Do 'phantom cavities' exist?

I read some guy say that his dentist drilled one of his teeth that had a 'phantom cavity'.
What exactly is a phantom cavity? Could a dentist be drilling into a healthy tooth without knowing?

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It's (((god's chosen people))) language for "time to pay up goyim".

Start oil pulling

Dentists are a scam. It's rare you find one that isn't.

I lost 3 teeth to shiity root canals.

If I could away would strangle the dentist to death.

I went to the dentist for the first time in twenty years. They tried to convince me I needed to get all my wisdom teeth out because I was feeling pain and discomfort.
"No I don't, and I'm not."
So I left and haven't been back in about four or five years. Feel fine.

been going to the dentist twice a year my whole life. never had a cavity except for 4 times i had one new cavity every time i went to see this one dentist twice a year over two years. after the fourth cavity he found on my 4th visit to his office he died. i got a new dentist and have never had a cavity sense. there is no-one in the world who can convince me he wasn't drilling and filling my healthy teeth to get money from me.

They, like doctors know shit.

Bro a filling cost like 25 bucks, i doubt it

This. It hurts when it's coming out, but then it's fine. And it's just 4 of them in total, so with a little space you're good. Just keep them clean because if they didn't come out fully yet it's easy for food to get gunked up in there.

More like 300

>there is no-one in the world who can convince me he wasn't drilling and filling my healthy teeth to get money from me.
So you didn't even ask him to show you the cavities? Just how naive are you? You've had it coming and deserved to pay every penny, idiot
Also, not having universal healthcare must suck

its a auto immune condition many causes.

I got my first dentist appointment in like 20 years no joke on Wednesday. I have some cavities that have finally started causing me some really bad pain so i'm finally going. but what jewery should I be on guard for? Whats a scam that I should be sure to avoid even if they have fancy talk about it.

I just want them to drill out and fill up these teeth with whatever root canal stuff they need to do to make the pain go away.

Never heard of a phantom filling. I have had 6 fillings replaced last year after not going to the dentist for almost five years. I also had them do this shit where they pressure wash under the gum line to get all the bacteria out and made my breath a lot better.

oh they know. they're priming the tooth for cavities to begin forming. then the cavity form and you have to go back and get more dental work, and they make more money off of you

Get insurance, loser

>made my breath a lot better.
Bad breath and bacteria settling on/under your gums is a sign of severe paradontosis. You can fix that with simple dental hygiene, i.e. brushing your teeth twice a day (preferably with an electric brush)

>phantom cavities
That's medical term for a dentists needing to make a payment on his yacht.

Do you people just never brush your teeth at all? Do you have continuous streams of soda/energy drinks flowing over your teeth? There are non-fluoride toothpastes or at least brush with just water. Electric brushes, water flossers, and alcohol rinses are good too.

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you're a fucking retard. literally fucking kill yourself

I'm the guy from the thread.

What I meant was that he told me I had cavities that weren't actually there. Then he charged me big $$$ to drill them, leading to many subsequent problems. Motherfucker.

Apparently this is much more common than I thought, judging by the responses on this board.

jesus christ, something i can actually post on.

OP, i'm a DDS, a doctor of dental surgery. "phantom cavities" aren't a thing, but is sometimes used to refer to fractures in the enamel, especially around already installed prosthetics like crowns or on abutting teeth to an implant (seen more with implants on patients that have a malleable jaw - one that is growing or shrinking over time).

if you were charged for a cavity, this should be shown on any x-rays (also called radiographs), that were given to you to illustrate the position of the cavities. legit dentists will use this radiograph during the surgical procedures to properly locate and place amalgams and track surgical progress.

and yes, dentists can make mistakes, especially shady Western Dental fucks that aren't DDS or DMD accredited - general dentists are NOT supposed to perform surgeries!

Pay close attention
They can still a hole. Fill it. And charge you or your (((insurance))) for it.
>Brother-in-law, doctor, new to family goes to family long time dentist
>dentist brings back x-rays
>6 gorillion cavities. Hand rubbing.
>please show me on the x-ray
>oh you won't be able to read x-ray
>I'm a doctor

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>there's are people here who don't have know how to get others to pay their bills.
I thought Jow Forums was filled with JIDF.

So a soft spot? It's essentially a pre cavity.

Are they erupted or still impacted?

this. you can see a cavity and the decayed area on the x-ray. in addition, once it's drilled, you can ask for a mirror to see it with your own eyes. I got look inside my own tooth filled with brown, rotten enamel and dentin

When mine started coming out they caused so much pressure it cracked one of my teeth. The amount of dental work I’ve had to have since then has been awful.

Yeah, you should be able to see them for yourself in the mirror and stuff...
Never take a medical procedure immediately without thinking it through, unless it literally means the difference between life and death or losing a limb or something like that.

be careful of impacted molars, in most people, the jaw isn't physically large enough to allow them to properly erupt and sit with space next to the second molars - this positioning can lead to cracks and pain as the third molars grow into position, damaging other teeth as they come in.

also, they can grow into the bone of the jaw (maxilla), weakening the structure, and if they grow in such a way that they expose the gum substrate to food particles that rot, you can introduce necrosis, cyst formation and other nasty stuff. if you have a big jaw, and they aren't impacted, then they're probably going to be "okay" past your 30's.

just pay attention to any pain or sensitivity in the area, or if you can feel the tooth cutting into the inner cheek nearby.

Never had any cavities. Only had to get my wisdom teeth removed because they were pushing all the other teeth as they protruded in a diagonal shift as I was shown on the x ray. No bucks paid for that also thanks to healthcare

Are you the dentist user that was here a month or so ago?
That lesion I thought was cancer that I kept asking about and trying to draw on diagrams turned out to be an ulcer from quitting smoking.
If not then disregard

I always visit several doctors before any treatment. I've recently had cavity at my tooth, it was confirmed by 3/3 dentists and two of them assumed other teeth are also caviated, but their opinions were different. I cured that one tooth and feels good for now.

SeeAlso cavities are a late symptom of damaged/infected teeth. You will definitely feel insufferable pain if there is any hole

Sounds like some bullshit. I don't really know if I trust dentists, I have horrible dental hygiene I'll go days without brushing my teeth. Still have white teeth and have never had a cavity, and nobody has ever complained about my breath, not friends, not wife.
Since you're user and no way to make money I'll trust you. Dentist keeps telling me to get braces again. I have a cross bite on my left side. Top and lower teeth are somewhat crowded. Also my right jaw grew longer than the left so my chin is slightly off center. I'm 24. The doctor proposed two options; palate expander palate expander which he said would only push my teeth, not my palate is sealed, and then braces with rubber bands to pull bottom right teeth into alignment, or braces first, and once teeth are straight, surgery to make my jaw lengths even, bring my upper and lower jaw forward to be closer to ideal although he said it's not bad he implied fuck it why not be more aesthetic, and surgically expand my palate. I decided surgery because if paying $$$ to fix this shit I wanna fix it right. What would you say?

One note the dentist referred me to an ortho so it's not like hes trying to make money off me.

i would expect such a post from a brit.

Never EVER get a root canal. It's better to pull the fucking tooth if it can't be saved.

>in most people, the jaw isn't physically large enough to allow them to properly erupt
that's what they want you to believe
sure it did, rabbi

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>he doesn't know
Doctors refer patients for all kinds of unnecessary shit, because then the other guy refers clients back to him.

I can get them done for like $90 at a small town dentist without insurance. Don't go to the boutique places that have all the latest techniques and fancy gear for a simple filling, it's the same procedure either way but you're going to be footing the bill for all that neat stuff they have.

I passed on dental insurance because it would cost more than I'd spend on dental in a typical year anyway.

Yes. Almost every asshole from the Philippines created cavities by scratching parts of my teeth with the hook looking tool. It's a scummy business.

There is a documentary exposing root canals.


Yeah so that guy isn't going to give you a great answer because he is just a dentist.

I am an Oral Surgery resident and can explain this pretty easily.

Does your bite cause you pain? Have you developed joint pain (Temporomandibular Joint Disease)? If not, straightening your teeth whether it be through non-surgical (braces and palatal expander) or surgical (braces + either a SARPE which is a surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion +/- orthognathic surgery with either a Lefort 1 and/or Bilateral Sagittal Split osteotomy of the mandible) means is not necessary.

The caveat here is this: straight teeth with proper contacts between each teeth are easier to keep clean and lend themselves to better oral hygiene, and thus less likelihood of decay. You get the added benefit of straight teeth and therefore the cosmetic outcome.

Bottom line is this. Do you give a shit how you look? If yes, do the surgical option plus braces because you are too old to have non-surgical options be stable and you will "relapse" to some degree. If you don't care about how you look and you have no TMJ pain or disease, and you can properly clean everything, then dont fuck with anything.

Surgery is fucking surgery and you will be put to sleep for something like a SARPE and while the surgery is fucking braindead easy, everytime you go to sleep you risk never waking up from anesthesia.

Best of luck


If I had paradontis I am sure they would have mentioned it

Also, I am assuming that what your dentist said was accurate about your crossbite being severe enough that a palatal expander won't be adequate to achieve proper occlusion without putting your teeth in a precarious and unstable position thus risking significant relapse. Who knows, maybe all you really need is braces, maybe you need a full workup for orthognathic surgery. I dunno.

Of course not, and modern art isn't a money laundering scheme either

You take it those things create cavities? Haven't heard that one before. How would you get that gunk of your teeth then?

Electric brush is a scam to fuck up the outer layer of your teeth, leaving the actual tooth vulnerable for the day. Handbrushing with a soft or very soft brush is the best way to take care of your teeth.

The cleaning where they "pressure washed" below your gums. Did they provide local anesthesia before hand? Meaning...did they poke you with a needle first before cleaning you?

it means the patient feels as if there is a cavity there when there is actually not, that could be a problem stemming from the nerves and not because of a cavity itself

Wow this is total horseshit backed by nothing other than your retard opinion. Electric toothbrush increases your brushes per minute and like a soft manual brush will not damage your teeth. Using stupid shit like charcoal toothpaste and "scrubbing" your teeth places the enamel at risk of abrasion. Not the electric toothbrush itself. Don't spread retarded lies.

What about rinses with oxidizing agents?

>Not going to a small town dentist you've known your whole life


typical dumb eu fag not knowing shit about teeth

>he think's he's not just another client to leech off from

They scratch surfaces like they're engraving it. You can feel the marks with your tongue. I was just a kid so I couldn't do shit, complaining doesn't even work when your parents have a huge appeal towards authority and just laugh at your complaints.

Dental hygienist decided to really fucking go to town with the floss. My mouth looked like DDay. Rivers of blood. When I was done I told her to get fucked, dentists are retarded. Heh, got em boys

not that user, but good on you for quitting smoking. ulcers have established treatment regimens can that put you right as rain.

the correct procedure would be alignment for the bite with temporary braces, then adjusting the jaw with orthognastic surgery to even everything out and permanently fix the bite condition. the two procedures tackle the 4 different problems that you describe. the braces are there to adjust the position of the teeth so that during/after your jaw surgery to correct the bite, your teeth with mesh properly.

by physically adjusting the jaw and re-aligning your bite (probably by bone graft and a small bridge) you reduce all sorts of issues related to bite problems including aethetics (smile, closed lips et c) and general mechanics (chewing, evenly wearing teeth, better access for flossing, brushing, et c).

this corrective surgery should only be done by experienced maxillofacial surgeons.


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It's either paradontosis or some form of bowel disease if you experience chronic bad breath. Considering it got better after dental treatment it must be the former

>this corrective surgery should only be done by experienced maxillofacial surgeons.
How does somebody become experienced without doing it without experience first?

I only handbrush my teeth once a day for 27 years. Went to dentist last month. Had 1 cavity. No rinsers or electric shit. You wear out electric brushes faster meaning you have to buy refills meaning more money for (((them))). Maybe I am blessed with strong teeth but electric toothbrush is a scam, just like disposable razors.

Well, I do have tmj on my left side, most of the time not painful but it can be painful. I just dont really like the idea of the palate expander not really expanding my palate, just pushing the teeth. The biggest allure for me is making my jaw even. I notice in pictures all the time that my chin is off center, although nobody else notices. I figure since I'm young theres a lot of payoff to actually fixing things. Plus moving my jaws forward to be more aesthetic hah. But really he side moving my jaw would help me breathe easier, and I have sleep apnea, so I've been told. My mom said when I was a kid I would stop breathing, and so itll hell with that. I know theres that small risk of anaesthesia killing you, but I've had a couple different surgeries and kind of gotten over it.I cant recall exactly but I'm fairly sure the ortho said he couldnt fix the crossbite. My biggest concern honestly is the cost, I dont know if insurance will cover the surgery. Overall though, braces without the surgery feels like half assing it, and if I'm investing a bunch of money, may as well do it right.


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They told me for months that I would need to get my wisdom teeth removed. I just said fuck it and let them come in. Jaw isn't even that big and they tell me now that everything looks fine.

8 years of school with another 4-8 as an assistant and in residency.

Yeah, it's mostly stuff from food that gets in the tonsils and cultivates bacteria.


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fucking crook dentist filled half my teeth when i was a kid and ripped off my parents

I don't have insurance so he charges me way less than the typical rate and I only go for cleanings and "emergency" visits.


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So seeing another person perform the procedure counts as experience?


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If a dentist ever mentions quicksilver fillings to you that are cheaper, do not take it. Quicksilver is mercury.

Enjoy having to go every year to get your plastic fillings replaced.


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How does it fell to be an ultra sperg?

Appreciate the insight doc.
I'm currently going to the dentist, they removed my enamel and are placing some veeners.
Wash your teeth faggots, you'll regret later.


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you do realize that dental assisting includes observation and practice on both patients and on training dummies, yes? look up some pics of dental training dummies. they're the stuff on nightmares and you don't forget any procedures working on them

>get into accident and mangle my teeth
>30k+ to get new ones fixed up decently
Meanwhile I can barely eat solid food and I haven't smiled in like 4 years. Dentists are an insurance scam.

They did do a thing where they probed my gums to check for gum recession and said I wasn’t bad. I just read this article and it was no where near as intense as this.

Fucking (((dentists))) are a scam because they blew all their money on fake-medical school.


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I think I need a root canal :(

>this or that logical fallacy
Kys kike and make it as painful as possible you parasite.


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I don't know what erupted means but they're not impacted. They're just hanging out like the rest of my teeth.
My childhood dentist told me I have crowding. I have too many teeth or they're too big for my skull size. I get slight pain every couple of weeks. Not a big deal.
Haven't noticed any of that. As long as I'm careful to avoid letting things getting stuck back there, I'm fine. I had to completely cut off popcorn.
That my teeth are in such great shape that I don't need the assistance of a dentist?


I've had a previous dentist say I needed a ton of work for "micro cavities" (literally thousands of dollars in dental work) he said I had, but I never did it because it didn't sound right as I was in no pain. When I explained that to my current dentist years later, they looked at me like he was full of shit and said "we'll see if you have any actual cavities." After reviewing my xrays, they didn't mention that I had any cavities they were worried about, and I just had a cleaning.

>fuck up the outer layer of your teeth, leaving the actual tooth vulnerable for the day.
I don't know about the brushes they sell in Norway but here electric and non-electric brushes all feature the and soft, medium or hard heads respectively. It's just that an electric brush spins faster and cleans the interdental spaces and between teeth and gums better. As I said I never had cavities and get complimented for my good hygiene by the dentist whenever I'm there for a checkup


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Yea I think I just got scammed lol

Dentists are a fucking scam. Even brushing/flossing is a fucking scam. You only need to brush/floss if you eat sugar. If you eat no carbs you never need to brush/floss and you'll have perfect teeth.
Never get dental surgery to remove teeth, if it's necessary it's because your own diet was so fucked up for so many years and your unhealthy anyways

Then some people ARE being operated on by rookies.

Oh, yeah, I forgot you niggers have vibranium fillings. WE WUZ DENTISTS right?

I heard many problems with bite&jaw could be resolved with braces/invisalign/ALF/DNA appliance and similar orthodintic treatment. But people still go for surgery despite that.