
Attached: Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos 2019-03-09 20-11 (783x426, 375K)

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Based. All my fingers ate crossed. Go get them tiger.

scalp everyone of the jewish niggers

CNN and Washington Post

I hope to see a long list of money demanded from the rest of the media groups and celebrities who messed with these children.

Bankruptcy and shame will come to abusive liberal media outlets, but only if you reply to this post with SLEEP TIGHT, SANDMAN

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Jews jewing Jews for shekels.
I guess it'll get people to stop harassing maga hats, though

Kathy Griffin needs to pay as well. Can’t wait.

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sleep tight, sandman

Fuck off kike

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she already does pay, just by being Kathy Griffin

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Chinese shill thread. Dont respond

The Chinks want to undermine our press freedom and freedom of speech

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Sleep tight, sandman

>Chinese shill thread. Dont respond
Fuck off this is relevant. You must be a shill.

top kek

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He deserves at least 10billion



Sleep tight, Sandman.

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Based Jew suing the fake knew


The company that own CNN owns other stuff, they are able to do shilling that is not economically viable by grabbing profit from other parts of the same company


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if the tits of the company that owns cnn becomes dry, an another company buys cnn and invest at it and use his own tits to feed cnn

This is hulk hogan all over again!
Destroy them Mr. Sandman!

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funny how when it happened everyone thought the kid was ruined forever. What really happened is he won the fucking lottery

~fallout new vegas

sleep tight sandmaster

The lottery? His life is wrecked because of their lies.

you can fix a wrecked life with 225m dollars I suppose

Yeah and now he's about to potentially be rich as shit. People will stop hating him quick as hell if he collects.

fucking checked

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He has a target on his back now. He will basically live as a recluse the rest of his life

Imagine going down in the history books as the MAGA kid who hates natives lmao
Well deserved and good riddance.

Fuck Jannies and fuck Niggers

What will he do with 500 million dollars... wtf


I guess. He deserves to own the MSM in full.

times infinity
good serves them right. now if they'll just destroy HLN and MSNBC I could die a happy man.

>History books
The media and current academia won’t write the coming histories.

he can change his name and finish puberty and nobody would know the dif

Can you imagine being the kid that looked at somebody lol fucking laughable

The sooner they get sued before the election, the better.

Watching too many movies desu senpai. The general public has a lapse in memory every 4 hours or so, people that aren't involved for the money will forget about it in a month's time of online silence.
Much like the gawker-hogan thing, it stays in the collective remembrance but nobody really gives a shit about it because there's always bigger fish to fry at the moment, all the time.

you realize this shill angle only feeds into the "left eating itself" meme?

Imagine going down in history as almost the first woman POTUS but lost to a loud mouth brute of a man that represent everything you hate most in the world

>t. Kathy Griffin

I know it's something you haven't experienced in a long time but... you're fucked.

because of his age, he has them all practically bent over. They will settle out of court i think

Sleep tight, CNN.


sleep tight sandman

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You made me think... why havent I ever heard of people cutting jew noses off as trophies like scalps?

the general public sure. But there will be the resetera types who will make sure to email employers and the like to remind them of what he did.

For smiling or even smirking? That would have to be one hell of a crazy shitlib to be that vengeful.

When your bank account has 9 digits, I can safely assume you'll be self-employed for a while


Sleep Tight, Sandman.

this kid wont need an employer when he buys his own island from lawsuit money

read what wapo is doing.

They are trying to argue that Sandman was an involuntary public figure, so sandman has to prove maliciousness, whereas if the judge thinks Sandman is a private figure then maliciousness won't need to be proven.

They are fighting this.

>not defamation because nobody believes anything CNN says

LOL aww


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sleep tight, sandman

That's interesting, given that he's an involuntary public figure due to their journalism. It's like starting a house fire then arguing that what you burnt down is merely a heap of ash.

Yeah basically what they said about 'trying to catch up, and Republicans pounce' is them being genuine.

>involuntary public figure
wtf, seriously? What does that even mean? I have a basic understanding of defamation/slander as it applies to public vs private figures. But my god, he's a high school kid ffs!

going to laugh when the lawsuits fail and the kid's parents and he end up homeless. KEK

Sleep tight Sandman.
I'll watch the night.

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You are fucking retard. At the very least he's going to get multiple fat settlements

>future coder
good luck proving that you had no idea a longer video was on social media and that you absolutely had to portray sandman as someone ganging up on a native.

he wont get 250 mil but wont have to worry about money for rest of his life

we will see what happens

Damn. If he were alive in the 1930's he would have been a top Luftwaffe fighter ace. To have driven the fastest race cars in the world just to be struck down while skiing

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Then it’s all worth it. There is a reason why the left is trying to associate MAGA hats with KKK hoods, it’s to isolate MAGA supporters from one another and make them feel alone in their support for Trump. The hope is that with no visual symbols of support, MAGA supporters will give up on Trump, because they are the only person still supporting him.

Of course this will never work though, because they’re basically just doing the same thing that didn’t work in 2016 (Trump is a racist/sexist/*ist/*phobe) except this time it’s “YOU are a *ist/*phobe for voting Trump, redeem yourself by voting D”. And that will backfire on them even harder

Thread theme: youtu.be/OBmM79YadYM

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If Covington didn't wake people up to how much the Jewish press hates the whites, I don't know what else can be done

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more like this to me

Sleep tight, sandman

Operation Ziondon has started

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It's bullshit, but here's my roll hoping



God I hope cnn loses $250 mil

Checked, you anti-hero pedo protagonist


Wrecked right now but 750 million minus 50% taxes is enough to make things okay.

Little cracker needs to contact Trump and Epstein to figure out how to turn 300 million into billions

Wapo and now CNN? 500 mil between the too? Absolutely astonishing!


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jewish noses almost always contain enough traces of cocaine to be considered illegal for possession

Say what you mean to say, faggot.

Is this a trannies pretend white Catholics are jews episode?

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That kid was smart as fuck. He was smiling because he knew CNN wouldn't be able help themselves and take unethical shots at him. He's smiling because he is preparing for the incoming NEET life he will live after the lawsuit.


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