The only way to save white North America:

The only way to save white North America:

1. Tax pornography off the internet so we become fertile again.

2. Move as far north away from the southwest USA as possible to avoid the illegal immigrants.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I find it bizarre so few people actually respond to these threads. Am I shadow banned? Prove me wrong Jow Forums.

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Come on Jow Forums. Stop ignoring this topic.

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make prostitution illegal and inaccessible to males
make it unrewarding to be married
raise the age of consent to 30
take away pornography

and that folks is how you make men full of hate so they volunteer to serve in the military and you dont need to draft them, and will far outnumber the few women who may join up

> propaganda outlawing pornography is a psyop

Same happens to my thread, nu/pol/ faggots only respond to cuck bait or bait (yang for example) threads

The idea of taxing pornography OFF OF THE INTERNET is that sex workers will be pushed into the real world.

I'd rather see white guys with mistresses than jacking off to tube sites all day and slowly sterilizing their people.

By taxing porn off of the internet fertility will rise for both regular people and sex workers alike.

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Okay, well I'm glad someone responded who noticed this. I even posted a cute chick in the OP.

Is my lack of intellectual-low-hanging-fruit-one-liners the reason for the low responses? Or is it something more insidious? Like Jow Forums has been taken over to "steer" us. I don't like going full Alex Jones, but sometimes I do get curious.

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>save white North America
>posts eastern european

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>sex worker
What a stupid phrase.

For the most part we don't draw that distinction in the US.

Still, I've heard the eastern Europeans are lower IQ so you have a somewhat valid point.

They sure as hell would integrate faster than mestizo latinos though.

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I don't care.

I hate the cold. But you are right about porn. No one will do shit until the government goes down though. Elections have failed us.

Nah, I respectfully disagree. I really do think we can tax porn off the internet.

We can start at the municipal (town) level, then state.

I'm in my mid-30s so I have enough knowledge of our system that I think it's feasible.

Boomers would be against it because "muh freeze peach" though. I think awareness should be the first step, like why do men have 60% less sperm than forty years ago

Spot on. Boomers are increasingly becoming an obstacle.

How do we maneuver around them?

*ignores you*

>I cant control myself, government restrict my rights
>I cant stop touching my dick please help

>I can't control my drug addiction, government restrict this immoral product
>I cant stop doing this drug please help

>2. Move as far north away from the southwest USA as possible to avoid the illegal immigrants.

USA, you are so damn fucked.

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Scum. I hope you never have children who depend on you.

I wish someone could tell me, the only thing the conservative boomers care about is free speech and gun rights, which ultimately don't matter when you have corporations who can censor you and you can't defend your culture with guns. I think that gun control scares are brought around every few months just to convince them they are fighting the good fight when the battle for the culture is completely lost.

You can stop at any time, I have no sympathy for addicts.

What a terrible thing to say. You're a reprobate.

Do you really think the average person has the willpower to resist instant sexual gratification when it is accessable everywhere for free and is constantly shoved in their faces? Do you realky think that's good for your society, you absolute kiked faggot?

I walk a thin line, sympathy for the weak is what got us into this mess. Many of you shouldnt have been born in the first place, this society gives the genetically weak opportunity to breed. Our values dont align so its pointless to argue.
If you fall to porn you're no better than a nigger.

Wrong, moralless boomers like you are what got us into this mess who stand by as their culture is subverted

You're posting from Finland: the Corgi of nations.

You're in no place to judge.

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Agreed. The guy is scum, and cares nothing for his nation.

Or, yno trump could have
Just built the wall like he said and then deort all illegals but noooo he is too busy making Israel great

too much makeup
>all fields
>hide thread

My moral compass is greater than you think, I dont think government should be your savior is all. Why dont you join a church and garner support from your local community? If you know what your doing is wrong why dont you take the necessary steps to break from it? You lack discipline but that doesnt mean big daddy government needs to get involved. You say you want to change but you're a godless heathen.

>the only thing the conservative boomers care about is free speech

One thing I want to interject: pornography is not speech. It's prostitution in all but name.

The moral difference between pornography and prostitution is arbitrary.

We have laws against street walking prostitutes. And the thing is, we don't even need to outlaw it or anything. That would take too many resources to enforce with limited tax dollars. We can simply pass laws to tax pornography off the net, at every single level from production to distribution to the performer to the producer to the ISP. Tax anything that allows pornography through. It would be a self-funding mechanism to rid the internet of pornography.

Once that's done our demographics should begin to heal.


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Spotted the teenager LARPing as a bad ass.

Are you munching on a cigar butt, too?

>My moral compass is greater than you think

You're trash.

That is actually pretty reasonable, I wish any candidate would discuss something like this

Well, let's start to spread the word. On the internet and real life.

Good luck, brother.

Just stop touching your dick, its that simple.

Realistically we'll never get a porn ban, not even one similar to the UK.

I'm not trying to be black pilling, but shits going to get real bad, real fast. Stop looking to politics to save us. Hunker down with a white family and don't do anything stupid.

By that I mean, look at what happened to RAM. Soon shitposting online will lend you in a cell getting butt fucked by Jamal.

Realistically we need to hunker down, have families with the least damaged white woman you can find, and pray to God for a collapse.

We talk all day about what policies we could inact to save the white race, but we have no power to even make those policies.

If you want to outlaw porn, our best hope is using sex negative feminists and evangelicals.

I would say waiting for them to die off but obviously the 'generation X' will be even worse.

>I know what is evil
>but we should let evil run free
You're a fucking moron. Also you're wrong about me both times.

Hey man, cool it with the anti-semitism :^)

>make prostitution illegal and inaccessible to males
>make it unrewarding to be married
>raise the age of consent to 30
>and that folks is how you make men full of hate
There you have it, goys, the porn jew. Kike Pilpul at its finest.
>don't stop jerking off goy, you might wake up and be angry at what we've done to your country since 1965!

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>The only way to save white North America:
>1. Tax pornography off the internet so we become fertile again.
But Pajeets and Mohammeds consume a lot of porn and still have uncontrollable populations. Outbreeding is not the solution. We need to curb immigration, cut welfare, etc.

I love corgis, shut the fuck up

You're a fuckin' moron.

Porn is a low grade form of morphine the likes of which the world has never seen. Barbarians are at the gates due to our lowered demographics, and you're some dumb fuckin' teen saying, "JUZ STAWP TOOOCHING UR DEEK! LULZEEZ"

Dumb fuck.

>make the government ban this
>but nothing else, just porn... and you need an id to use a computer and...
just stop looking for big government solutions.

in this case its a combination of plastics poisoning and the gmo crops and shampoos and a dozen other things causing a fertility problem.

banning porn is just the foot in the door to the government restricting access to computers in general.

You had no problem letting evil run rampant to corrupt others, you're only concerned because the degeneracy is at your doorstep. Why should I care about you, as far as I'm concerned you dont stand for righteousness so you need to face the demons just like everyone else.

Civil War
Weed out the weakling, cowards and city dwelling eaters.

Yeah, it seems as though the whole waiting for them to die thing is a bad idea. I considered it, too.

Boomers in the USA outnumber the young. I suspect the young can outmaneuver them with a little bit of guts though. Their cognitive decline has just begun as they enter their mid-60s and will greatly reduce their power.

You sound like a pathetic nigger.


It's because we categorize people into groups (generations, such as boomer, Z or millenial) but in reality it's a constant fucking stream, the only real difference between generations is how far along the propaganda plan was during their indoctrination.

So yeah, it will only get MUCH worse, and not in 1 go, but day by day.

The hell are you even talking about?

He's (accurately) implying that your post was anti-Jew.

>Free Speech
Then we need to educate them about the Howl trial and Roth v United States.
Obscenity is not an idea that deserves protected status under the 1st Amendment.

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3. Mexicans and blacks leave the towns whites abandon because the gibs go with them
4. Nonwhites move into newly established white communities
This is unironically how this happens. You think this is some new and novel idea you had? White flight just triggers nonwhite flight to the same places whites flee to.

>We need to curb immigration

You do this by undercutting the wages of immigrants with increased supply of white labor. Specifically, if 5 teenagers are vying for a summer job and 1 illegal immigrant is vying for that same job, the 5 teenagers will underbid the illegal immigrants wage. More whites will have an economic repelling effect on illegal immigrants.

>cut welfare, etc

We do this by teaching Basic Economics to the young. This book changes lives. The audiobook is on Youtube for free currently.

Attached: Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell.jpg (300x167, 8K)

>make the government ban this

I said tax.

Again, I said tax. Not ban. Taxing will self-fund and re-direct sex workers into more mistress roles.

That means you getting laid instead of you sitting in front of a tube site.


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>Jow Forums has been taken over to "steer" us
Half/pol/ to an insane degree, other Jow Forums's, too, maybe to a lesser or at leadt more subtle degree. Jow Forums mods are roughly half hardcore lefty faggots, the remainder are mostly apolitical with maybe one or two /ourguy/ mods who will be replaced with lefties as soon as is convenient. Think wikipedia, scpwiki, that same process of takeover.

Bullshit. Obscenity is not an idea.

or, physically remove the Jews for the 110th time, rabbi.

>have enough knowledge of our system
If you knew half as much as you think you do abouy US politics, you'd realize nothing will be fixed within the current system. You can be a LARPer and talk about "the happening" that's super duper coming soon, or you can be realistic and accept that the US is going down in flames after Israel gets every scrap of value they can extract from us.

Stay on point. That's deflecting the thread.

Ever ask yourself if the same pattern you see with Jewish people is reflected in other groups? Episcopalians perhaps in the Presidency? Chettiars in India maybe?

That's a subject for another thread. Still it would pay you to look into. In my view Jow Forums is over-focused on Jews, and this is really missing the forest for a single tree.

Yeah, I get what you meant now. See my thoughts:

Your thread is about White NA though, although I do agree with you, Jews are a very large threat to White everywhere and cannot be ignored.

What do you think about the current electoral system? Do you believe there are any presidential candidates that aren't completely pozzed or is revolution the only solution?

I don't disagree with you in principal, but I have to raise the issue of resources. We need money so we can get this material off the internet. It will take mega resources. If that comes in the form of taxes it'll be an easy, self-fulfilling cycle. See my post:

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Revolutions are a bad idea for everyone in general--even the people conducting them. If you're not starving or freezing homeless, then as a practical matter there are easier routes than revolution to take. Especially when you're talking about western Europeans who can speak English. Besides, we get psychotic in war. Not good.

I really do think that my first two points in the OP (taxing porn off the internet so we can heal our demographics and white flight to northern North America) is going to be key to resolving all this cultural conflict peacefully.

There just isn't enough critical mass for government mass deportations of immigrants; despite my wish to the contrary. When I speak with others, there is the occasional grumble in real life and quiet joke, but no serious critical mass. If that's the case, then white flight it is.

Also, I respectfully disagree regarding Jews. Very much think it's missing the forest for a single tree.

>we need more white people to work for even cheaper than the illegal mexicans do
Sorry but no.

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Cities are how labor is divided properly enough so that you can get things like the computer you're typing on now, or the cars that allow transportation of food.

If the cities go, then so do the rural areas because there is no one to engage in trade with; but the way the rural areas go would be much slower and more agonizing. Think winter starvation. Not good.

There are much more practical and less violent ways to go about fixing this issue. Re-read my OP.

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High IQ teenagers naturally move up the economic chain. Read Thomas Sowell's book.