How can society pay back the millennials?

We robbed them of a career, a family, a house, and everything.

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Gas the kikes, end the money printing machine, implement e-democracy.

Fire and deport brown people, especially the college-educated ones who depress the job market and the value of a degree, and give us the jobs they’ve stolen.

I didn't rob anyone. Fuck off.
All fields

>Fire and deport brown people, especially the college-educated ones who depress the job market and the value of a degree, and give us interviews for the jobs they’ve stolen.


Give the option of total student loan forgiveness in exchange for relinquishing access to welfare benefits and social security.

this is why I'm #YangGang2020

Millenials believe boomers just had it easy and everything just fell into their lap. No computers, no cell phones, no video games. Boomers did not get jobs as internet ad sales reps. They were loggers, fishermen and coal miners. Cry more during your 20 hours a week video game habit.

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It was the Federal Reserve and its Monetary Authorities

The CIA and Mossad destroyed the entire world just so the Rothschilds didn't have to work

Military tribunals now

>How can society pay back the millennials?