Alright niggers, WTF is the deal with so many threads defending this degenerate pedo...

Alright niggers, WTF is the deal with so many threads defending this degenerate pedo? Say what you will about these new revelations, pic related tells its own story.
Michael Jackson was accused of molesting two young Mexican boys in the mid-1980s - but an FBI investigation was dropped reportedly because the singer was set to be honoured by President Ronald Reagan

An FBI investigation into claims Michael Jackson sexually abused two Mexican boys was binned because it would potentially embarrass the White House, it's been claimed.

Jackson, who is the subject of fresh sexual assault allegations against children in the explosive Leaving Neverland documentary, was set be given an honour by President Ronald Reagan around the time the FBI was looking into the claims.

But the probe was dropped shortly after it began,

An LAPD source working in the Sexual Exploitation of Children department passed the FBI a file he'd received that documented Jackson's alleged abuse against two boys between 1985 and 1986.

The person who made the report said he was researching a book on the Thriller singer and had searched indices "both manual and automated for any reference to the above mentioned investigation".

But, the report stated, "No references were found" - sparking speculation that the investigation was covered up.

The heavily redacted FBI paper says: "On December 27, 1993, writer received a telephone call from [blank] Los Angeles Police Department Sexual Exploitation of Children (SEOC). He advised that he had been contacted [blank] has been writing a book about Michael Jackson concerning allegations of sexual molestations of children.

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Other urls found in this thread: Jackson

"[Blank] advised that [blank] told [blank] that he had information that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1985 or 1986, invested allegations against Jackson for reportedly molesting two Mexican boys. [Blank] further advised that the Los Angeles FBI Special Agent who investigated the incident was a Hispanic Agent. The SAC, who [blank] referred to as the one who was Mormon, did not pursue the allegations because Jackson was to receive an honor at the White House from the President.

"According to [blank] the investigation was covered up."

The report ended: "[Blank] advised he was providing this information to writer in the event injuries were received by the FBI Los Angeles office."

>accusations and claims


The man had a pure, innocent and noble heart.
Something a gypsy rat like yourself could never begin to comprehend.

people are forgiving his sins because he named (((them)))

You are a degenerate pedo Ionut, he built hospitals for kids in your shithole country. Go back into your mom's cunt

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Holy shit I didn't know I was in fucking tumblr

It's official: Jow Forums now loves race-changing, drug-addled pedos who are degenerating Western culture.

There's no lengths to which Jow Forums won't sink.

You are a fucking bongloid, kill yourself. There is no proof of him molesting children, you jew cock gobbling retard

Your hero gobbled child cocks, you sick fuck.

Alleged victims were trying to extort money . Same as Jew lawyers do to priests now. They wait till the priest is dead they sue the church

>no actual evidence


proof? or shut up

Provide me with proof that M"drugaddledawfulmusicchildrapist"J was the hero you're pretending?

here you go.
All the proof you ever need. Jackson
(Yes i just linked the FBI on Jow Forums)

Spook confirmed. 'Fuck outta here.


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Kick me, Kike me, Don't you black or white me. All I gotta say is they don't really care about us.

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I don't get it either.

Very strange how the anti-MJ shills can't say anything but PEDO PEDO PEDO on repeat

Are you kidding? In what world is pedophilia not a good enough reason to hate someone? Oh, Germany. Never mind.

All the more since no charges ever stuck and the initial witness Jordan Chandler literally sued his parents for forcing him to raise the accusations in the first place. It's a gigantic smear job against a man who shielded young people from abuse since he himself was the victim of it through his father, is my theory. One look into the Talmud's page and everybody knows what all those Entertainment Execs do.

Prove he is a pedo instead of just saying he is. This might be surprise to you, mutt, but your words don't magically make something reality.

>Oh, Germany.
Says the muttshart whose country has unironic "beauty contests" for 6 year olds in several states. Kill yourself you mongrelized goblin.

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His music sucked and always did.

MJ got the Hitler treatment. Even after his dead they keep insulting him and ruining his reputation with lies.

Norm was talking about this back in the early 90s.
Funny shit.

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He's not Jewish and thus most likely not a pedo

You kike shills really suck at sounding natural.

like randy quad said- they will continue to make money off of you when your dead- they control your soul in this realm. Legally, Financially, and morally.

>Jewish district attorney
>sue try to sue the Church
>200 charges but Grand Jury only sees 1 of them having any validity to be brought to trial
>lllllook at all 200 priest rapists!!!
Jews are pathetic

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Never seen so many people on Jow Forums defend a dead nigger. Really makes you think...

Actually no. But if you are born after 2005 i can see why you would say that

>race changing

Except he didnt. The state of bong education.

Typicall for any person not fitting into the mainstream view. They never adress their points, but slander the person. Michael Jackson was probably the most prominent truther.

Because muh "king of pop" idol status

Why the fuck are they so fucking ugly??? Is it the GMOs and hormone grown meat?

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it's a reminder that (((they))) will destroy their own pets and even their own sources of revenue if they're being called out for their lies

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>glow niggers and regular niggers
I don’t see why blacks don’t just right this one off. He was white by the time he started diddling. They can blame whitey. Why are they latching onto mj so hard? He was a chomo faggot and everyone knows.

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Jow Forums has been underattack for yeara now. The average Jow Forumsack is outnumbered 5:1 on this site.

The better questions is wht the fuck is the deal with the kikes trying to smear this guys reputation again, a decade ater they already had to kill him off because the first smear campaign failed?

Why the sudden interest in smearing him again?

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