OMG! Hillary in Norway 09.03.2019

Wasn't there a speech she did like 4 days ago somewhere where she had no neck wrinkles at all and hardly any face wrinkles? What is happening? Does she really have several doubles like Saddam and Stalin did?

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Other urls found in this thread:

3.On the run
pick one

her wrinkles are gone because she is on prednison.

she has been ill since the last election

>4. Pizzeria basement
Now pick one.

I'd lick both their assholes after diarrhea

She looks genuinely frightening. Imagine that person staring at you on the bus.

Jesus Christ she looks bad

how did you get a picture of her from September 3, 2019?

I watched like 3 minutes of the speech on VGTV (the live channel for one of the biggest newspapers in Norway), and she talked about muh wage gap and that women pay full price for product and not 78% or whatever bogus number she used relative to how they were paid.

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jesus could you even imagine her as president

She died on 911 on tee vee

Imagine having that for a mother in-law

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Found it! This is her 7 days ago. LITERALLY NOT THE SAME PERSON.


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Definitely not the same woman that was in the video!

I don't know who's wrinkles are worse...

You're making us look bad, dummy

just a lot of make up and different lights

pol is an European board. it's the 9th of march.

Trump won by default
She died due to a blood clot from her broken leg
Its why you dont even get a jump and harp from Fox about her running and instead they worship their goddess AOC

imagine the smell

meh, who cares

if an old lady with blonde hair wants to say she's Hillary, what does that mean for me and my people?

what the fuck she looks like she's got a foot in the grave

Attached: Loser.jpg (1400x1000, 900K)

And remember, Trump's a year older

she was fucking UNDER LIT it was the fucking LIGHTS

see that strong light right under her stupid face? that's what makes all those lines disappear

>at school

Not suspicious at all.

op pick has short neck + wide nose. video has long neck + normal nose.

Probaby injects her face with botox and
God knows what, whenever she has to make a public appearance.

Just look at Kellyanne Conway.


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she's a clone

Rosenstein is still working though

She looks like she lost all her liquor money . Plus shes wearing Rickys shirt.

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And why isnt Sessions on there?

Looks like a double

>Trust Sessions
Lol. Q fags BTFO

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If you adjust the filters in Photoshop, you can see the background is CG. It's actually a shipping container. Probably a cargo ship anchored off Cuba.

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Who wore it better?

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fucking idiot

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>her wrinkles are gone because she is on prednison.
her wrinkles are gone because she gained 50 lbs.

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why does she look like someones pointing a gun at her?

They cut her supply of foreskins down to minimal use, for special occasions only.

Why is that bitch wearing a pinky ring? Can anyone clean the ring up?

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>metoo at school


that was a hologram

What is this a photo op with a minority?

She really does look frightening. Like the way little kids will avoid a person


checked 007