
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

WH Public Pool/Schedule:

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania visit survivors &volunteers 3/8/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in FL 3/8/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart GA 3/8/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania honor victims 3/8/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania visit survivors &volunteers 3/8/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in Lee County AL 3/8/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in Fort Benning GA 3/8/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC 3/8/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 3/8/19
>VP Pence @2019 OOGA Annual Meeting (audio) 3/8/19
>NECDir Kudlow on Bloomberg 3/8/19
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 3/8/19
>Giuliani on TheHill 3/8/19
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 3/8/19
>StateDept Press Brief (SpecRep4Venezuela Abrams) 3/8/19
>This Week@State 3/8/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Visit AL 3/8/19
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania @2019 Intl Women of Courage Awards 3/8/19
>NASAVideo: Splashdown of SpaceX Crew Dragon 3/8/19
>DoDVideo: Awoo Science 3/8/19

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>1 post by this ID

>1 post by this ID


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what would a special investigation of the fbi look like?
what would be the consequences of the findings?

it's always quiet and calm this hour..

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trump is a nigger

Nighty night.
I hope all sandniggers get nuked while I am asleep so nobody in the world ever has to hear about Israel, Saudi Arabia or Iran ever again

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how do we stop we stop fat people from being a thing? I don't like fat people.

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>get yer yankee ass of our property
>don' care if the bank gave you a deed
>this farm's been Cuyler land for generations
>since we beat back them sneaky Japanese
IN THE WAR OF 1812, bring our boys home.

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Bill Nye is an engineer and not a climate scientist, right? Also, he was on Disney...why am I taking his opinion seriously as a grown man now?

press play at 12:15

wheres the fucking lainposter

take away their insulin

I’m officially heading to the DRC to embed with a militia for a number of days while studying the re-integration of rebels post-war.

I promise I won’t relax.

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Drop in the bucket out of a 1 trillion budget


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oh yeah huggers, women in politics is just fuckin great, stronk women!

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I'm literally from there lol

>how to guaranteed cause weight loss
Aside from socialism?

The tranny's onto something here

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On a lighter note, how do my meatballs look?

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>tfw I want Maduro Diet

6:00 AM in Tel Aviv is the 1st shift.

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He's a commie, he needs their colors.

reminder that women are doing better than men in school and killing themselves less in this country, but we still have efforts and initiatives to promote them
goddamn i hate women so much

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im not a tranny
at least i dont think i am

Yes. He has a bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering and quit that career in the 1980s to become a comedian

And they get paid more
>t. Google

Because blacks and Hispanics

Hopefully you're not; Drago could teach you how to create better beef roids though likely

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the money isn't even going to american women. it's going to poor third world countries without schools and stuff

You will never unsee this

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You drinkin'? Because that usually comes up when you're drinkin'.

Also women kill themselves less anywhere

You trannys aint women youre hell spawn.

>t. doesn't realize unchartered private aircraft are money sinks every minute they're not flying
Most of those jets are generating an assload of revenue. The few that aren't are burning holes in their owners' bank accounts. There's a reason most private aircraft owned by individuals are Bush Planes.

Now to make things more interesting, here's what is probably the most badass Bush Plane in the world: the DRACO.

>swap shitty soviet pistons for PT6A-28 turboprop enigne
>nearly 1:1 TWR
>737 approach lamps
>kino soviet poland STOL design
>improved and enlarged airfoil
>takeoff distance is 110 ft at sea level

Attached: DRACO.jpg (760x380, 46K)

>reminder that women and minorities need dozens of support systems to even be remotely equal to men

Girls love Bill Nye. Someone here once assumed that I was Bill Nye. I was flattered and shocked and offended all at the same time.

HEEY, that's a pretty good meatball.

women are retarded and need to be controlled again

Will white people be extinct before they get to explore planets other than Mars?

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no but i wish i was

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Let me introduce you to the world of Bush Plane Bros

we must secure the existence of pure grils, and a future for headpats!

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Have some double black label with me

No but cat girls will

>that's right
>hate white women
>assume all of them are brain dead thots

>that's right
>hate white men
>assume all of them are glasses wearing skellies with hipster beards and scarfs drinking soi lattes

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>1/380th of the Israel funding

41% he suicides.

>Drinking aside from social situations

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Dedicated to Blumenthal, Shearer, Glenn Simpson and their ilk:
>The Death of MSM.
inspired by Lord Byron’s “The Destruction of Sennacherib”
The conspirators crawled out of the swamp in the night,And the media enablers promoted their lies with delight;The flash of their cameras was like the setting sun on the sea,Their dossier orgies included the leading politicians of DC.
Like the leaves of the forest when Spring is green,‘Russian Collusion’ incessantly played on every screen;Like the leaves of the forest when Autumn hath blown,The MSNBC studios abandoned lay withered and strewn.
For the Angel of Death flapped his wings in a gust,And breathed in the face of the MSM as he passed;And the eyes of CNN waxed deadly and chill,And their hearts but once heaved, and forever grew still!
There a WaPo reporter shattered and pale,Gave the last fake news update and his ratings frail;Their mics have gone silent, the news feed died,The tweets unpublished, and propaganda dried.
The widows of the swamp now cry and bemoan,The idols of DC are broken in the temple of Mammon;And the mighty NYT demon smote by the sword,Hath vanished like snow in the glance of the Lord!

Is it still tomboy hours OP? For Trump 2020, of course

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shills werkin the grind

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That is 100% of white people. I can tell by living in Burlington


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All we need to do is post Richard Spencer's support for Yang and the left will do all that for us.

Earth to Chinky?
Are we watching ep 13 or not?

Does kittens still make content?

i pretty much exclusively drink alone
other people are tiring and i don't want that when i'm drinking

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Mike Wolfe, what are you doing on Jow Forums?

Those are rookie numbers!

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sorry, play now!

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You don’t go to school on sundays

Can big bear sue for ip theft?

About Yangs daylight saving idea, fuck all phones are not connected to the net anymore so you could just have them all change by one minute every few days instead of all at once

>tfw the feet take up as much space in the pic as the rest of the girl
death to footfags

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oh nevermind just so my id
>i don't know what to make of this

Fuck all clocks*

pic related

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Muromi would suck his dick into oblivion if only he asked

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tell what you are watching now or face no headpats

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oh boy here comes the date rape

do we sound like soiboys to you? this is us being harder, you dont like it? then your a man

I liked it
i'd format so that each pause was a new line
>The conspirators crawled out of the swamp in the night,
>And the media enablers promoted their lies with delight;
>The flash of their cameras was like the setting sun on the sea,
>Their dossier orgies included the leading politicians of DC
just for better readability, but it's pretty good
some of the words make it a mouthful though

Keep us updated user. You'll be running the joint in no time, post only your best gore webms, wear a mask

I couldn't finish it desu. I might have to retry it.

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Is there anyone the left doesn't consider part nazi these days?

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Poor wording. I mean the board.

This is the flourishing heart of private aviation: rugged, cheap aircraft that can land and take off from almost anywhere at a whim, with only the barest need to deal with ATC.

Some of the most fun to be had is fucking around with fellow drunk friends.

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i've been on vacation for 2 weeks, so i'm not up to date.

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women are pretty brain dead. just open the news

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These cunts

it's terrible and great at the same time
i would give it a 6/10, but still love it.

women are dumber and weaker than soibois

McCabe is going to be on CBS tomorrow.


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no, drunk people are loud and touchy
when i'm drunk i want to sit at home, stare out the window and try to stop thinking
also s3 never ever

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>6/10, but still love it.

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Kek, of course I will be posting. Technically I’ll be a non-combatant. But since I won’t have those faggy journo blue vests on I’ll have to defend myself if under fire. I don’t leave until June so until then I get to wait and hope everyone doesn’t die from Ebola

This has special significance to me

I love it.

Anyone when it's convenient for them at the time.
No one when it's convenient for them at the time.

>spring 2014
That was a comfy season of good trash

He's been shilling his book for weeks, what makes it any different?

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Bill Nye is definitely a paedo