Rumors are spreading that Trump is aware his base now calls him Zion Don and says MIGA instead of MAGA. There's going to be extra security at rallies and speeches where they visually inspect your Trump gear to make sure it's not ironic. You're allowed to wear Build Israel Great Again hats but not Make Israel Great Again hats.
The security say it's because the Build Israel Great Again hats are official and the money goes to Israel, but everybody knows it's because (((they))) don't want anti-Zionists coming in and making Trump look bad.
Keep saying it. MIGA ZION DON
Other urls found in this thread:
>There's going to be extra security at rallies and speeches where they visually inspect your Trump gear to make sure it's not ironic
Jesus Christ they actually do this? What in the actual fuck?
Time for a new narrative.
>inB4 copeposting
Prove Trump isn't a neocon jew
They had to do that because the bleeding vaginas on the left kept infiltrating Trump rallies.
Prove that actually matters.
Oh no he found the secret discord server!
I've never even used discord before! but apparently I came from that top secret "pol influence team."
Sure seems legit, wow I had no idea
Because working class Americans are wageslaving in poverty while Trump sends money to Israel and lets (((billioniares))) live in what is technically a socialist bubble.
By supporting this, you support the perpetual enslavement of America in the name of Zionism, which makes you a traitor.
Prove it actually matters that an elected official keeps their word and doesn't suck Israel cock? What happened to America first?
>unironically posting a copy pasted image that is three fucking years old and hasn't changed a pixel
I am starting to wonder, if this is acutally reverse psychology
he's most likely a boomer in poor health who is going to die soon anyway, so to him technically no it doesn't matter. let the Zionists continue, he's spent his life wageslaving now it's the youth's turn.
Lowest tax bracket gets a $10k tax deduction.
>muh israel paycheck
2% of all the money the government wastes on stupid shit goes to Israel. Wow.
>billionaire socialist bubble
[citation needed]
even a broken clock is right twice a day
in their goal to find the optimal way to demoralize trump's base they've stumbled across a horrible truth and don't even realize it yet
Most of the people shilling against Trump are boomers because muh old Jow Forums
take your boomer propaganda out of here you wagie
God I love infinite tendies that are mine and only mine.
> Random discord screenshot
> Assuming this means anything at all.
> ???
> Stupid pleb lemmings. It's so obvious Trump is an Israel controlled opposition shill, that by explaining it in detail - would actually lower my IQ..... Plebtards to have their mind changed from a random Discord screenshot, are too fucking stupid to see such obviousnesses anyways.
I'm paying taxes to prop up a foreign country full of kikes? Fuck that. America first.
completely false
The only people on Jow Forums who still support Zion Don are qshner bots and MIGA boomers.
The government pays for my tendies, so technically you pay for my tendies with my disability payments.
Thanks wagie! Don't forget you gotta be back at work in less than 48 hours!
>> Assuming this means anything at all.
>this doesn't validate the possibility of salty NPC having to contantly shill against one man because they can't get a hint
I also get disability payments from military service on top of the comfy job I go to.
No wonder you're MIGA
Yup. MIGA gives me infinite tendies and a working economy. And I am not paying for yours. Sucks to be you poorfag.
Who needs a wall or the swamp drained when we can support Israel instead, MIGA!
It doesn't mean anything, and pointing out the obvious is not shilling. How can such brainless losers not make such simple connections. The truth is plastered everywhere, for everyone to see. Yet they do not look.
Or maybe because a lot of crazy right extremists that own guns are part of the MAGA crowd, and have proven to be a security risk.
But now that he managed to alienate them they might turn on him and attack him.
This is what he gets for pandering to mentally unstable gun nuts.
The rich live in a totally different economic system designed to heavily favor them and guarantee a 10% per annum return on their wealth.
Think about that. Be rich. Get leverage Make 10% a year. Literally cant lose
>Seething MIGA boomer is mad about the truth.
$10,000,000 a day for Israel, not a dime for working whites.
#MIGA #ZionDon
Spread it on Twatter so those Qlards get pissed off
How does it feel that a based Somali congresswoman is BTFOing your leaders?
Nobody points out the obvious. They point out what conforms to their bias and roll with it ad nauseum like whose claiming something proven to be false.
Are there people who deny Trump is a Zionist shill? These must be the same boomers who fell for Q. How can you possibly be so willfully ignorant and stupid???
good, now say your line about yang you fucking nigger shill
>You're allowed to wear Build Israel Great Again hats but not Make Israel Great Again hats.
Funny since Zion Don never had any problem with j*ws unironically wearing these at CPAC. "MIGA hats for me but not for thee, goyim!"
What does it feel like to ironically want more shitskins.
Dunno, ask Trumpenkike
Already asked. We have a job surplus and NEETs simply do not want to work. So Trump is handing the jobs over to people who will. NEETs btfo.
>moving goal post
>not addressing the core point
>but the style is sort of okay
meh 6/10, at least you earn your shekels
Ask Zion Don
How are you literally this meme.
How old are you user?
You use slave language. Our government is fully zionist controlled. They have the ability to ban all guns tomorrow. However it would cause a revolutionary backlash. So they slowly take away your guns and your "freedoms". To a point where the revolution cannot happen because the people normalized to the transition.
They literally, unironically, seriously, figuratively get paid for it.
Reply to me goyim and prove me otherwise or you're antisemitic
Not doxing myself but 20-30
>Trump is aware his base now calls him Zion Don and says MIGA instead of MAGA.
AHAHAHAHHAHAH Holy shit... I wonder what he thinks about it.
I hope he tweets about it someday. BECAUSE HE IS A BASED MIGA GUY!
>t_d getting exposed for the JIDF they’ve always been
Why did white nationalists ever make common cause with them? I get the feeling Jow Forums was never white and never nazi
Still rather keep my money thanks.
So late thirties, got it.
well old man I'm sorry you wasted your life fighting for Israel and wageslaving for Mr Goldberg. The youth will refuse, and will destroy the country if the ZOG refuses to remove themselves.
Some people are just stupid for free my friend.
Nobody in power removes themselves just so you are aware.
Then how come manufacturing plants are still closing all over the country?
Is it maybe because the so called "job surplus" is actually bullshit? A result of manipulating the numbers along with the boost from gig economy """""jobs"""""
They want cheap labor to fuck us all over and Trump is going along with it. He NEVER cared about the working class. We should have realized that billionaire was incapable of truly being on our side, but we were too caught up in the hype.
Eat dicks glow faggit
Jow Forums is dead, and has been for more then 10 years at minimum. Kike approved white nationalists reign here now. Blabbering in their lies and degeneracy.
>his base
Nigga plz it’s ass blasted NatSoys and jew hating commies.
Whatever floats your senile boat faggot. Just remember that reality doesn't hold punches.
>anti-Israeli grassroots movement is exclusively from the communist left wing bloc
What the FUCK have neonazis been doing for the last 60-70 years???
mason jews fuck them
>MUH 1000
Ziondon literally said we need more cheap foreign labor. His businesses are entirely staffed by illegal immigrants
Zion Don the NeoCon. Raises the Talmud high puts it down and then he lies. Zion Don
That's how capitalism works. If you're being propped up by legislation but said legislation stops working, you either adapt your business practices to match the market or your business fails.
The reason why we have a job surplus is due to the tariffs and low taxes inscentivizing manufacturers to return to the states, the Obamacare individual mandate being removed adding almost $1k to everyone's budgets and because of the lowest tax bracket getting an automatic $10000 of their taxes. The economy now has more money flowing in the lower regions of the market, meaning more consumer confidence and spending. More consumer confidence and spending means companies can add jobs.
So yes, a surplus is completely possible.
People love me at my work and I'm a well known member of the community whom everyone waves and says hello to on my days off. Man it sure sucks working and feeling worthy and part of a community. Pathetic.
I don’t blame boomers for denying Don’s Zionism because they’re stupid as fuck, but what excuse do the natsocs have for supporting this cuck? His allegiance to Israel was obvious from the beginning. Hell, Bibi campaigned for him in 2015-2016
That's because you suck dudes off in public bathrooms for a living
At first discord shills will post the Trump is a neocon kike ironically. Then they will realize Trump really is a neocon kike and the insurmountable damage they have done to your country and all of the races, not just whites, but blacks and native americans as well.
People were willing to look past that because he was promising other things to make up for it. Now that it's apparent he's not going to follow through, there's no longer any reason to put up with him.
He didn't say cheap. He said skilled.
That's not a contradiction.
Skilled foreign workers are way cheaper than hiring skilled American workers.
It was nowhere nearly as bad during his campaign. I only realized what he truly was when he started replacing his staff that transitioned from his campaign with warmongering shylocks
Most skilled american workers already have jobs. The ones left are unskilled NEETs.
Not even remotely true
you fucking moron “skilled labor” is code word for cheap your local Mexican mechanic is a skilled laborer
How else could it work?
Trump is a Businessman and he worked with Jews all his life.
You want more money in the country you gotta work with Jews.
It would be out of character for him to not work with Jews.
He even married his daughter to a jew (putin did this too btw).
I guess we just have to accept that kikes control everything, that voting is meaningless and that it doesn‘t really matter who is the president.
I don‘t understand how people can still have hope in politics and think that something would change.
Its always the same shit, politics is just theater for the masses.
>billionaire socialist bubble
The main beneficiaries of the tax cuts were corporations who used that money to buy back their own stocks. Stock buybacks set a record in 2018 and are on track to beat that this year. These tax cuts don't go into rebuilding factories, why would they in a global slowdown or a consumer base in record debt?
QE and low interest rates also help wallstreet/banks in that it's essentially free debt that they can use to reinvest into the stock market and even more stock buybacks.
These policies are exclusively beneficial towards the rich as these policies hurt the middle class savers who rely on interest on their savings, the wealth gap is exploding under Trump.
Trump works for wallstreet/banks just like every other President. Plus he's spending like there is no tomorrow.
wow... the left learned to meme.
> Worked with Jews all his life.
> Entered (((hollywood))) for a (((TV))) career. To prep him for playing his role as president.
How can nobody see the obvious facts.
memes only work when they're true.
Currently MAGA memes are useless because nobody thinks they're true unless they make fun of Trump's Zionist inclinations. That's why /ptg/ has to recycle old memes from 2016 or spam anime pictures to fill up their threads.
Buying back their own stocks means more control over the company , meaning more personal decision making on how the company is run rather than some rich yahoo who has little to no idea about the inner workings of the company.
Also if companies simply spent their tax cuts on their CEOs and not reinvest it into their company, unemployment wouldn't be as low as it is now.
So in what ways would Hillary have been worse than Trump anyway when it comes to Israel? Obama and Hillary supported the Iran deal that Israel convinced Trump to tear apart on day 1. Trump’s cabinet has been preparing to invade Iran ever since. Would Hillary really have even done half the things Trump has for Israel without any concessions like Obama was calling for?
>when it comes to Israel?
There is more to Hillary being shit than Israel.
It seems like Obama and Hillary are more interested in the pedo/ritualistic elements of Kabal where-as Trump wants to join the (((Patriots))) and have real power.
He's always going to be a pawn, just like the President in MGS2.
Hope this bait post made it worth it on dotr OP
Kek this
He’s literally advocating for bringing back American manufacturing and staffing it with foreigners workers. I have no idea why normal people are willing to live in a favela for extra GDP points that do jack fucking shit for them. God forbid we have a labor shortage and companies actually have to bid on people.
Yeah, but the news stations aren't going to be allowed to run this stuff to damage Trump. Even if they know it'll weaken his base, the (((people))) who own the stations won't allow it.
Cringe. MIGAboomers aren't allowed on Jow Forums anymore go back to T_D
Hillary on Israel literally not the important thing, it's more important how Hillary would have been with literally every other country.
I know something you dont know ;)
>Zion Don
kek, thats a goodun. He does hate america considering he is presiding over a government with more foreign actors than any other government in the world where they swear allegiances to foreign nations like Israhell in exchange for turning their back on their host country.
Are you seriously trying to sell us Hillary? Fuck off.
If he keeps pushing the Israel thing he's not even going to win in 2020.
Just saying, heeb, if you post easily identifiable, trackable hasbarat memes, you ruin your shilling. Instantly. Sad!
stop drink onions you fucking incel
stop drinking onions you fucking incel
Doesn't everybody?
onion juice?