The idea of taxing pornography OFF OF THE INTERNET is that sex workers will be pushed into the real world.

I'd rather see white guys with mistresses than jacking off to tube sites all day and slowly sterilizing their people.

By taxing porn off of the internet fertility will rise for both regular people and sex workers alike.

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Okay, well I'm glad someone responded who noticed this. I even posted a cute chick in the OP.

Is my lack of intellectual-low-hanging-fruit-one-liners the reason for the low responses? Or is it something more insidious? Like Jow Forums has been taken over to "steer" us. I don't like going full Alex Jones, but sometimes I do get curious.

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>save white North America
>posts eastern european

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>sex worker
What a stupid phrase.

For the most part we don't draw that distinction in the US.

Still, I've heard the eastern Europeans are lower IQ so you have a somewhat valid point.

They sure as hell would integrate faster than mestizo latinos though.

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