Dangerous for our country if we had an State of Emergency

Dangerous for our country if we had an State of Emergency.

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>some balding rat faced twitter manlet

no thanks. shit thread. kill yourself, retard.

Former Trump voter. We took this joke as far as we could, but I think we need to pick a different option in 2020.

And no, not Yang and his Chink NEETbux meme plan.

Yang is unironically the best option there is

There isn't really anyone else, user.
At least when it comes time for the actual race. It'll probably be Bernie Sandberg and/or Biden versus The Don

MAYBE Tulsi is feasible? She seems okay (for a dem)

Open borders and anti gun is what we have now with Don, who may at least be on our side half the time.

Who do we want pulling the President's strings, the Chinks or the Kikes?

>Implying Yang isn't controlled by Chinks AND kikes

Wrong meme flag, was shitposting in another thread.

Tulsi will get shanked right out the gate with the Dems. Kamala Harris wants no competition in the Strong Light-Skinned Woman of Color demographic.

Biden is gonna sit this one out. Bernie has a personality cult from last time. There is no room in the current Dem Party for a cis-het white guy who isn't an our and proud Commie like Bernie. Same reason Beto isn't going to go anywhere. He's a rich kid who married a billionaire's daughter, but unless he starts sucking black dick on stage, he has no place in the identity politics freak show.

Oh okay, wow you must be really smart to know all those things over a year before they happen.

Anyways though I was just considering other options besides Trump. Tulsi is really the only other reasonable choice and she still sucks.

>Trump is saving YOUR money by not hiring people into these useless, paper shuffling positions

Wow he delivers again