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Relevant European Countries Thread
Jayden Flores
Matthew Bennett
Brayden Murphy
>russia is european but turkey isn't
>being this dumb and butthurt
Isaiah Walker
Really? The Dutch, who laid the groundworks for modern capitalism don't even get at least yellow?
Alexander Ramirez
would be this be a textbook example of a D&C thread?
Jonathan Sanchez
You mean the Dutch who never expelled the jew and welcomed them from every country that did? You're right they should be dark green.
Brandon Nguyen
Aaron Morris
here's a correction, historylet
Ryder Gomez
You realize that when the Jews eventually win that the Dutch will be honorary goyim at least? We will probably only have to sacrifice 30 babies per week to their penis-eating rabbis rather than 150 like you obstinate, uncoöperative Amerimutts. Shabat shalom, goy, stop this kvetching.
Nolan Scott
Click on image for a funny animated JIF.