Doctor fired for making fun of tranny patients

>Jazz Jennings had a consultation with Dr. Christopher Salgado regarding her gender confirmation surgery on an episode of I Am Jazz. The reality star made the right call by going with a different physician, as Dr. Salgado has been terminated for unethical practices.
>In an exclusive interview with, a former patient slammed the twisted doctor for making transphobic comments and posting photos of patients’ dissected body parts online.
>Dr. Salgado allegedly posted the disturbing comments and explicit images to what is believed to be his Instagram account @sexsurgeron, which has been taken down.
>In one sick post obtained by Trans Advocate, he captioned a photo of a chopped up penis in the shape of a heart, “There are many ways to show your LOVE #whatisthat #whatislove #whatthef**k #sexoduro.”
>In another disturbing post, he tagged “#eatingpu**y101 for a patient who needed jaw reconstruction surgery, the website claims.
>He allegedly captioned a photo of a dildo being removed from a rectum, “could have been avoided if the transman had a real phalloplasty. #reald**ksmatter.”
>In an exclusive interview with, one of Dr. Salgado’s former patients called him “Dr. Frankenstein.”
>“Dr. Salgado destroyed a safe place for trans people to get the surgical support they need,” the patient told Radar. “We trust those doctors to improve our lives and this is what we get. He’s sick and twisted, he’s a disgrace.”
>The University of Miami confirmed to Trans Advocate that Dr. Salgado “is no longer employed by the University of Miami.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

>On the I Am Jazz episode, Jennings, 18, had a consultation with Dr. Salgado, who boasted about his 16 years in the field.
>“Typically we use the penile skin inversion technique,” he explained during the consultation. “But I think it is going to be quite challenging with anyone who does your surgery to try to create a vaginal canal with what you have using your penile skin. I would recommend in your situation a colon vaginoplasty, which uses your intestine.”
>Dr. Jess Ting ended up performing the operation.

>he captioned a photo of a chopped up penis in the shape of a heart, “There are many ways to show your LOVE #whatisthat #whatislove #whatthef**k #sexoduro.”
RIP tiny penor

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>how dare you make light of my penis I rejected?
In terms of degeneracy they're evenly matched. Fucking nut cases.

Based /tv/ poster

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Ari is so hot. I wish she would brap on me

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>he's sick and twisted former patient fires
well the patient is an expert on the subject after all

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Damn it user

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never gets old lel

>“Dr. Salgado destroyed a safe place for trans people to get the surgical support they need,”
>a safe place to get the surgical support they need
>a safe place
>to irreparably damage your body so that even in the best case scenario outcome, you will never experience sexual pleasure again
>this is something they "need"

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Interned with Dr. Seuss.

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>I would recommend in your situation a colon vaginoplasty, which uses your intestine.
What went wrong with the world and how do we undo it?

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Her life is a literal truman show

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>>this is something they "need"
think of it like a junkie needing a fix

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i've wondered how much he's getting paid

>a safe place for trans people

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Dump the fucking pics.

the vileness of it all, God help us

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Wow, she actually seems normal. Is she a filthy CIS female?

Sometimes I fall for the trap and call him a her
It gets hard to remember

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>expecting a normal person to chop you up and mold your flesh into a mockery of the female genitalia
Anyone ANYONE that does that stuff is not sane and is getting pleasure out of messing you up and chuckling about it afterwards.


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We tried to warn him.

He is so ugly

i hate my life sometimes but then I remember at least I am not "Jazz" what a poor sod cutting your own dick off what a stupid fucking idea

Jazz's latest bra design

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>I knew that one day I would be fully healed

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reminds me of what happened to the joker in the movie Batman

>former patients called him “Dr. Frankenstein.”
Isn't that what they're willingly paying him to be?
How fucked up do you have to be to pay someone to mutilate your body?
all trannies should be shot

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>dr. Jess ting
Well, the opperation was certainly a joke

It's the little jokes that Kek puts into the universe that make life fun.

It’s all rather simple, you see. Jaron’s pathology stems from early childhood when the seeds were first planted. With the nurturing of his overbearing mother and weak, emotionally distant father, they soon flowered into full-blown psychosis. Jaron’s mother is a narcissist, who neglected her male children in favor of the eldest sibling, the daughter, whom she viewed as a reflection of herself. Young Jaron, sensing this familial dynamic, began play-acting as the sister, the sibling upon whom the mother lavished the most attention and affection. As his mother encouraged this behavior, Jaron soon came to realize that through embracing this fantasy, he could shift his mother’s attentions to him. In this manner, his pathology deepened and broadened, encompassing a veritable stew of neuroses, prominent among them disorders of the histrionic and borderline personality variety, which, combined with the dissociation born of his vivid, parentally-reinforced fantasy, blossomed into acute autogynephilia, wherein merely imagining himself a female was insufficient to sustain the delusion.

His mother’s own narcissism interacted with Jaron’s burgeoning psychosis and the interpersonal dynamic gave rise to Folie à Deux, wherein the shared delusion brought to the forefront the mother’s own incessant need for attention, manifesting in a case of Munchausen by proxy in which Jaron himself is unconsciously complicit.

So as you can see, this all started with young Jaron’s desire to live within his sister’s ... skin.

Behold, a man!

imagine supporting this degeneracy to the degree that you spend years training in a serious profession just to chop their dicks off for them and then you post this degeneracy which is totally in line with their thought and they still eat you lmao

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Ya like Jazz?

Thread theme

Hey Jazz, I know you're here reading this. When you finally snap, and you should because you're FUBAR'd, make sure you take out your parents first. They're responsible for this, particularly your mom.

Also livestream that shit.

The sex change doctors need shipped off to the brapp barns.

then do a back flipfaggot

Not nearly enough

I'm assuming south park will never run this episode again.

>Left tells us being a female is a Social Construct
>But you can't deny Trans People Drugs to give them the hormones that cause them to feel and act like the opposite sex.

Hmm, sounds like they're full of shit.


None of those seem like "xenophobic" comments to me but rather disturbing pro-trans comments.

> #realdicksmatter


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Based diogenes poster

this. your mom has sexually and mentally abused you likely from the age of 5.

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that rusty trombone

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>no lynchian post yet


I think my sides are going to suffer the same fate as his neo vagina. *pop*

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

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This person has been manipulated and lied to their entire lives. The probability that he was raped as a child and took on gender dysphoria as a means to escape the trauma makes my heart ache for this person.

So, is the solution to burn it all, or get to the end of the line?

>How fucked up do you have to be to pay someone to mutilate your body?

a pic says more than a thousand words

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So i was wondering. These things have to dilate to keep the hole open. Now know its not likely but what's going to happen when one of these freaks actually makes it to old age? How is that 80 year old wound going to work out when their skin gets thinner, weaker and less elastic and also produces less oil to keep itself moist and the blood vessels right under the skin are more fragile?

shooting would be more humane

>80 year old wound
>implying they live that long

> We trust those doctors to improve our lives

The mind of those people. Jeez.

>Jazz Jennings

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Hey Tone, are you tellin' me Grandpa fought against Germans, who banned this kinda surgery, just so we could have it in the US? That's got me feelin' really down.

Yeah that's why i said i know its not likely to happen but what if.

There's a reason their suicide rate is so high

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Based and trannypilled. Dare we say /ourdoc/

>gender confirmation surgery

This always gets me.

It's SEXUAL, not gender.

>parents in Canada lose their kids if they try to keep them from doing this

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This is the process. They go through multiple stages and once the hotdog/sausage flesh thing heals they begin to carve it like this Insanity.

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Normal people don't browse this board either, but I see where you're going.

It's almost as if these surgeons are just in it for the money. I thought they were chopping off dicks and stitching intestines to the wound out of the goodness of their hearts.

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Somehow this is ok.

We live in hell.

But that kind of implies they think that far in the future and realize the car crash between their legs will turn into a full blown train carrying gasoline crashing into a fully loaded amtrak train right next to a preschool when they get old

WTF am I even looking at?

The most overlooked aspect of this person's life is the abuse they've suffered at the hands of their adopted parents.

>It's SEXUAL, not gender.
Roobro, you know factual, coherent, and logical arguments have no place when dealing with a libshits.

There's still a lot I don't understand about FtM.

First of all, wouldn't this thing easily get infected and need to be replaced due to decaying skin? How do they prevent that?

Second, how in the fuck do they piss?

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At least these crazy kikes turned their own son into a mutilated eunuch.

I have such wonderful wonderful things to show you.

Cenobites have nothing on this.

>Dr. Salgado’s former patients called him “Dr. Frankenstein.”
A truer statement has never been spoken.

This much is obvious. Doctors that do these operations are literal sadists that are just feeding off of the depravity of trannies.

Can you tell us how urinary stuff is rerouted in f2m?

Who could possibly choose this? Who could be contented by this? This is so very clearly NOT what someone would ever desire. Like mourn and seethe at the fact that you dont live in a time where your biological gender can just be switched with a half hour of simply automated surgery, but this is literal madness.

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based and pop pilled

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If they use the intestines does it just have one hole and shit out it's pussy? I'm so confused.

>I would recommend in your situation a colon vaginoplasty, which uses your intestine
Shitcock confirmed