U.B.I is a TRAP

UBI is specifically to SOFTEN the fallout from automation.
You see they CANT RISK a full chimpout,
UNTIL the elites have everything automated.
The (((ELITE))) will CULL EVERY FUCKING ONE OF YOU useless eaters.

Dont Believe me?
watch this to the END.

the (((elitist psychopath))) who made this video & actually want all of you worthless Goyim DEAD.
And while he's right about where UBI will lead,
He implies the CULL will be of leftists,
which is naive considering the entire tech elite are leftists,
thus the CULL will be of conservatives,
(and anyone who isnt sucking jew dick.)

Another flawed assumption he makes is if we dont embrace automation, we dont advance.
This is wrong & stupid.
Of course we can keep advancing in MANY feilds, just keep HUMANS employed.

If we really want automation tho, money has to completely go, along with a centralized government.
Also known as a
>Resource Based Economy
With no money, and no centralized controlling government, there is no elite class, and no corrupting inflence of money.

In a UBI world, 99% end up living off whatever little pocket money the Gov gives you, and Elites maintain all the wealth and power.
And can and will cull when they chose.
>likely by a bio weapon they vaccinate themselves against.

UBI is NOT accelerationism
Its to keep you comfy while your lead to the slaughter.

Attached: its a trap.jpg (967x544, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Still DOUBT after watching the entire video?
>pic related

Attached: democide (2).jpg (600x250, 23K)

>UBI is NOT accelerationism
>Its to keep you comfy while your lead to the slaughter.
And THUS the push for ever increasing gun restrictions

>have to register every firearm
>can not buy a semi-automatic rifle unless U've been licensed to own a pistol for 1 YEAR
>ban suppressors
>Ban high-capacity mags
>Require submission of fingerprints & DNA to FBI
>Anyone with a history of violence, domestic abuse, or violent mental illness would be restricted from gun license.
>wants "smart guns" locked to fingerprint (guaranteed to make gun less reliable, maybe even able to be remotely locked & tracked by gov)
>implement a federal buyback program (for all the guns he will BAN)


Shit you are right.
UBI is anti accelerationism

It is some new world order shit. Economic disruptions are coming out of Silicon valley, and all these rich Silicon Valley types are pushing UBI?


UBI will create a complicit populace, reliant on a government.

Mark my words, when UBI comes in, all dissonant voices that speak of self-reliance/nationalism/anti-globalist policies will be labelled as "A threat to UBI, that must be attacked, lest everyone starve."

We will be like addicts to a dealer

Kevin WANG, employee of Y*ng 2020, works for Sora Foundation, Sora is involved with blockchain technology. Is Yang trying to push UBI as a false front, will he claim he needs blockchain technology to make his idea work? WILL SORA GET GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS??

Attached: 1552220714390.png (681x233, 18K)

>all dissonant voices that speak of self-reliance/nationalism/anti-globalist policies will
also have their GIBS & accounts frozen.
Remember these kikes also want a cashless society.
Thus you can be completely fozen out with a push of a button
(not to mention all spending tracked)

Attached: based & redpilled.jpg (153x115, 4K)

Attached: 1552220801502.png (763x529, 79K)

Here's another Sora company that does blockchain. Based in Hong Kong lol

Attached: 1552220872922.png (818x570, 82K)