At airport

>at airport
>military get to board early
>"thank you for your service"
>pilot thanks military on plane for thier service
>everybody claps

Why the fuck do burgers glorify their military so damn much? There's nothing glorious about violence.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>there is nothing glorious about violence

I know who I won’t be seeing in Valhalla.

Because the US is full of low iq mutts who have no sense of community or pride in anything but their military. They don’t know their ethnic background or traditions so they cling to one thing that is easy, supporting muh military. I hope everyone in the us military dies a painful horrible death

Jesus Christ you “til Valhalla” faggots are cringe

How’s middle school going kid?

let them on first so they can keep an eye on where mohammad, muhammod, ali, achmed and mohammad sit

I don't get it either. Maybe because they are forced to live in dangerous and uncomfortable conditions for extended periods of time?

>Clapping just for existing.
This is the reason why depressed people steal valor.
Thanks boomers

Fuck off eurofag. Go back to rimming Junker's drunk arsehole and using your actual flag to wipe away all the sweat and cum. Neck yourself, traitor

Alot of Americans dont realize that 90% of the military does nothing, they will scream how all these guys are heroes, when in reality they are all getting deployed to a nice sunny beach in Hawaii

Fuck off. I hope the last thing you see if the business end of a US Marine rifle commie leftist scum.

imagine not being proud of your own military lmfao

The real reason. Everyone us trying to make up for how shitty they were treated during Vietnam. Even the bleeding hearts feel bad about it.

post your real flag before criticising another one you little hypocritical bitch

oh look

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Because without our military people willing to die this country would be over run in a short time by Russia or china

>to any soldier, there is always an eternal glory of war to those who survived it
>and for those protected by this glory...they shower soldiers with appreciation

fuck this slide thread

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Why burgers always hide behind the eu-flag when they have something to say about their military and civvies?
You're on an anonymous board and you still scared to show you colors.
That support the troops really got into OP like a fear of god.

Soldier's don't want to go to war, the war wants them to come to it.

Based and icepilled

Being a non officer soldier is the ultimate form of cuckoldry.

Jews and their 80 IQ attack dogs can now board

Met a german officer at a military conference who was crying while he made a speech about how much our military support moved him compared to his bottom boi kin. Apparently you guys are like vietnam war tier faggots over there and basically spit on them

Truth hurts huh Mutt?

I’m 100% European. Now turn off your phone and do your homework. Adults are talking here.


Because they had the balls to potentially look death in the face. Why do you civilians get so butthurt when you are forced to recognize you literally have never sacrificed anything?

>There's nothing glorious about violence.
But there is in service and willing self-sacrifice for others.

The military in it's current volunteer form is basically a pay off/sacrifice of it's most high test and able bodied white men. The majority of the actual fighting arm, not pogs, of the military are good ol boys from the south. If the US didn't offer up sheckels to send them to dirtfuckistan and blow up some bad goys those boys might start getting itchy on the home front while they're watching their country get ruined from the inside by schlomo and his brown battering ram. The men who volunteer to fight are the most likely subset of the population to resist the govt and have a shot of overthrowing it. Back in the Ron Paul days he got an overwhelming % of the active duty votes compared to civvie population. Now that lolbertarianism is dead there is a frightening (to schlomo) % of the military that are white nationalists.

tldr they are glorified because schlomo fears the white military goy.

Violence has solved more problems than anything else in human history.

The stability and security of your entire civilization rests on the proper, swift, and organized application of violence.

Been stationed in HI, the only beaches you dare go to are on base, every civilian in HI hates the u.s. and will openly mock you if you are white there..

takes a lot of guts to join the Israeli Foreign Legion kid, you wouldn't understand

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If you weren't getting shot at or even saw any combat, you are NOT a veteran. you just signed up did your time and left, you deserve no special treatment from anyone. These fags will milk it anyways. its like these old fuckers from WW2 who get all this praise just cause they're still alive but you look into it and they were just some cook or some doctor that never saw actual combat. veteran used to imply Combat Veteran, what can you expect though in 2019.

>There's nothing glorious about violence
Just because someone joins the army, doesn't mean they're going to war.
It's tough work and most career military barely have free time to enjoy themselves like civilians do. It is a sacrifice all on its own when you can't see your family, or party, or having to stay in peak physical shape. I think you kids are greatly underestimating the job and its cost.

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How fucking retarded do you have to be to think like this? Name one country in the history of civilization that didn't appreciate their soldiers.

You are not getting into Valhalla unless you are fighting the moment you die idiot


I don't give a fuck what you did or where you went until you tell me you were in the shit. And those guys usually don't talk about it anyways.

and studying. So much fucking class time

Get off my board

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I don' that would mean they get to go to Valhalla, I don't want any Mutts in Valhalla

The cringe is unbearable

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>There's nothing glorious about violence.

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>There's nothing glorious about violence.
Except there is glory in combat, of course.

Just cough and call them pogs

Only glory you will see is a hole in a toilet wall you French faggot

>thankyou sir for bombing poor countries and making millions of refugees flooding europe

It's Exhibit A in how supposedly "open" media and standardized state education function as propaganda.

It's very very very similar to how it's down here in Israel, too, where the IDF enjoys +/-95% approval ratings.

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While I do agree combat vets deserve more respect than regular vets you can't ignore the fact that it's generally less than 1% of the people in the country that join. In fact in America right now according to the dod 0.4% of our population is in the military so I disagree that ONLY combat vets deserve recognition.

the world isn't call of duty
there is literally zero glory in real-world combat

>nothing glorious about violence

This is a common psyop perpetuated by kikes to weaken and soften the general masses. Throughout history, from dawn of humanity to our current era, the only thing that has stayed constant is human propensity towards war. Men are inherently violent creatures and to deny this and propagate the farce of "world peace" is to be a hypocrite and a turbo faggot

Mercenary-Pig Worship is one of the undoings of White America.

Joining ANY Western military force is the ultimate act of cuckholdery and femininity and i always hope that this pitiful mercenaries die a slow and painful death...and i say death because i don't want this mercenary losers to return all fucked up and we have to pay for their medical services, we already have to pay for niggers.

its glorious when they wipe you faggots out

Especially not your miltiary who gets BTFO'd by a fucking loose tire

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peace is good
not dying is good
hurting people is bad

sorry that your retarded ideology made you literally side with evil

Because hating soldiers is boomer level faggotry


over 70 years without a win.....they should be apologizing

Because our military actually enforces world peace. If the USA did not threaten to destroy anyone who performs an unsanctioned military move, Europe would still be killing itself. Our heroes save you all from your retarded ways.

>guy who never saw action offs himself
>cue "till Valhalla" facebook posts

Dude violence is so glorious

>dat filename

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I swear i saw this exact same post along time ago sage faggot

>Why the fuck do burgers glorify their military so damn much? There's nothing glorious about violence.
What a waste. I don't care about the killing. But the Military has nothing to fight right now.

Just thinking this same thing
I respect their commitment and service, but none of them were drafted. They essentially signed up to kill people for pay.
So, respect, but you're not getting my money.

Clapping for soldiers is the same as tipping a waitress. Its the fucking job you signed up for. I ain't giving you more attention, money or respect.


It would be a paradise without the Hawiians.

Because OP is a faggot.
sage goes in the options field!!

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No retard. Look up the word veteran.

If you served in the military, you're a military veteran. If you served in the military and entered combat, you're a combat veteran.

There are military members who would prefer actual combat, but were ordered to perform duties on the mainland. Things like making sure military members are paid, their families taken care of, that the equipment they use and the bombs that drop are paid for etc. are all critical for moral and efficacy.

You've a warped view of reality if you think people who served in the military are less than for simply not having entered combat. Shit, there are military members that deployed eho never saw combat, yet are still considered combat veterans because they COULD HAVE. Undeployed military members COULD HAVE been deployed on a moments notice and seen combat too. If the U.S. wasn't busy policing the world, how many military members would see combat? Zero. You wouldn't have combat veterans, but would still have military veterans who served the country.

Obviously you were never in the military because you're bitching over a non-issue. Most military veterans don't give a fuck about special treatment or recognition.

Wouldn't boarding the plane last be better tho? I've never understood this. Sitting in a plane on the runway before the flight is the worst part

They don't have to squeeze past all the other passengers if they get on first, especially if they're carrying their military backpacks or whatever.

Because they have to protect your entire continent AND Israel. It's a tough job.

If you think the clapping is bad, just wait until you see the discounts and insurance rates they get for being in the military.

I know you Americans never fly anywhere, but when you buy a place ticket it comes with a reserved seat, it's not a fucking bus

traditionally, the people of authority board last and exit first.

Yeah I guess the same reason they let old people first. Still doesn't seem like much of a "privilege"

That's my whole point, if you love the crayon eaters so much let them board last, not first

They risk their lives for a cause. You Cocksuckers are cowards you would never understand. No get back to being raped by those muzzies

This is one aspect of American society I actually respect.


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even then its a 50/50 chance you go to some green fields instead

is it wrong? even here we tend to salute an army man

when Pakis returned our pilot hundreds of thousands of people went to the border ceremony just to see him come back safe from Pakistan. there were firecrackers and the news reporter woman literally started crying when he hugged his mum after crossing the Indo-pak border

I think it's very based

Waste of trips

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yes, i agree with you. last on, first off is the best order for boarding. if you're that important, no one will sit in your seat.

>Why the fuck do burgers glorify their military so damn much?
To compensate for yours.

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Did you get PTSD?

Killing is the last honest profession

Change my mind

>claps in american

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>posting fake quotes

Imagine being triggered by people showing respect to their country's soldiers. Now whether the wars they fight are righteous or not is another discussion, but saying that there's nothing glorious about violence is numale-tier retardation.

the cringiest part of all that shit is it all
comes from this video of norweigan military

they’re not saying “till Vahalla [bro]” they’re saying “to Valhalla” but muttminds in America cant into language

I will (You) this.

>volunteer army

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No but I’m sure to give you some.

This. Fucking tired of the "violence never solved anything" meme

I am a combat veteran and its gay as fuck to call people who didnt get shot at or see combat “pussies” like sure if they deliberately signed up for supply or admin to stay away from combat then maybe but they’re still important in the grand scheme of things and it takes more balls to do that than sit on a Nepalese fly fishing forum and troll about this or that welfare queen.

Getting deployed is just a lottery system. You either get assigned to a unit that deploys in your contract or you don’t, and you either see combat (highly unlikely) or you don’t. Oh no one decided to shoot at you, guess you’re a pussy now! Oh you were assigned a unit that went on a pacific float instead of Iraq, haha you’re a pussy!

Shut the fuck up retard

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Vietnam War late 60s/Early 70s
>Leftist faggots and cowards shit on men returning from Vietnam with PTSD
>Most were drafted
>Many of them poor with no escape
>Protestors were mostly white upper middle class who draft dodged like crazy using deferments
>Same men are ostracized for years in society
>Become homeless and die young, many to suicide

Americans do this out of shame for what leftists did to victimized young men in the 1970s

I'll never let a shitbrains feminist/leftist ever live this down.