Why do British, american, french and even Russian posters here defend Nazism?

It makes no sense. You do realize that they wanted you destroyed and your nationality become second class to the all-germans right? In the case of the Russians you wouldn't even have the right to exist!
>pic unrelated

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Other urls found in this thread:


Compared to how things are nowadays, it's not a bad alternative.

Not if you're Russian. Ever heard of General plan Ost?

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Truth fears no investigation

>Truth fears no investigation
For the Holocaust, sure. But in all other ways, actual WWII Nazism is indefensible for any other nation other than the Germans themselves. Trust me, you would NOT like to live under Nazi occupation.

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We don't defend the NSDAP from 1930's, we defend their general ideas.

>memeflags posting d&c threads

don't forget to sage, guys

What is it with implying Russians are dumb and can't think for themselves? Kind of rude and ignorant if you ask me.

The NSDAP had no intention for """world domination""". The US and UK were under no threat from Germany. They only wanted their land back.
>Muh Nazi world domination, you'd-all-be-speaking-german myth
Lmao what a dumb memeflaggot. Hahahahahaha get moving, kike, in the oven you go.

I think neo-nazism is different to the third reich nazism.

They Wanted, all German people under one nation and a little pollack and slav space to grow into. Of course they'd want other nationalities to become second class in their borders.

If the Anglosphere would of left them the fuck alone to unite all the Germans together and go fight eastward, toward Soviets that were just as well inevitably gearing toward eventual conflict with Germany/Central Europe as they had quite obviously would have, they'd of went at it with the Slavs and they'd of killed each other by the millions, occupying and partisan-ing each other, probably for the next 20-50 years. Problem of Muh German Threat would of solved it's own damned self right alongside the Commie Soviet problem. Whichever emerged afterward would be weaker for the next 50 years.

Instead we had to go save the Fuckin' JEWS, and Commies from dying more, like they deserved. Good fuckin' job you dumb myopic assholes. Gooood fuckin' job. Muh big ol' Nazi a-gonna get ya.


>oy vey if us europeans don't stop these europeans we will be speaking a european language
t. moshe shekelstein

because its funny

what do the Khazar-Kenite Talmud worshipping LARPers in the fake state of (((Is-ra-hell))), want to do to the worlds population, exactly, there (((Shlomo)))????!!!!

Looks like the blowjob machine is coming along nicely

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The people unironically pushing nazism on this board are either wannabe edgy teens, or the jewish shills that manipulate them for the purpose of discrediting the concept of white advocacy. Anyone who actually thinks nazis will rise again and save the white race is a retard, and too much of a coward to actually do something. Yet, they mock others for suggesting realistic alternatives that dont involve a failed regime and reviled political figure who capped himself like a little bitch.

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Ever notice how the word Ashkenazi Jew has the word nazi in it?

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lol noice

What the fuck is this image supposed to represent?

I guess places where great culture comes from.

True. It was german nationalism. And pretty stupid to support it if you are not german.

Because Americans have the first amendment. Can't speak much about the Europoors. As for the Russians, I think they just like to be edgy.

They need to put an algorithm in there to add "tween" frames of animation to the animatronic, otherwise it does that creepy ass uncanny valley bullshit.

We don’t push Nazism ,but natsoc because that can be designed for any national that has a people.

Because as bad as the Nazis were and as much as they liked killing and genociding other white people and as much as they loved Arabs and Turks, at least they also hated jews.

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This it was a german nationalist/imperialist movement. If you aren't German then supporting it makes you a larper. Just because you hate jews doesn't make you a Nazi, hating jews has been very common around the world including in countries that the Nazis hated like France and Russia.

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Dostoevsky was a prophet

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nazism=/=german supremacy

it means National Socialism, thus it can be applied to any nation on the globe aiming to take care for it's own, provided socialism can only sort of "work" for homogeneous societies it will usually aim to remove/integrate minorities so they would not act as a deterrence but that is besides the point - the ideology can be applied in almost every society

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Besides the whole conspiracies and all that, it is the extreme solution to problems should have and could have been solved by more... docile and peaceful solutions but haven't.
I think this guy put it quite well. youtube.com/watch?v=vWMt5QHyE1s

Because nazism works better than your faggot nigger ideology