What do you think about Jordan Peterson?

What do you think about Jordan Peterson?

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Juden Peterstein

>What do you think about Jordan Peterson?
He isn't a paedophile, he just sleeps in the same bed as those boys to help them to get more comfortable with male bonding, the accusations are just ignorant.

Read Jordanetics. He aint good bucko

The postmodernists have already won. If Dugin couldn't stop them he sure as hell can't.

Father figure for fatherless men

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Also would you fuck her? I would. The face is telling me to run but the ass is so fine.

That thing is a man or a woman?

>Father figure
Exactly, like I said, he connects with them as a father figure and nothing more, the allegations are completely unfounded

That image fucking conflicts me and my penis

I didn't know Orc females existed in real life.

Looks like he’s a predator in that photo but I think he’s more misunderstood than he is controversial.

Sir! please do the needful and go back to R ed dit

Jordan B Peterson's self-named political ideology is "Radical Individualism", which regardless of whatever other prospects, fundamentally creates or compounds the atomization of Western populations. Game Theory models at every single turn show us that groups which have individuals that are fully in tune with and willing to sacrifice for the good of the collective consistently defeat groups of individuals that are driven primarily by "individualist" self interest. Even when the collective-individualist balanced groups are given notable statistical disadvantages compared to the individualist groups.

"Radical Individualism" is utterly ignorant of sociological effects. The dogmatic ideology of Jordan B Peterson fails to recognize the most basic evolutionary principle: Individuals compete with other individuals within the collective, but the collective competes with other collectives in the group dynamic. "Radical Individualism" is idealized apathy that drives the balance of power in favour of the collective group that adheres to basic evolutionary conditions, which historically has consistently lead to the extinction or consumption of the individualist group.

In no uncertain terms, Jordan B Peterson is the most dangerous man alive in the West right now. Not only are his "insights" destructive, but huge masses of people are listening to him and believing it.

Jordan B Peterson is, whether he wants/realizes it or not, the driving force behind mainstream postmodernism in the west. Only when healthy group tribal identities are destroyed by the "individualism" that he advocates, do the other unhealthy fractious and pointless identities emerge. Only weak groups develop intersectionalism and relative cultural critique.

Yeah he is completely misunderstood but not in the ways you think he is. Watch this:

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Sir! please do the needful and go back to my oven

>Looks like he’s a predator in that photo
Absolute unfounded lies, you have no proof whatsoever, Dr Peterson was trying to help him clean his room, that's the only reason he stayed in his bedroom that night !


an anti-white cunt with a jewish wife

Thanks I'll look into it.
I used to be a fan, preordered his book (which does have good advice, albeit from other writers), argued for him on Jow Forums, believed his vagueness was deep profundity, etc. But now I realize he's a conman who cozied up to a pack of Jewish "intellectual dark web" shills and shamelessly takes shekels from young white males who he has no intention of ever advocating for.

Strawman. JP's ideology is not "individualism"

He does a lot of good for the West. He logically and functionally dismantles the intellectual high-ground the Left claims to have. Without being able to say their policies are the scientific truth, they can no longer pretend their way of life is the inevitable future and now have to resort to emotional appeal as their only leg to stand on.

He also defuses a lot of young western men from going too far right, which has become unhelpful to the West. Further right is good, but too far right is edgelord territory and will not help the young men acclimate into society to create the next generation.

Find another site to sully, you evil coward.

Is this a shitpost or are you serious?
You do realize he's specifically stated that his ideology is "Radical Individualism", right?
He has at every turn opposed what he calls "identity politics" and says that everyone has to take up personal responsibility and that they shouldn't be trying to affect the rest of the world until their lives are in the order that he thinks is good enough.
A strawman is when you misrepresent an opponents argument to make it easier to argue against. JBP has literally stated that these are his political positions on many, many occasions.

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funny meme


Hes a boomer with a boomer world perspective, brain damage from lots of drug use and depression from living a life based on false assumptions and bad morals. Like a lot of people with deep depression he has an intense longing, but he is not sure what for. He finds things to stand for to fulfill this longing, but has never been able to develop a moral base so he will never be stable and will often be wrong.

He is a tragic figure, a vanguard of the boomer response to the world and idiocracy they have created. Most boomers isolate themselves from the world they created, but he doesnt so that is admirable.

No he's right.
peterstein PROMOTES radical individualism and ANTI collectivism but he doesn't care for it.
He's just following his act to stop young white males from moving far right.
He's keeping thousands of distressed young white men center or left wing instead of finding the truth about the jews.
He preaches but he doesn't practice so to speak.


Yeah, you're not wrong. The advocacy for a certain ideology is generally accepted as "their" ideology, semantically speaking, though, which is what I was getting at.

Self help stuff is good. Wants to stop whites from looking out for their own interests so meh

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Jewish shill like almost every public figure.

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>(((Juden))) Peterstein


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that hook is great, but omg this rap sucks.

Well if he really believes in absolute free speech and exercises this belief, then he's a simpleton who applies the classic cowboys and indians narrative on anything related to the jews and whoever opposes them.


Came here to post ithis

He's a faggot.

literally this

>can't refute the post content
>engage in ad hominem
>outs himself as a newfag
>zero addition to discussion

Feel free to try again, it's not like you have an ego to maintain on this anonymous imageboard.

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more like a guy who is trying to supposition himself into the position of being a father figure for the people who are most at risk for becoming right leaning dissidents; he's admitted himself as such more than once.

He doesn't follow his own rules in that he's lied, he doesn't search for the truth when it conflicts with his beliefs ("lol jews are just better than you ok goy", despite the fact that there are more high IQ whites in america alone than there are jews in existence). If he could get away with it, he'd probably also start demanding people smoke weed or do hardcore drugs to 'gain introspection,' even though such drugs are proven to have a significant mellowing effect on people - the same sort of shit the government used on dissidents back in the 60's to keep them from going off the rails.

Fun to listen to, good basic role model advice. However, Jungian psychology is nonsense.

I think he’s a globalist and a fag

It's true. History will prove that out of our contemporaries, Molyneux was always braver than Peterson because of JP's famous "people get killed for talking this way".

Molyneux says that ethnic differences and preferential patterns of in-group behavior need to be discussed at all costs.

correct, his teachings are what has been missing in modern families, both parents are working to keep their family financially afloat to the detriment of the home and family cohesion, the parents work, come home, spend the rest of the night glued to the idiot box only to have breaks to make dinna and cleanup, the children are pushed to the side to do homework or entertain themselves, it is bad parenting, however for a lot of people that downtime after work is the mental and physical rest they need to wake up for the next day of drudgery. the upkeep of the house is saved for the 1 or 2 days off at the end of the week, after that maintained there is a small amount of time to connect to the offspring. modern day has done its best to rob the family of bonding time together, escapism for the whole family, just not together, kids get their morals for the morning cartoons, adults get their world views from per-approved MSM at night, and this is parroted back at them around the water cooler or school yards.
JP represents the old toothless sitting in the rocking chair wisdom that use to be the patriarch or matriarch of the family unit, whether what he says is right or wrong, he is filling a void that has been ripped from the family unit since the 80's, the amount of people that not only follow but enjoy simple personal moral building blocks that he shows, is damning of the current lack of family bonds in a majority of households.
he is not a healer of todays families or even a bandaid. he is a pamphlet that shows whats wrong and what you should be doing, but only half of the people are attempting the instructions, while the others wave the pamphlet around claiming thats all you have to do to be better.

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I called him a globalist and asked him why he was at the trilateral commission on Twitter and he blocked me. He also helped write agenda 21

he's anything but the solution to the problem. He's a deliberate distraction from it, in an open attempt to dissuade people from actually discovering it. He's made it very apparent that he is trying to lessen the strain that has been caused by the massive influx of diversity and social justice that has utterly inundated the west. He is not a solution to OUR problems, but rather a solution to HIS problems. He wants you to spend all day on endless feedback loops of introspection and 'self-improvement' under the context that you will never be good enough to even dare to challenge a problem bigger than yourself, as you have yet to even solve your own 'problems!'

It's the same fucking shit when jews dismiss criticisms of israel by stating 'but what about shitlandistan; there's people killing/shooting innocents/using vaccines to sterilize populations that they don't like there too as well! Why aren't you complaining about that?"

The guy banned someone from a free speech convention for 'talking with the wrong people,' and not 'questioning hard enough.' The guy is a fucking crook who will drain your coffers, soul and dignity if he can get away with it. He acts like a fucking jew.

I'm not really sure if he's jewish or not, but he's going in to the chambers first anyway

>He wants you to spend all day on endless feedback loops of introspection and 'self-improvement' under the context that you will never be good enough to even dare to challenge a problem bigger than yourself, as you have yet to even solve your own 'problems!'
That's not what Peterson says at all.

Is that kid being Petersoned.com? The kid looks so uncomfortable.

Damn son what the fuck.
I poked around part of that video and found that tricky looking biology fuck
>the left is a multi-ethnic coalition
>they're gaining power, but they're going to fall apart because of in group fighting
>they're not strong enough to hold back the force of white nationalists because white nationalists have an evolutionary basis of existing

Here faggots:

I hope you realize that that's a tranny in that picture.

It's actually a woman.

Except it is. When he starts reciting partitions of the bible about 'taking the log out of your own eye before you begin to even criticize the wood chip in another's,' amongst dozens of other idioms is definitely an appeal toward this logic. How can you even begin to criticize peterson if you have 'bigger problems' to focus on?

i leave him to /SIG/ lite, his other views i dont listen to, suggest other do the same, get your base self and house in order as it helps in discipline and self reliance, and anything after that i dont follow him. sorry should of stated that at the start.

>Be Jordan Peterson
>Oh yeah free speech absolutism, muh evil gommunism
>Have free speech panel
>Oh, Faith Goldy is going to attend?
>Yeah nah I don't like her free speech

Collectivism is what the Marxists preach. Individualism is the antidote to that. People are so browbeat into doing stuff for other people (look at Obama and his cuck you didn't build that speech) that they need to assert their individualism.

Also, individualism means freedom of speech. It means debate. This is important.

Aye, but you don't need peterson for this. Literally thousands of other gurus say the same exact thing, WITHOUT the fucking subversion included.


easiest answer really

Pic related

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If your race acts individualistic in a world where every other race acts as a collective, your race is doomed.

The white race is the only race that is publicly shamed for acting in its own favor (when it does).

how many shit-stirs the world to his extent, not everyone is on Jow Forums to grab a few good infographs, most peoples self improvement has been stagnated to the latest zumba mumba "arseshake the fat off" direct tv buy now pay later crap.

He doesn't like 'white supremacists'.

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Indeed brother. This is why all the theories about international cabals aren't quite as silly as we first think. There is a concerted effort of loosely-aligned people (predominantly Jews) to overturn the biological imperatives of European peoples in order to create a divided, "diverse" multicultural society that is far easier to manipulate.

I advocate neither Individualism nor Collectivism. Humans are neither. We aren't individualists or otherwise we wouldn't go literally insane and start hallucination and having delusions when isolated from human contact. At the same time we aren't collectivists either because we have the intellectual capacity to function and act entirely as individuals. That is why this whole "Individualism vs. Collectivism" is so dangerous because we are neither (or both).
Evolutionarily speaking we follow a specific behavioral trend, one we have held for hundreds of thousands of years: Individuals within the group compete against each other, but when faced with another group, the individuals within the group form a collective to fight against other collectives. Jordan B Peterson advocates atomizing western society by forcing the individual into an apathetic view on collectivism, which as I've highlighted in the post you're responding to will lead to catastrophic results, the same catastrophic results we've seen time and time again throughout history.

Refuse the Individualism vs Collectivism debate outright and balance the two spheres of human interaction. It will create the best results from every perspective.