Why woman are such meme? Can anyone explain me their mentality? Why they always hold high demands in search for partner...

Why woman are such meme? Can anyone explain me their mentality? Why they always hold high demands in search for partner, while they have basically nothing to offer. Why all of them have same generic hobbies(travel, fashion, parties) and same "I'm very special princess" mentality? Do they really think anyone wants those used up how's and any sane man would want to work on and raise not their kid?

Attached: IMG_20190310_080910.png (1080x1273, 1.34M)

women are inherently jewish.
weak man allows women to show their jewish side.

Females are selective breeders while men are promiscuous. Everything else can be explained from that point. Also feminism is against the natural order and will be extinguished of its own accord

D*bs of truth by the one based leaf left in the country.

Attached: 0% mad.jpg (676x858, 51K)

Why are you LARPing as a Pole?

Lack of strong men to lead them, bad parenting and feminism. In that order. I dont blame women our society is just shit.

What is "have your shit together" code for? "Must own house and have high paying job"?

Basically. This woman is used to banging Chads who don't do anything productive with their lives and now she wants someone with money to take care of her and her spawn.

It's a red flag, pretty much a Freudian Projection.

Ryan 20

Yes, I'm without children. Please be under 20% bodyfat with your shit together. Sorry, not into women who let Jamal grow a child in them.