Why don't white women, and attractive women in general, acknowledge they have the most "privilege" out of everyone...

Why don't white women, and attractive women in general, acknowledge they have the most "privilege" out of everyone? Not even 130 IQ 6'3" chads have that much power.

>Note that this photo is just b8; she's not white or attractive.

Attached: 1551148500470.jpg (945x2048, 238K)

Those buttons are struggling

Attached: 1548521742397.jpg (1536x2048, 316K)

My dick took the bait.
You are still a fag though

True dat.

Attached: 1551150097923.png (1386x791, 1.69M)

She is peak white woman easily

Did she always had such massive milkers? I remember the much smaller. Or is she pregnant?

Child-bearing hips

>Note that this photo is just b8; she's not white or attractive.

I was about to say user, she is a goblin.

They don't mention it because they benefit from their privilege. Society is still male dominated to an extent, and the natural instinct of males is to provide, protect, and care for women. We just keep doing that and women like it and don't want to see their providers leave them.

Attached: cf4cb12fe7e2204d7a6617c87fa57124.jpg (1003x986, 465K)

Attached: ef57031b36805c4645ce338a1af486c7.png (1024x529, 646K)

kys retard