>free $2000 payed monthly
>government mandated gf
>promoting freedom

It's time for you to grow up, Yangboomers, swallow the TODDPILL and join the TODD SQUAD. Together we can end the eternal blumpfoid.


Attached: toddsquad.jpg (1024x598, 222K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Big rod uncle Todd for da win. How can little wangs even compete.

Attached: 1552092891381.jpg (1000x489, 103K)


Attached: bigtoddrodd.jpg (800x600, 67K)


Attached: 1552012031857.jpg (605x803, 76K)

wtf i love the jews now


Attached: toddpill3.jpg (600x700, 82K)

This is a truly unfunny forced meme. Kill yourself.

wow these Todd memes are so organic these are the real polsters who memed the God Emperor in

>Yangboomer detected
you better get ready to be paying for my 2k, yangboomer

what's the matter, Yangboomer? gonna cry? piss your pants maybe?

Attached: todd_the_rod.jpg (178x250, 7K)

This is why I come to this shithole everyday

who tf even is todd barry

Tiny wang ganger confirmed.

Attached: 1552091941419.jpg (545x489, 50K)

The only answer for America. It's time for America to TRULY by great again. Todd's going to make that happen, with more money and gfs for all!
Anyone who says otherwise is a yangboomer, or a blumpfoid

Attached: toddgang.jpg (1000x849, 142K)

aiiiiiiiii booyakasha

wait a sec, is todd barry a JUDEN ?

How can I join the Todd Chabad?

Attached: Todd Barry.png (459x391, 26K)

Don't fall for the Yangboomers! Spreading lies about our based as fuck Todd.

thank you
am now in full support of todd barry

thank you for your support

oh nonono

Attached: 1552168950160.jpg (605x628, 128K)

Why are you not interested in 2000 dollar by month and a girlfriend ?

Now you know. That's why you see a bunch of faggy Brits and leafy spamming him here.

Attached: Todd-Barry.jpg (1920x1080, 291K)


Don't let shills capsize the /yang/ yacht

Don't let shills capsize the /yang/ yacht

Don't let shills capsize the /yang/ yacht

Attached: 1551940492899.png (449x469, 307K)


what's the matter, yangboomer?
afraid of TODD THE ROD?

I'm going with the guy who wants to give me $2k a month. You can keep your cheap gook.

Todd is not a gun grabber and he is willing to give you 2000 dollar. Why even vote for the chink ?

Attached: 728DFA80-2D1A-406C-97CA-E2F68E31F566.jpg (960x734, 96K)

I would difficulty to see one

it would help if your meme candidate was actually running

stay mad, yangboomer

It's against the rules to announce sage friend. I'm voting Todd, why settle for $1k a month when you could have 2?

this guy gets it
yang is finished. this is the age of TODD.

Todd Barry is a "deadpan" comedian who isn't even running for President. I am glad all these organic memes are being propagated by the "real pol"

Son, I am thunderstruck at their kikery , they uphold my antiyang threads spamming pro-todd messages even if they know 90% of my posts are gegenjuden, talk about selling their own mother


Attached: 1552173841460.gif (234x154, 2.26M)

guessing you're a "oldfag from 2016"?
t_d is down the hall and to the left

Attached: blumpf.jpg (900x1000, 344K)

your time as todd and yang, has passed

no memeflag will be spared. we'll be getting our $2k, and boomers will be paying

Todd is a strong write in candidate. If you are going to turn down $24k a year in free money you're a fool.

Based and redpilled. I wonder how people could settle for 1k if they can have 2k. I have a master in math and the math are settled. 2k is better and bigger than 1k.

you wont be getting anything judengolem
too laet to sweep it under da carpet now

todd :jew
you :jew
we should just kill you all , no?

Good point, $2k is also a more appealing number. I don't see how Wang can compete.

He can't - his cult are in denial. Sooner or later they'll accept Todd into their hearts.

Set your hate aside and embrace the Todd user. He's the Yin to the Yang.

fuck you kike

Attached: 1517937667913.jpg (1200x900, 201K)

He can not, why do you think you have so many shill in this thread trying to smear him. Sadly they should accept the fact that in any situation and in any case 2000 is superior to 1000.

Todd will always love you. A deep long love that Yang could never deliver.

wouldn't you like $24k a year? beats $12k from wang. a government gf, how could you refuse?

I think we're all agreed, Todd is /ourguy/

Are you not interested in a girlfriend and 2000 by month really ?
How can you not be ?

Also he will give you a girlfriend let’s not forget that. You gain 24 000 dollar for free and a girlfriend for free too. Why even thinking when the choice is easy at this point.

Attached: 9B52B346-4112-4ABF-837F-1A9D98E4F768.jpg (1638x1920, 864K)

He's probably gay, Todd hasn't promised twinks.

a brit french and nominal american all shilling for the kike candidate ? are you niggers fucking serious ?

Attached: 1518204362288.jpg (124x124, 3K)

This your first time on Jow Forums?


Attached: image0.jpg (527x630, 44K)

Are you really going to refuse this ? And 2000 dollar by month ?

Attached: 5CBB98C8-A4DC-4F68-A0E7-91C21952FD55.jpg (795x564, 438K)

Why do you accept 1000 dollar when you can have 2000 ?

your fate is sealed kikelscheisse

Attached: pol loadout.jpg (980x880, 176K)

Please stop doing this, I don't want to report you.

Attached: sage.jpg (679x178, 34K)

>Actually wanting a 300kg wine aunt in her 40's from the govt.
Fucking wew.

I have crunched the numbers frens, 2000 is way bigger than 1000.
Todd is the winrar unless the gook raises to 3000, all aboard the Todd train

Not having an Rhodesia hating nigger sponsored by the gouvernement girlfriend I guess you can be unlucky some time.

Attached: B7B754E9-83A9-4006-92EF-BE846484B0E4.png (1065x945, 471K)

Shit, you beat me to it. I was working out the numbers on my TI-83.
>2000 > 1000
>Todd > Wang

That's incredibly appealing, but I don't trust my luck.

oh god, how can yangfags even compete!

in the
what I saw today you fucking kikes
will become FAMILY HISTORY
jews supporting antisemites just to get a SEMITE ELECTED
all the stories about your decrepit souls WERE TRUE

Attached: FFS.png (344x403, 137K)

Texas instruments never Lie, the numbers dont Lie! TODD2000 for 2020

Your post confuses me

Attached: 1538115030605.jpg (546x584, 57K)

your genes advertising power has and have failed you

fuck juden

I am impressed you sure sound like you have a PhD. And it is really more
2000 + girlfriend > 1000
Todd >> Wang

>Free Government gf

This is what I really wish that Bolsonaro did here

To all newfags, this is a meme manufactured by triggered MIGApedes. This guy "Todd Barry" does exist, some B-list comedian, but he isn't even running for President. Meme quality below average at best.


Thank you, I actually do have a PhD in Domestic Electoral Economics!

This is also confusing gibberish. Is English not your native language?

Are you interested in the Jewish girlfriend. Not so rare pick. But if you want her you have to vote Todd.

Attached: 8684DB40-B681-4606-8BE6-3399090E34DA.png (2647x4093, 3.29M)

Post your desired girlfriend.

Attached: 2A3BBCA4-FEE1-40F8-8D51-B59136CC98BD.png (500x241, 111K)

>Here's your free government girlfriend user
>Uh, you don't have a choice here, this is what you get, it's a woman and she's now your gf, no refunds.

How do you react?

Attached: JUST.jpg (2059x1697, 339K)

>tfw you don't have a TI-92 or even a TI-89 ~

Lemme tell ya, logic is not withing your stunted kike grasp or you'd comprehend text that was not written by a kike

you need invest in muslim grave diggers

hello paid shills, did the bug memes not work? #MIGA

Attached: yangbang.jpg (400x400, 21K)

>Here's your free gf bro

Attached: Those aren't tits.jpg (1280x720, 243K)

>Lemme tell ya, logic is not withing your stunted kike grasp or you'd comprehend text that was not written by a kike
Please read this and tell me that it is clear and understandable.

Why do you choose 1000 when you can have 2000. Do you know than 2000 is twice bigger than 1000. You should vote Todd.

well , there's no hope for you, personally

you should become a kike transfaggot, PEASY

You should really listen to this guy
He knows what he is talking about.

Attached: 1520662037022.jpg (487x498, 74K)

It has a hole and can produce children, I guess I blind myself.

>Wayne Lambright is offering $3000 a month.

>How do you react?
Anal. Throatfucking. I own the bitch for better or worse, I'm getting off whether she's attractive or not.

You shills are just so bad at this..
Your memes are cringy and inorganic.

They cannot do that second part.

Fuck off, you kike shill.
The Jews are fucking disgusting.

1000 is enough to make working still worth it. 12k US/year I assume is pretty shit.

they sold their own mothers, fuck them

If the gook dont cough UP 3000 his campaign is dead, 3000 or bust!!

what i don't get is why, of all the people for your fake and gay campaign, you picked a jewish comedian

Attached: pepe.jpg (306x306, 20K)