Does it make sense to invest money in this property?

Does it make sense to invest money in this property?,-83.086177,42.358917,-83.100833_rect/15_zm/

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Considering they've been trying to sell it for 3 years, you could talk them down a fair way I'd say

The continual usage of the term 'rehab' gives off some heavy drug undertones which can't be helping things

I hope to find the people of Detroit here, I have a few questions for them.

I don't know, man. Looks haunted

I hear Detroit in general can be a Spooky experience

West Virginia is where it's at. 95% white, everything is cheap as fuck, lots of land etc. The only downside is there are no jobs. If you have neetbux it could be paradise.

Not from Detroit, but trust me Russiabro stay the fuck out of there.

Perhaps this is because of the failed porch

i amfrom and currently live in detroit. it is a changed place. i honestly miss what it used to be. its so white and police ridden used to be a free-for-all...and regardless of what people said, as long as you were smart it was safe. its even safer now. and whiter than ever. good place to invest...but certain neighboirhoods/areas are more desirable, obv.

Thanks for the tip, I'll check the ads.

>Detroit is so white and police ridden
>Detroit Demographics
Black or African American: 82.7%
White: 10.6% (7.8% non-Hispanic)
Other races: 3%
Asian: 1.1%
Two or more races: 2.2%
American Indian: 0.4%
Pacific Islander: 0.02%
Hispanic or Latino of any race: 6.8%

No. I can see $75K worth of work from front exterior alone. Your margins would be razor thin if the comps are $170-250K, and they might have some charm (this doesn't).

i checked the ad. that place, fully rehab'd will be worth 200k in like 4 years. 300+ in 10 years. detroit is changing.

Oh, I was waiting for this post. Can you tell me which areas are safe?

are those 2010 census stats? ALOT has changed in the last 9 years.

You probably wouldn't want to live in a detroit ghetto if you were being paid for it man.
Unhinged feral niggers, and I assume you're white, won't go down well.

How was it possible to give such a beautiful city to plunder Negroes

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2010, let me find a more recent.

What's the story with property taxes over there? I heard there's some houses for sale for like a dollar but they come saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes somehow?

Niggers are scared of slavs. The minute he starts shouting cyka blyat they scatter like cockroaches. Something in them instinctually avoids Russians

areas bordering grosse pointe on the north east side. palmer woods and surrounding areas on the northwest side. boston edison and surrounding areas. stay away from south west.

Black or African American 537,931
White 95,875
Some Other Race 20,527
Two or More Races 12,918
Asian 10,185
American Indian and Alaska Native 2,322
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 107

Data via US Census (2017 ACS 5-Year Survey)

this was true and probably still is with some homes/scams. most of the vacant properties have been taken over by the "land bank" and they auction of the properties to people who have the capital to bring it up to code within 6 come with clean tax slate.

checked and keked

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Do it man. You have nothing to lose. We're all going to die in like a week anyway.

We also have niggers, and here they are also not afraid of anything

how much would you need to live in west virginia per month if you'd bought a house outright? single person, food, services, car and a little beer money?

I don't live there, but if I were guessing $1000 per month if you had a paid for house and car. That leaves you with little "fun" money, but you can survive and pay your utilities. Anything above that would be pure gravy.

Russians are whites without the kike'd guilt. They'd fear all white men if it wasn't for the kikes. All you have to do to scare a nigger is talk down to him like he's nothing to you. He'll believe it. And that's what Russians do.

If you saw on the news that a Slav called a nigger 'nigger' and beat him to a fucking pulp, everyone would shrug. But make that guy Scottish or French and everyone would be calling for his imprisonment and reeducation.

I can't stay here, my salary drops due to indirect sanctions, Our salary level with you can differ by 8-10 times, the rules of my employer forbid him to have a business with residents of Russia

You need 20-30 like minded people and buy complete blocks and burn out the holdouts. Set up your own garbage and grocery store and bar, community center/homeschool /worship center with access pass only. Block the streets. Dont let non-co ethnics walk on your streets. Thats how the arabs did Hamtrammak.

Go ask in /diy/ and give it some time, you'll get some responses.

This home sold for $ 50,000. Probably bought it already.

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my God, Detroi real estate is getting more expensive right now, however I understand who sells it all

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Watch the documentary "Wacky whites of west virginia"..the original bojangles came from there too..also it has been said that the mountain men killed the army when they tried to draft them.

This is where the house is compared with the demographics

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