America was occupied by Indians before evil white people came and destroyed it.
My ancestors homeland was America. Nothing is illegal on stolen land.
Pic related my great great great great great INDIAN grandfather loving the prairie.
America was occupied by Indians before evil white people came and destroyed it.
My ancestors homeland was America. Nothing is illegal on stolen land.
Pic related my great great great great great INDIAN grandfather loving the prairie.
Tough shit, Indians got conquered.
Cry moar
You know, retard, Indians didn't have horses until they were brought over by the Spaniards. Least useful group of people ever. Gave up land for booze and beads hahaha.
Well done sir.
The first settlers of North America were ancient Nordics. The Indians can well after over the Alaska Siberia land bridge.
Too bad the people you killed for the same land when you crossed from Siberia don't get a say about your red Indian supremacy. They're dead. Perhaps whites were the great spirit's karma on you for the ancient peoples you yourselves murdered?
Your ancestors were useless brainlets. They deserved to be wiped out. It’s a shame you survived. Kys
PS, why do you all talk normally around just each other but if non Indians are around you all start talking like 1950s Hollywood cowboy movie screenwriters
Indians got conquered. I suppose we should return France to the gauls right? And all of the UK to the celts. How far back should we go?
Saying the Indians were here first is no different from saying the Wooly Mammoths were here first. The difference between humans behaving like uncivilized animals and actual animals is a distinction without a difference.
White people are the first real Americans because they created the civilization called America.
End of conversation.