Which American state is the best?

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according to data, CA.


North Carolina

California is #50 in terms of quality of live, it is literally the worst state to live in

Here's some real "data" : usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/03/01/california-ranks-last-quality-life-new-report/384853002/

Why is the South the 56% area?
Our whites are literally whiter than other areas. The offspring of the original settlers of this nation and no immigrant shit.


the best
trend setter (flyovers follow decade later)
best and smartest

Illinois - it's truly remarkable to be driving through rural cornfields and an hour later be in a ghetto war zone.

>new Cuba
Negroid admixture


Missouri because I live there. Also fuck the coasts.

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Redpill me on North Carolina then, because I'm already in the southeast and Raleigh looks like a nice place

>Negroid admixture
>Implying everyone has it

Colorado hands down

CA fags always make me laugh when they bring up the economy. I'm glad the evil 1% you fags are always talking about are doing great while you live in squalor.
Thanks for pushing gay pedophile shit into the mainstream, Moshe.


Really well-done art imo

Also, best state is either Texas or Montana. I live in Maine though, I like it

>spend some time in upstate NY
>almost the entire area is deep red despite having quite a bit of New England culture, which is much more prominent than NYC shit
>everyone is getting the life strangled out of them by NYC policies and basically have no representation at all since the Southern tip of the state dictates everything to them

It would probably be my favorite place in the country if they ever managed to split off from the parasite on their ass.

Well not Illinois, Michigan or Ohio for sure. The worst scum has originated there, that's enough to drag the whole state down.

Recently moved back to Chicago for family reasons from South Carolina. This place sucks. Good food though.
Here's all the state rankings. How is Mississippi's Quality of Life rating 6th place when everything except crime is bottom 45?

forgot the link usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings

Your school systems push niggers through to become a gun wielding gurillea that will be shot dead in the streets before 21. I was born in that shit state and I got out at a young age.

You mean a heavily overpopulated overpriced shithole?


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I wondered the same, should be autistic nigger and white with the nigger loving mutts populating NE

Ew, fuck off leaf. You have no say in this conversation. Go back and sip your maple syrup.

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Colorado is wierd. It's young and white yet they refuse to marry and have kids. The spics are the only ones breeding.

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>that tiny face on Delaware
Lost my sides.

Why are American women so 'mutty'?

The thing with Maine is that it's so old. The average age there feels like it's 42. It's not a good place to be unless you're married. Dating there is miserable. Besides that I wouldn't want to live in a place with so few young people.

It's because of nigger culture being boldily on display for the past 40 years. Often they make themselves look like niggers with big butt pants or dark makeup.