Japan doesn't need immigrants

>Japan doesn't need immigrants.

Then, how can we fight against China?

We need economic power to build decent forces and economic power is dependent on immigrants

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>economic power is dependent on immigrants
Says who, some "american" jews?

I agree you need to import all the niggers from Africa, infact you can even take ours here in Europe.. please..

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Shouldn't be getting ready for class, Daniel?

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many elites including world bank, IMF, UN etc

how can you refute their argument when you are high school drop out? you are retard

Why not import Koreans? Aren't the nips and the kimchi's the same gooks anyways?

In the short term you'll see "economic growth". This is because immigrants take out loans and buy things. This consumption, rather than production, is what drives modern "economic growth".

In the long term, the immigrants are substantially less productive than natives, to the point that they are actually a net drain on the economy.

So what we're seeing in the west right now is "economic growth" predicated on loans, debt, and consumption. Meanwhile all the production has been offshored to "cheap countries". In what meaningful way is increasing the consumption of your nation good for your nation?

Productivity, REAL ACTUAL productivity, as in the creation of things, does not meaningfully increase with mass immigration. Especially not when we have mass automation around the corner ready to displace every single one of these imported migrants into the welfare class.

Koreans are worst people

I would rather accept ISIS terrorists rather than koreans

/T H R E A D

If every English teacher in Japan started working a real job, the GDP would double.

Shots fired

To Americans that sounds like someone from Idaho saying that People from Montana are the worst. Nigga, you're the same fucking people! You honestly would rather import Africans over Koreans? Cause I would rather import Canadians over Africans.

The UN wants to replace the native Japanese using the economic growth as an excuse. Petition your government to create policies that make it easier for Japanese to have more children.

Actually Japanese here, this guy is a fuckwit.

If you paid any attention at all, you would notice Japanese is brimming with Chinese and Korean immigrants already. Fucking good it did.

Hello Japan Tarzan troll

Been a couple of months how's it going?

it's more like someone from UK saying they don't want Russians.
They may LOOK the same, but they are so different culturally that they may as well be on opposite ends of the continent.

Russians > africans

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Fucking foreigner in japan. Go back to your own nation.

yeah, but Koreans are have a special trait when it comes to other Asians: they think anything they do, from simple lying to rape and murder is permitted because they were "oppressed." They're the niggers of Asia.


>how can we fight against China?
missiles and diplomacy

shoot their boats and coastline and persuade our insane jew government it's in their interest to protect white people jobs by crushing the Chinese economy

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>Rome doesn't need immigrants. Then how can we fight against Germania? We need economic power blah blah

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What's the point of fighting against China, when immigrants will ruin your country already?


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make babies
日本人babies >>>> 外人 babies

>Jow Forums fall for this shit bait thread again
I really don't know if it just because of newfags or Jow Forums just becoming more retard.

you're a fat white david-kun.

He is white.

No such thing as a white Jew

Whites are more subversive than jews currently. Especially christian whites.

Why do you need to fight them when you could join interests with them and become integrated economically to the point they wouldn't dare attack you and to where you have some say in it's affairs?

>Then, how can we fight against China?
kill yourself moonie scum.

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