US citizens will need ‘visas’ for Europe’s Schengen area starting from 2021.
Traveling to Europe will now become a little more complicated for US citizens – starting from 2021, they will need to obtain an entry permit before crossing the pond.
The measure comes as new cracks appear in US-EU ties.
In less than two years, US travelers will be required to apply for visas before entering Europe.
“This means that from 2021, all Americans traveling to a European Schengen-zone country will be in need of an ETIAS,”
an EU press release said, referring to the European Travel Information and Authorization System.
TRUMP and his paper tiger powers HA-HA-HA-HA

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Burgers fingerprint & mugshot all tourists so fuck 'em

We can't afford to visit the Caliphate anyway so joke's on you Achmed

do leafs still get the good treatment ? fuck burgers

Super majority of Americans never leave america, im 40 and have never even had a passport, this only affect globo homo niggers so good, haha fuck em and fuck you

This will hurt Europe more than the US

If I want to see Muslims everywhere, I can just go to Minnesota or Michigan.

oh yeah making it harder for tourists to visit, surely that's a good idea.

why would i want to visit your garbage country any way? A country with no go zones because they dont want to offend any muslims.

>Meme flag
You're a fucking liar.

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i like being an aussie because basically every country lets us come visit without any paperwork, free 90 days in schegen too

Speaking of kicks to the teeth. They just found the documents DOJ said didn't exist relating to uranium one.

i wonder if that applies to our niggers as well

We don’t care. I’m in my 30s and have never owned a passport and have only ever been to Canada and Mexico(when it was safer) on day trips. There is no reason for me to ever leave the US.

You mean it's even harder for me to come experience this?

I guess i'll just have to stick with our unprecedented and world-leading depth of natural and man-made wonders as well as highest quality everything available in the world

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Lol. The EU is retarded. Any country worth it's salt will be making plans to leave the EU within the next 5 years anyway and certainly once their tourism shits the bed it will certainly be yet another incentive to leave the EU

>implying any of us want to go to any of these shitholes anymore..


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No one here gives a shit. We'll retaliate by making it so all eurofags need to apply for visas to cime here, then I'll see a bunch of tricolor flags on Jow Forums bitching and moaning like always.

ots only fair as eu citizens need a small visa to get in to the us. like 15 dollars.

I think that's fair; both countries either allow each other visa free travel or both require visa to enter, it's bullshit when it's one sided.

who the fuck wants to visit europe? pfffffhahahahahah nope

But it must be hurting Trump's and your's EGOS that UE dared to do that to you....KEK

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>Europeans think their countries are worth visiting in 2021

Will you even have a white population left that hasnt been raped?

Hardly I don't want to go to Europe unless the EU is destroyed by Europeans or we invade and capture the swiss banks

Yeah. Adding more hurdles to tourism when they're unnecessary is very poor planning.

Who wants to go to Europe after the niggers and the goatfuckers ruin it?

Come to Alaska. Spend some money. Then leave.

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Why the fuck would I ever want to go to shitskinistan (Europe)?

>Europe shoots it's own tourism industry in the foot

They are doing this so that white Americans cannot escape America to Europe once Trump loses in 2020. The floodgates of brown goblin hordes will be turned on to full capacity. America will turn into chaos very quickly.

My friends you need to prepare. Stock up on as much ammunition as possible. Buy good swords made with carbon Steele and buy machetes too. If you can afford it try to own more than one semi-auto rifle. The time is coming much sooner than we expected. Also save Red pilled material in physical copies, plus purchase classic European literature.

Do it now, you really won't get a chance afterwards.

Who gives a shit about Europe these days?

Why would I want to go to Europe?

How many other Americans feel Greenland and Iceland truly belong to North America, and hence our clay?
How bout we just sail over and take our clay back? WTF is Denmark or Iceland going to do?
In the USA we have an extra well armed young citizen Militia larger than all armies on Earth Combined.
Its time we absorb our clay back.

It also applies to Canada, too. It applies to EVERY visa-free country outside of the EU. Even if it didn't, it wouldn't hurt my ego. I truly don't care what restrictions the EU puts in place for travel there since I have zero desire to go to Europe.

just so that you know, US actually demands the same from Europeans for quite some time.

We used to go to Europe to escape our niggers. Now you have them. I'd rather just go someplace warm if there's going to be a bunch of subhumans.

In a few years USA will have to liberate Europe again from their own mess. But this time, do not give it back to Europeans.

Americans generally don't leave the country as it is. And this is just making tourism harder for the ones that do. So the only one hurting here is really Europe, as Americans will just keep their tourbux here or take it to japan or somewhere else.

Denmark abandoned all its slaves and the USA had to take the USVI. Gibbs capital in Paradise.

Has the UK ever had a civil war?

Alaska is going back to Russia sooner then you think.

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This almost seems too petty to come from the much 'classier' and 'enlightened' of the two sides. It's almost as if a child is throwing a tantrum to spite themselves.

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>Traveling to Europe will now become a little more complicated for US citizens
I guarantee you no American gives a single shit. Next.

I have food, water, non-fiction books/manuals/guides and weapons, sadly I lost all my gunz in a boating accident.

Kill tourism in 3,2,1

Why would I want to escape to Europe? Besides, they're already flooded with barely literate muslim hordes.

With all the oil, gold, and military bases Alaska has? Yeah fucking right.

Fuck that water looks cold

Why would I ever have to leave the United States? We have better wine than europe, better food than europe, better women, better landscapes to explore, and its all less expensive.

All of the reasons to go see Europe are ruined. Paris is a shithole now, it's more african than white. London is no longer English. Spain is...Spain.

I'm not entirely convinced that water isn't just ice that froze like that.

Euros cannot be trusted. This act proves it.
We should enact mandatory penis inspections upon entry from europe. Anyone that refuses circumcision should get sent to a cia black site. Foreskin reeduacation campms

>same shit america has done for over a decade and we've been doing even longer

this is pathetic leaf-tier shitpost material

Only american gay couples go to Europe. They love the romance of Paris and Rome and Athens. Post pics on Facebook. Enjoy.

Spain is literally the Greece of europe!

Do Arabic countries require a visa? Going to be a race to the bottom for that tourist money

But what does that make Greece?

Who could blame them? Getting a visa to travel was normal in the old days.

I was never mugshotted or had my fingerprints taken :S

Why is it a big deal? You fill out a form online, wait a couple weeks and get a shitty little card in the mail.

The EU is going to fall apart soon.

The US is the world's largest tourist destination. It's also the main hub for professionals and businessmen to travel to.
Europe can go suck a dick.

Ottoman buttbois

nothing worth seeing anyway

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who are you again?

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>In less than two years, US travelers will be required to apply for visas before entering Europe.

Good... that means EU faggots will require visas too and the fucking somali refugees will be stuck in EU and can rot in the shithole it will become.

I'm sure your stinking American pride is hurting.

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>This will hurt Europe more than the US

Fuck yes it will. Kiss the tens of billions of tourist dollars goodbye you fucking EU asshats.

>who are you again?
YOUR MASTER !!!!!!!!!

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To be honest
Not even once
It's actually fucking hilarious that they allow the brown hoards to run roughshod, yet restrict potential tourist dollars.

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>yet restrict potential tourist dollars.
Maybe EU is restricting spreading of US evil.

yep, don't know you.

good luck with whatever it is you do. we've got a planet to dominate.

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Alaskans will cross that Behring Straight in a jiffy and take Siberia as a trophy.
Alaska is nothing but a military base basically ready to ass stomp Russia any day.
Then Alaskan citizens are just basically a merc sniper unit with boats and ATV's that can be on Russian clay in minutes.


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>good luck with whatever it is you do. we've got a planet to dominate.
rice farmers in Vietnam whipped your asses and kicked you in the teeth.
goat herders in Afghanistan are doing to you the same TODAY.
Who do you fuck kidding...... HA-HA-HA-HA-HA

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>US citizens will need ‘visas’ for Europe’s Schengen area starting from 2021.

1.) Winn not happen

2.) Who wants to go to EUrabia anyway ?!

USA will lose 200 million people in the 2022 shmita

(((They))) don't want them escaping to Europe

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Southern Brazil

That’s ok there’s nothing over there I’m interested in anyway. I’ll just go to Asia to get my South Korean waifu since they all have white-boi fever over there.

Europe will be in a state of total war in 2020 and the only way US persons will travel there are in the troop dropships deployed by the Space Force.

My ancestors got on leaky ass, wooden boats, and braved the Atlantic just to get the fuck away from E*rope. You can keep your muslim infested shitholes.

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>traveling to Europe

Who gives a fuck?


Europe is a Muslim Rape orgy. Who the fuck cares.

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Yup, fragment and cause bad blood between the white civilizations, as if we weren't in a bad enough spot already.
Idiots will eat this up.